
Is Guangxu a normal death? Many historical materials have uncovered the mystery, Cixi or the real murderer behind the scenes

Guangxu is the penultimate emperor of the Qing Dynasty, but also the penultimate emperor of the entire feudal dynasty, Guangxu and Empress Dowager Cixi seem to have a harmonious relationship, in fact, there are many intrigues behind the scenes, even Guangxu's death is related to Cixi.

Regarding the cause of Guangxu's death, there have been controversies in the civil and academic circles for nearly a hundred years, some people say that it is the hand of Yuan Shikai, and some people say that it is the hand of Cixi, but from the perspective of many historical materials and excavated materials, Cixi poisoning Guangxu is a sure thing.

Is Guangxu a normal death? Many historical materials have uncovered the mystery, Cixi or the real murderer behind the scenes

First of all, the first proof is the Oral History of Qi Gong, qi gong's great-grandfather once served Cixi in front of Cixi's palace, and one day he saw a eunuch come out of Cixi and give it to Guangxu with a lid bowl, after which Guangxu suddenly died. All this seems to be such a coincidence, there must be some mystery in it. And Qi Gong himself is the ninth generation grandson of the Yongzheng Emperor, and Guangxu also belongs to relatives, it is not surprising to know some secrets of the Qing Dynasty royal family, he was once a professor at Beijing Normal University, the honorary chairman of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, such a public figure, every sentence he said naturally needs to be considered for a long time, plus qi gong character is recognized as good, so the credibility of this historical material is very high.

The second proof is that Cixi did have a murderous intention towards Guangxu in her later years, because Guangxu did not listen to Cixi's words, especially The Main Battle of Guangxu, the Lord of Cixi and the Penghu Transformation Law, which made Cixi very annoyed. In October 1908, Guangxu wrote in his diary that "Cixi will definitely die before him, then he will kill Yuan Shikai and Li Lianying", but cixi learned of it, so Cixi was furious and said: "I can't die in front of him." ”

Is Guangxu a normal death? Many historical materials have uncovered the mystery, Cixi or the real murderer behind the scenes

The third proof is the "Secret Record of the Diagnosis and Treatment of the Guangxu Emperor", which has a description of the symptoms before Guangxu's death, which is as follows: "Black face, scorched tongue" "Rolling on the bed", which is indeed a symptom of poisoning from the perspective of Chinese medicine, when Guangxu was in the harem, the guards were strict, Guangxu ate things that were also very exquisite on weekdays, it can be seen that he can be poisoned, it must be the person who brought things he trusts, will not hesitate to eat things, resulting in his own poisoning, then such a person in the whole country is not much, Cixi is one of them.

Some people also believe that this matter should be done by Yuan Shikai, but as mentioned above, Guangxu will definitely not easily eat the things that Yuan Shikai sent people to bring, but will first find a little eunuch to try poison, or simply throw away. Because from Guangxu's diary, it can be seen that he has been jealous of Yuan Shikai, such a shrewd Guangxu, it is impossible to make such a low-level mistake, easily eat Yuan Shikai's things, and only Cixi can make Guangxu not have such a great wariness.

Is Guangxu a normal death? Many historical materials have uncovered the mystery, Cixi or the real murderer behind the scenes

In November 2008, Guangxu's remains were excavated, and archaeologists did scientific tests on Guangxu's bones and hair and intimate clothing, and found that they contained arsenic, which proved the speculation that the cause of Guangxu's death was poisoning in the "Secret Record of the Guangxu Emperor". At the same time, combined with the first two proofs mentioned above, it can be fully proved that Guangxu was poisoned by Cixi, which is also the most recognized statement by the people and academic circles at present.

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