
Senior U.S. military officials hope that the Chinese army will always be "millet plus rifle" Jin Yinan: it is simply funny and hegemonic thinking

author:The People's Liberation Army News and Communication Center integrates the media

Source: Yangguang Military, People's Liberation Army News and Communication Center Rong Media Author: Zhou Yuting

For some time, US military officials have been constantly concocting the so-called "China threat theory", and now some people have brought similar arguments into US colleges and universities to continue to speculate. According to a number of US media reports, on November 12, local time, Mark Milley, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, visited Duke University and delivered a speech saying that although the United States still has the strongest military force in the world, the Pentagon must change the way it fights, and if it does not accelerate the pace of change, it will lose its military superiority. In his speech, Milley also highlighted China's rapid development in naval, missile and nuclear capabilities in recent years, especially the "hypersonic weapons" similar to China's test this summer, which are extremely fast and the United States will be unable to defend. According to the content of the on-site Q&A, a number of US media directly said in the report that "Milley believes that China is the biggest military threat to the United States." What exactly is the intention of some US politicians to confuse the public opinion and continue to hype up the so-called "China threat theory"? If the development of other countries is the biggest threat, then what is the basis for the "security concept" of the United States? Please pay attention to the "National Defense Time and Space" - South Military Forum.

Senior U.S. military officials hope that the Chinese army will always be "millet plus rifle" Jin Yinan: it is simply funny and hegemonic thinking

Mark Milley, Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, visits Duke University and delivers a speech (Source: Duke University)

Zhou Yuting: According to US media reports, Millie spoke to the students, staff, military and campus visitors at Duke University on the same day, and in the on-site Q&A session, when some people questioned "how big is China's threat and what measures the United States is taking to deal with it", Millikin first claimed that "the United States still has the best military power." But then the conversation turned sharply: "If the US military does not fundamentally change its combat methods, operational principles, and research and development procurement, and does not embark on a faster path, then the US military will lose its military dominance and will be very dangerous." At the same time, he also mentioned that the Chinese military is undergoing overhaul, developing a "blue-water navy" to challenge the U.S. Navy, and that China has also developed missile and nuclear capabilities. Therefore, the United States needs to pay close attention to China. Some foreign media commented that the real reason why Millie and others "incited panic" was to pave the way for the United States to spend trillions of dollars on super weapons in the future. Professor Yinan, what do you think of Millie's repeated repetition of the so-called "China threat theory" to hype up?

Jin Yinan: I think that when Millie said this, he had a consideration and intention. On the one hand, he wants to ask the US Congress for money, resources, manpower, status, and treatment by playing up the so-called "threat" that the United States cannot effectively contain China; on the other hand, it may also be due to Millikin's personal needs. When the "China threat theory" was rampant in the United States, he was the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, and some time ago, he was strongly attacked by the US media because he had two secret phone calls with senior Chinese military leaders to ensure that the United States would not launch attacks on China and take any military strikes. Some people doubted whether he was an agent who had infiltrated the US military, and he made many excuses for this, and he also made a relatively strong explanation in the Congress. But he only did this, and it is estimated that it is not enough to pass the pass. Because he still wants to be re-elected chairman of the next Session of the All-China Federation of Representatives, he must now do his best to clear away the suspicion of "pro-China."

In fact, as a senior leader of the US military, it is simply a figment of his mind to want to be "pro-China", but since the US media has made such speculations, his desire to whitewash himself is very strong, and Milley tries to show that his attitude toward China is very tough by rendering the "China threat theory". These people like Millie are actually American politicians. People in both the US military and political circles must find a way to say in order to strive for their own status and interests, and "talking about China" is their usual rhetoric.

Zhou Yuting: It seems that behind Millie's remarks, there are not only political factors, but also his personal consideration of seeking re-election. In addition, according to US media reports, When Duke University professor Pfeiffer asked Milly at the scene why he considered China to be the "biggest military threat" to the United States in the next few decades, Milley said, "The rise of [China] in economic growth, economic power and system in the past 40 years is rare in history, and this is a fact." With the rise of the economy, the military has transformed from a peasant-based army into a very advanced army that can operate in all areas of space, network, land, sea, seabed and air." Some netizens left a message saying: "The implication of this dialogue is that the reason why China will become the 'biggest threat' is because China is developing. "Professor Yinan, is striving to develop the economy and improve the living standards of the people the common pursuit of all sovereign countries in the world? While developing the economy, it needs a strong military backing to escort it, so why can't the United States understand such an obvious truth?

