
The Tiger Charm can adjust the male soldiers millions, why is no one imitating? Expert: See this word clearly, how to imitate?

Costume TV dramas are particularly popular now, many friends often watch, what are the things that ancient emperors worry about every day? For example, the military parade that just ended on the 70th anniversary of the National Day, China has shown the world our outstanding military strength, displayed national prestige, raised military prestige, and established national self-confidence.

The Tiger Charm can adjust the male soldiers millions, why is no one imitating? Expert: See this word clearly, how to imitate?

In ancient times, we always thought that the highest power of military mobilization was in the hands of the emperor, but in fact, it was not the case, have you heard the phrase "the king will be outside, and the king's order will not be affected"? It first appeared in China's military work "Sun Tzu's Art of War": "The city is not attacked, the land is not disputed, and the king's order is not affected." This means that the generals can go on an expedition without waiting for the monarch's orders to fight again.

Although the purpose is to seize the opportunity on the battlefield, after all, after the emperor understands the situation, he will give the order, and the messenger will rush over, and perhaps our team has "finished playing". But the emperor did not think so, and after a long time, he began to worry about the rebellion of the generals, so the "Tiger Charm" appeared.

The Tiger Charm can adjust the male soldiers millions, why is no one imitating? Expert: See this word clearly, how to imitate?

"Tiger Rune", is the ancient Chinese military symbol, tv series is not a minister rushed to the army camp with a tiger symbol, and the other half of the leading general Tiger Rune a "touch", must be combined, in order to mobilize thousands of troops and horses, the generals only recognize the tiger symbol does not recognize people, your emperor Lao Tzu came, there is no 2 tiger runes, can not call them, the same reason, no matter how powerful the general, do not meet the tiger symbol, can not carry the emperor to mobilize the army.

Since the tiger rune is so powerful, even if you are a beggar, if you gather 2 tiger runes, you can mobilize soldiers and horses and have a chance to rebel, is it possible to imitate it? However, in China's more than 2,000 years of feudal history, there has not been a single case of imitation of the tiger charm, why?

The Tiger Charm can adjust the male soldiers millions, why is no one imitating? Expert: See this word clearly, how to imitate?

Point 1, the Tiger Charm has a unique appearance shape. In Chinese history, the shape of the tiger symbol is not immutable, from the beginning of the Han Dynasty to the Sui Dynasty used the tiger symbol, the Sui Dynasty changed to the Lin symbol, Tang Gaozu to avoid the name of his ancestor Li Hu, changed to the fish symbol or rabbit symbol, and later changed to the turtle symbol, to the Southern Song Dynasty and restored the tiger symbol, it can be seen that the appearance has been changing.

It is not difficult to know what animal it is, but only those who have really seen and touched the tiger rune, and have the opportunity to observe carefully know that the "body" of the tiger symbol has many irregular bumps, uneven heights, different sizes, a bit like the lines on the key we have now, just look at it without touching it, it is more difficult to remember all when you touch it, the emperor and the general can let you touch the tiger symbol every day?

The Tiger Charm can adjust the male soldiers millions, why is no one imitating? Expert: See this word clearly, how to imitate?

Point 2, text. There are inscriptions written on the Qin Dynasty tiger symbols, distributed on the left and right sides, with a total of 12 words: "The rune of the armored soldiers, the right is in the emperor, the left is in the Yangling", the small seal is very difficult to imitate, on the paper may be able to be barely imitated, but the words on the tiger symbol are basically impossible to imitate.

In point 1, it is said that there are many irregular bumps on the back of the tiger symbol, writing on such a tiger symbol, the structure of each word must be changed, and it must be written neatly and correctly, and the "heaven" character in the middle of the tiger symbol of Qin Shi Huang deliberately tilted to the right, who knows if you don't look carefully? It's just too difficult.

The Tiger Charm can adjust the male soldiers millions, why is no one imitating? Expert: See this word clearly, how to imitate?

The third point is more difficult, adding "keepsake". When it developed to the Han Dynasty, in addition to testing the tiger symbol, it was also necessary to have a seal or edict, plus the relics "festival" and "feather", and the edict should clearly write who transferred the troops, how many people to transfer the troops, the purpose of the troops, the time and place of the troops, and finally cover the emperor's jade seal, which is simply a "dynamic password", and the security factor is much higher than the payment code that changes at any time.

The combination of the above 3 points, where some people still imitate the idea of imitating the tiger rune, it is better to find another way out. It is mentioned here that there are indeed people who have "found another way" and succeeded.

The Tiger Charm can adjust the male soldiers millions, why is no one imitating? Expert: See this word clearly, how to imitate?

For example, the Rebellion of the Seven Kingdoms during the Han Dynasty, the Anshi Rebellion of the Tang Dynasty, the Mutiny of Zhao Kuangyin and Chen Qiao of the Song Dynasty, didn't the Tiger Charm not work? The Seven Kingdoms were in chaos, An Lushan rebelled, Zhao Kuangyin rebelled with his henchmen, he did not use the Tiger Charm at all, they had already cultivated a large number of "their own people", plus not all soldiers were only loyal to the emperor, and not following them to rebel was also a dead end, just follow it. So the Tiger Rune is not omnipotent.

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