
Causes and treatment of constipation in babies!

The causes of constipation can be divided into two main categories.

1. Constipation caused by congenital intestinal malformations.

It is generally not curable by conditioning and can only be cured by surgical correction.

Causes and treatment of constipation in babies!

Second, functional constipation: after diet, life and rest and other aspects of conditioning can be cured. Conditioning can be done in the following ways:

1. Eat regularly and avoid eating too many foods with high protein content;

2. Eat more vegetables and fruits rich in fiber;

3. Pay attention to replenishing water;

4. Usually, you can massage the baby's small belly and stomach to promote intestinal peristalsis;

5, let the baby exercise more;

6. Develop the habit of defecating in time.

Causes and treatment of constipation in babies!

Excessive concentration of milk powder will make the baby consume too many calories, protein, etc., increase the gastrointestinal burden, can not be digested and absorbed normally, and it is difficult to defecate.

Parents should strictly prepare milk powder according to the proportion indicated on the formula milk packaging. Put water first, and then put in the corresponding milk powder, in order to ensure that the ratio of milk powder and water is accurate and correct.

Causes and treatment of constipation in babies!

Some parents are afraid that the baby is on fire, and they will add fire treasure when brewing milk powder. This practice will not only lead to an imbalance in the proportion of milk powder, and the nutrients in the milk powder cannot be fully absorbed; it may also lead to low appetite after the baby's spleen and stomach are damaged, affecting growth and development, which is counterproductive.

Qinghuobao contains ingredients such as sucrose, which is a "solid drink" and will increase the risk of obesity in the baby. In addition, some of these ingredients may also cause allergies, causing health risks. Not recommended for babies.

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