Jin Yinan: Milley said that China is developing from a traditional "millet plus rifle", mainly an army based on the army, into an army that is composed of various arms and services and has mastered high-tech weapons. They very much hope that the Chinese army will always be an army of "millet plus rifles", always the so-called army composed mainly of peasants in their eyes. Chinese when the People's Volunteer Army crossed the Yalu River to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Commander Peng Dehuai said that we are "one army fighting three armies." At that time, shortly after the founding of New China, our army only had the ability to move on the ground, and there was no way to do anything in the air, nor could it do it at sea. After watching the movie "Chosin Lake", you can fully feel how many casualties the US air superiority brought to us at that time. That is why we will not allow this situation to recur in the future, and we must develop a modern military force, which we are doing step by step today.

The U.S. military has long been a modern army, having been like this before World War II, and even at the time of World War I, it already had great air and sea power. The U.S. military has been more advanced than China for decades, hundreds of years, and we are catching up, and we are making up lessons. But this is simply not allowed by the United States, which wants its opponent to always be a backward, primitive army, and it does not want any one adversary to master modern armed forces. In fact, it wants not only its adversaries, but also the strength of the armies of its friendly neighbors, to be much behind it. From these aspects, we can fully see the face of American hegemony. The so-called security of the United States means that all countries must be weak, and only when the United States is strong, the United States is safe; all other countries are divided and strifeed, and only if the United States is unified, it is safe. This extremely narrow hegemonic ideology of the United States has no foothold in today's 21st century. We will never plan our affairs according to the situation that the Americans want, and we must strive for the reunification of the country.

In addition, as a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, we also have the responsibility to maintain regional security, we must maintain security in East Asia, and we also bear the responsibility of maintaining world peace and international order. These responsibilities determine that we must have the ability to fulfill our responsibilities. When it comes to capabilities, it includes capabilities in the air, on the surface, underwater, in space and other fields, and we must have such capabilities. There is a so-called Anti-Monopoly Act in the United States, and it must oppose any monopolistic behavior it considers. We must not let the US GPS monopoly, can not let the European "Galileo" monopoly, so we must develop our Beidou satellite system, we also want to anti-monopoly. No one in the world can monopolize security, no one can monopolize space, no one can monopolize the ocean, and no one can monopolize the seabed, so that there can be real world peace.

Senior U.S. military officials hope that the Chinese army will always be "millet plus rifle" Jin Yinan: it is simply funny and hegemonic thinking

Data chart: The "Malabar-2021" joint military exercise participated by the United States, Japan, India and Australia (Source: Global Network)

Zhou Yuting: The so-called "security concept" of the United States is a kind of wishful thinking that violates the objective laws of the world. At Duke University, Milley also claimed that the PLA is an army with at least "regional ambitions" and "global ambitions" to realize China's national dream. Clear-eyed people can see that China has been actively practicing the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind with practical actions, advocating win-win cooperation and abandoning the zero-sum game concept of you win and me losing. On the other hand, the United States is afraid that the world will not be chaotic, and it is actually clear who is threatening the world.

Jin Yinan:

That is true. As we all know, the United States gained unprecedented rights by relying on World War I and World War II. It is precisely through World War I and World War II that the Opponents of the United States and its allies have been completely defeated that it can form a situation of "one superpower and hegemony.". After World War II, the U.S. military became the world's most powerful military force, and the United States became the world's largest industrial manufacturer. In the early years after World War II, U.S. manufacturing accounted for more than 50 percent of the world's manufacturing industry, a very large proportion. So how much is it now? It's now below 18 percent. We should note that the status of the United States after World War II was abnormal, and it made full use of the opportunity of the great readjustment of the international order and forces to complete the rise of the United States of America by taking advantage of the world war. Today, the world is moving from abnormal to normal, and is now moving from an abnormal "one super hegemony" or two powers to a multipolar world. A multipolar world is a normal world. All the problems that are now arising in the United States are caused by its own serious inadaptability in the process of changing from "one super hegemony" to multipolarization. It can be seen from this that the American imperial dream is difficult to realize, and no one can stop the trend of multipolarization in the future world, and it is slowly advancing toward multipolarization, and it is only a matter of time before it is completely realized. We in China do not want to dominate the world, we just want to be a pole in the world. China's becoming a pole in the world can only be conducive to the balance of the world, the balance of security, the balance of development, and the balance of forces, which will only benefit the diversity of world civilizations, truly achieve peace, and truly achieve peace in the world.

(Produced by the Central Broadcasting Military and People's Liberation Army News and Communication Center)

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