
Is it really because of being beaten because of being backward? Major General Jin Yinan: If you have money and poor resistance, then rob you

Major General Jin Yinan is the director of the Institute of Strategic Studies of the National Defense University and a very high-level lecturer. About last year, I saw a video of him online about China's modern history. I have always had a high tear point, but I actually cried.

I don't know the past, I can't learn from the future. Major General Jin Yinan, from a completely new perspective, has sorted out the history of China from the Opium War in 1840 to the founding of New China, and has grasped the essence of historical events at once.

Is it really because of being beaten because of being backward? Major General Jin Yinan: If you have money and poor resistance, then rob you

Let people clearly see the ills of modern China: for example, where is the "national consciousness" of the Chinese people, and what our ancestors did for the founding of New China.

I think it's very important for today's young people to get to know about it.

In this way, when we watch movies such as "Eight Hundred" and "King Kong Chuan", we can find the objective basis and position of evaluation.

Some of the truths are actually very simple, but because of the inertia of thinking, we never think about it, and Jin Yinan directly broke it.

For example, this is the topic mentioned in the title.

We often think that we are beaten because we are poor. But in fact, this is not the case, rich and "weak" will be beaten.

If we don't improve our physique, we will continue to be beaten.

First, a hundred years of war

Recently, there have been people who have been correcting one of our misconceptions online, that is—

China at the end of the Qing Dynasty was not particularly poor. The poor are only the common people, and the emperor and officials are very rich. At the very least, Cixi personally owned much more jewelry than the Queen of England.

Is it really because of being beaten because of being backward? Major General Jin Yinan: If you have money and poor resistance, then rob you

However, in the first Opium War, britain used only 28 warships and more than 10,000 soldiers to beat China down

。 The "Eight-Nation Alliance" sounds huge, but in fact, in the Second Opium War, they only produced more than 25,000 people.

The Qing Dynasty did not have a strong army, let alone a scientific management system. Therefore, the arsenals opened by the Qing Dynasty themselves were all crap. After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, the Republic of China was ushered in. However, it soon fell into the vortex of decades-long war. Science and technology are not developed, military strength is not strong, and people's hearts and minds are still not aligned.

In the period of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, during the Second Battle of Songhu, we could still see the Kuomintang troops, holding red guns and large blades, to the front line to resist Japan! Looking at the foreign guns and cannons of the Japanese army invading China, Chinese all of them were carried with flesh and blood.

China has almost a national army, with 700,000 to 800,000 troops, but it cannot defeat 200,000 or 300,000 people in small Japan. Was it because China was poorer than Japan? Not necessarily. Mainly there are people who are bent on civil war, they do not have time, nor are they willing to develop science and technology to enhance the overall military strength.

Is it really because of being beaten because of being backward? Major General Jin Yinan: If you have money and poor resistance, then rob you

In fact, the Japanese at that time were the real poor eggs. They made three rice shortages, and they had to forcibly occupy the three eastern provinces to have rice to eat.

How poor were the Japanese back then? The family members of the anti-Japanese heroes said,

Nippon Oniko

When I arrived in China, I didn't dare to eat pork from Chinese farmers at first.

Do you think they are kind? Not! Because

They were so poor in their hometown that they couldn't eat white rice, and they had little chance to eat meat. The pork oil and water are big, and as soon as they eat it, they pull it out!

They took the reparations from the Chinese side of the Sino-Japanese War to develop the military, and they had the intention of robbing China as robbers. Therefore, China is not beaten because it is too poor, but precisely because China is richer than Japan and "weak in physique."

Second, the rich and "weak" "fat sheep"

Major General Kim Il Nam once said something very good, he said: Is it because of the real beating because of backwardness? You see the beggars on the street, so poor that they have nothing, and someone robs the beggars? Whoever is really robbed, who has money and poor resistance, then rob you.

Is it really because of being beaten because of being backward? Major General Jin Yinan: If you have money and poor resistance, then rob you

The reality is that the bandits only kidnap the rich, not ordinary people. From the perspective of China's history, the demise of the Song Dynasty, which was economically powerful and led the world in science and technology and productivity, is a typical example.

Because the Song Dynasty had money, the surrounding Liao and Jin kingdoms always wanted to come and rob them. Due to the weakness of the Song Dynasty,

I always think that no money can solve the problem. Thinking that he had cleverly taken advantage of the northern regime through the trade deficit, the result was disguised as a weakness to foreign enemies, which laid the groundwork for the subsequent beating.

How did the people of the Liao and Jin kingdoms view the Song people? Yes, your economy and culture are more advanced and developed than ours. Yes, we can't do anything with you guys in business. However, we can start a war and rob directly south. Anyway, as long as there is a war, you will apologize, send a lot of gold and silver treasures, and cut the land and ask for peace.

Is it really because of being beaten because of being backward? Major General Jin Yinan: If you have money and poor resistance, then rob you

So, both in ancient times and in modern times. In international exchanges, if you are only showing your wealth and not being able to show your muscles and fists, then you can only become a "fat sheep" to be slaughtered.

Who will really be "robbed"? It is those who are not willing to strengthen their own strength, but also afraid of war, afraid that showing their muscles and fists will offend the "foreign lords". In addition to this, there are those who do not have collectivist ideas and family complexes.

In the past, Chinese did not know what a country was, limited to various reasons, and did not have the ability to "open their eyes and see the world". Therefore, when the Eight-Power Alliance came, the foreigners could not find the way, as long as they gave money, they became the leading party. Foreigners take a look: Chinese so ignorant, I don't hit you to hit anyone?

Is it really because of being beaten because of being backward? Major General Jin Yinan: If you have money and poor resistance, then rob you

A person living in a collective should consciously and consciously defend his own collective. Unite against the bandit enemy. From 1840 to 1949, in the more than one hundred years, how many battles China fought, how many people died, how many suffered, and finally found a faith and established the current new China.

Chinese people have ended a hundred years of suffering and have a new glory, all of which stem from the dedication and sacrifice of countless martyrs. Moreover, today's China is not only rich but also powerful. Only in this way can the jackals, tigers and leopards be daunted.


Finally, let's return to the theme and talk about what kind of talent will be "robbed". A big fat man who is "rich" but "physically weak", who looks like he has no combat effectiveness and no weapons, is easily regarded as a "fat sheep" by robbers.

Some people say what if this person can do martial arts, like a hero? When the hero is physically strong, one or two small robbers will rob him, and they will not succeed. However, if he is old and frail, or because he has money, he will lose his life and does not want to fight with people, the robber can rob successfully.

So there are two kinds of people who are "robbed": first, people who are rich but do not look strong and have poor defenses; second, people who are rich but do not have the determination to fight with robbers. This is true of a person, and it is true of a country.

Is it really because of being beaten because of being backward? Major General Jin Yinan: If you have money and poor resistance, then rob you

As for more truths, Major General Jin Yinan explained it very thoroughly in his book "Suffering and Glory".

It will tell you what China has really experienced in those hundred years, what kind of mistakes it has made, and what kind of humiliation this ancient country has suffered for a hundred years. What kind of faith and will finally truly saved China?

Don't forget the past, the teacher of the future.

I think it is the duty of every Chinese to learn our history seriously, to draw the profound lessons of those blood and tears, and to look at our present and look to the future in a correct way.

In the card below is Major General Jin Yinan's "Misery and Glory", which you can click to buy. After reading, you will understand the nature of many problems.

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