
In archaeology, why are ancient cities and ruins buried deeply? Don't believe it

In archaeology, why are ancient cities and ruins buried deeply? Don't believe it

We often hear that some archaeologists have excavated and found ancient ruins and cities, so in archaeological discoveries, why do we often see that ancient ruins are buried deep underground? With this question, let's take a small editor to briefly understand, in archaeology, why are ancient cities and ruins buried very deeply? Don't believe it!

In archaeology, why are ancient cities and ruins buried deeply? Don't believe it

Generally speaking, the reason for this situation, in general, is that after the collapse or abandonment of artificial buildings for various reasons, artificial soil mating, landfill, and wind deposition in nature, and even intermittent flooding, etc., have caused new soil layers to be superimposed on the waste. So generation after generation, hundreds of thousands of years later, the original ancient city or ruins, naturally buried in the deep ground.

In archaeology, why are ancient cities and ruins buried deeply? Don't believe it

In general, after the collapse or abandonment of artificial buildings due to various reasons, artificial soil mating, landfill, wind deposition in nature, and even intermittent flooding have caused new soil layers to be superimposed on the waste. So generation after generation, hundreds of thousands of years later, the original ancient city or ruins, naturally buried in the deep ground.

In archaeology, why are ancient cities and ruins buried deeply? Don't believe it

It is worth mentioning that every war in history has turned urbanization into a scorched earth. The ensuing hunger, the plague, can also displace large numbers of people. After they left, the original building collapsed, weathered the rain and was buried in the soil. When new residents arrive, a new city is built on it. So the ancient cities and ruins that we can find now are buried in the ground. Have you solved the puzzle after reading it?

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