
Unveiling the mysteries of the secretary's lawyer writing to convey God, using the font of "writing and writing grass", it is written with extra spirit

Unveiling the mysteries of the secretary's lawyer writing to convey God, using the font of "writing and writing grass", it is written with extra spirit.

The font of "xingshu, xingcao" can be written quickly, appears dashing and smooth, and is favored by many friends.

The calligraphy is too rigid, and it is not up to a certain level without hard work, in contrast, the cursive font of the line, when practicing the word, I feel unusually relaxed, and I feel very interested, to put it in layman's terms, that is, to practice vigorously and fun.

However, one precious thing is often overlooked: the look and momentum of the word, which is always forgotten by us. The purpose of writing is to convey the gods, and the precious essence of the ancient inheritance lies in the divine power of the word, if you just blindly practice the strokes and structure, and do not ponder the divine power of the word, you cannot write well.

Here are some examples of how to write so eloquently. The word "god" is too mysterious, and it should be said to be "spiritual", in other words, how to write is spiritual.

Speaking of this, we cannot but contact the structural knowledge of the script, if we completely abandon the script, and simply practice the rapid writing and grass, often practice erratically, the words are not formed.

In fact, it is not without any connection with the script, just look at some example words in the following figure:

Unveiling the mysteries of the secretary's lawyer writing to convey God, using the font of "writing and writing grass", it is written with extra spirit

The "An" word in the figure, the red font belongs to the script, carefully look at its structure, you can find that the internal space is very tight, and the external space is very loose, which is called "inner tight outer loose", or "small inside and large outside" (small internal space, large external space).

However, many people always pay no attention to this principle and always love the space of "even distribution" of the word. Even wrote the opposite, the internal space is written too large, look at the wrong number of the "An" word in the picture, of course, this is an exaggeration, indicating this meaning. It's not okay to average the space, so remember: the interior space is tightened!

However, this is not so easy to handle, and you have to rely on another magic weapon: the main writer. Because there is no role of the "main pen", the inner and outer space is not easy to achieve tightness and looseness. Just said "An" word, the main pen is the middle of the long horizontal, must be written very clearly, to "put" open writing, to the outside of the word to open, extend, to exceed all other strokes, in order to show the leading role of the main pen, writing long, it means that the "external space" extended and broadened, so as to relatively shrink the internal space.

This is not enough, in order to truly reflect the "tight inside and loose outside", there is still one thing to be done: the "second pen" is converged, and it cannot be "only put and not collected". Many people may know that the main writer should let go of writing, but they forget to converge on other secondary strokes, and the final words written are still not spiritual.

The second pen "receives" has two meanings: one is to write "short", which is very easy. The second is to move closer to the center of gravity of the word, which is not easy, because many people do not know where the center of gravity of the word is (not in the middle of the word, not in the center of the field grid), but in the middle of the slightly upper left, so that the written word will convey the gods.

Below, let's see how to "put" the main pen and "close" the secondary pen, giving some example words:

Unveiling the mysteries of the secretary's lawyer writing to convey God, using the font of "writing and writing grass", it is written with extra spirit

Looking closely at the example characters in the above figure, it is not difficult to find that whether it is a script or a cursive font, each word almost puts the center of gravity on the upper left of the entire word, that is, it seems that the upper left of the whole word is slightly tighter, and the lower right is slightly looser.

This kind of situation is completed by the release of the main pen and the receipt of the second pen.

In this way, practicing words, practicing calligraphy or practicing calligraphy and cursive can we truly write out the charm and write the gods.

This is the precious thing that the ancients passed on to us, which can be summed up as: "the lord puts the second harvest", "the inside is tight and the outer is loose", which is the practice secret book summed up by the calligraphy of the spirit fly.

Knowing this truth, practicing calligraphy and grass can be handy and easy to move:

Unveiling the mysteries of the secretary's lawyer writing to convey God, using the font of "writing and writing grass", it is written with extra spirit

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