
From Jin Yinan's torture of the soul: Restoring the original appearance of the Yuanmingyuan, can we forget it?

Every time I listened to Major General Jin Yinan's speech, I felt that he was "too dare to say it."

He is good at accurately grasping the key nodes of the event under the broad vision of history, and explaining the otherwise complex issues clearly and clearly.

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A while ago, someone proposed to rebuild the Yuanmingyuan, and Major General Jin Yinan said in his speech: Restore the original appearance of the Yuanmingyuan, can we forget it? It should be left there in the image of a ruined wall, so that future generations can remember this pain.

From Jin Yinan's torture of the soul: Restoring the original appearance of the Yuanmingyuan, can we forget it?

This is because we have been humiliated for too long and too long, and we have only been washing away the shame of snow for 70 years. The period from 1900 to 2020 was a cycle in which the great powers that blackmailed us for compensation are still clamoring for compensation from us.


Forgetting history is not only equal to betrayal, forgetting that history, we are in danger of being beaten at any time!

First, the darkest moment of the Chinese nation

How can we forget that in the Second Opium War of 1860, the Anglo-French coalition army used only

More than 27,000 people invaded the eastern outskirts of Beijing.

Burned to this "Garden of Ten Thousand Gardens" that cost the Qing Dynasty several generations of manpower and material resources.

The royal garden was built from 46 years in the Kangxi Dynasty and took 151 years until it was burned down. For more than a hundred years, the Western world has been developing science and technology, but China's emperors have rejected science and lived a drunken and dreamy life.

40 years later in 1900

On August 3, the Eight-Power Coalition, a total of 18,811 men, set out from Tianjin and entered the city of Beijing in only ten days.

Cixi and the Guangxu Emperor fled in the early morning of August 4.

The 150,000 or 60,000 Qing Dynasty garrisons in Beijing, plus the 500,000 or 600,000 Boxers outside the city, could not defeat the "red hairs" of less than 20,000.

From Jin Yinan's torture of the soul: Restoring the original appearance of the Yuanmingyuan, can we forget it?

No wonder the Newspapers of Macao at that time said: China's equipment is the weakest and most useless weapon in the world, and 700,000 soldiers can be used by less than a thousand people, and the country is almost like paper paste.

So a Briton said: This is an advertisement that China has put up all over the world, telling everyone that "there is a rich country here that is willing to pay but does not want to fight." This is as if to tell others: Come, come to China in the East to rob. The people here are all weak and afraid of death, but they are rich and oily.

This is an era of bloodlessness. Re-reading history makes us realize that the backwardness of modern China is not only due to armament and science. In fact, it is also because we have "lost our bones"!

I can't imagine which dynasty in China's successive foreign wars is more humiliating than China in the Qing Dynasty! But when

When we thought it was the Qing Dynasty that humiliated us, we overthrew it, but found that the people we lost seemed to be far from enough?

In the September 18 Incident, the Japanese Kou used only 10,900 men to make the 200,000 men of the Northeast Army retreat without a fight. In the July 7 Incident, the Japanese Kou fought against 100,000 Chinese people with 7800, and captured northern China in one month. No wonder the Japanese clamored for China to perish within three months.

From Jin Yinan's torture of the soul: Restoring the original appearance of the Yuanmingyuan, can we forget it?

Who gave the impression that the Chinese rulers of the time were weak and incompetent? As soon as the Qing Dynasty encountered something, it immediately announced the indemnity for the cession of land. Later, when the Kuomintang came to power, the first thing he did after being beaten by the Japanese was to go to the international community to "cry poor." It is just hoped that through the battle of the "Four Elements Warehouse", it will be "sold miserably" and the intervention of the League of Nations will be obtained.

All of this is so real and painful that even if it is just to recall, it feels like it is about to suffocate. Because of the loss of bloodiness, because of the loss of bones.

The Chinese civilization, the world's longest-lived ancient civilization, was almost broken because of this.

Compared with such a painful lesson, the reconstruction of the "Garden of Ten Thousand Circles" seems completely unnecessary. It is better to let it stay there forever in the posture of a broken wall, and let the alarm bells of history sound forever!

Second, the "earth fire" is burning

In fact, I don't think it is a pleasant thing to listen to Major General Kim Il Nam's speech. On the contrary, every time I listen to his speech, I feel sorry for our country's past

Just like when I was a child, I took a history class and didn't like to listen to the teacher talk about what happened in the Qing Dynasty.

But when I grew up, I realized that avoiding history does not change the fact that it once existed.

From Jin Yinan's torture of the soul: Restoring the original appearance of the Yuanmingyuan, can we forget it?

Those scars have always been there, and we can't forget the pain just because the scars are good. So every time I watched the video, I especially wanted to go to Jin Yinan's speech to see it. But I didn't find the manuscript, but I found his "Suffering and Glory".

When Major General Jin Yinan gave his speech, his voice was not too loud, his expression was not exaggerated, and he could not talk about full of emotions. But because the content of his speech was too real and cruel, everyone who heard it was moved.

Probably in recent decades, for the first time, someone dared to speak in such a passionate tone and speak in a righteous and stern manner. Therefore, some people can't wait to stand up, all kinds of provocations, nitpicking.

One of them, a professor named Yang Kuisong, wrote a "big long story" and criticized Major General Kim Il Nam's book well.

Professor Yang is a rigorous scholar, but in my opinion, he is a little confused and a little bit of a wordcut. Professor Yang mistakenly regarded Major General Jin Yinan's book as an academic work, but in fact it was a popular work of history.

But afterwards I found out because

Professor Yang's critical article was published in 2011, and Major General Kim Il Nam's "Misery and Glory" was revised in 2015, and a bibliography was added later.

From Jin Yinan's torture of the soul: Restoring the original appearance of the Yuanmingyuan, can we forget it?

Counting down, this book has been popular for 11 years since it was first published in 2009. However, Major General Jin Yinan is still constantly revising it, and his rigorous attitude is evident.

I casually flipped through the contents of the new edition and found that this book was a little different from the original imagination. Because while singing the praises of the spirit of the Red Army, Major General Jin Yinan did not deliberately avoid some problems during the Long March.

The descriptions in the book are not as deliberately biased towards one side as others say. Because

By the time of the founding ceremony, many of the personnel who had served in the Kuomintang were already generals of our army.

Our Party is more progressive than the Kuomintang. Of course, this progress has also grown step by step. For example, Major General Jin Yinan mentioned this problem in his book: At the beginning, the Soviet Union was optimistic about the Kuomintang.

Our party initially studied the foreigners' set, but found that it did not work at all, and later changed to the "soil" road to great success.

Therefore, Major General Jin Yinan's description of the growth of the party can be regarded as very objective.

From Jin Yinan's torture of the soul: Restoring the original appearance of the Yuanmingyuan, can we forget it?

In Major General Kim Il Nam's speech, there are also many such historical details.

These things are either difficult to see in previous books of the same kind, or have always existed in some highly scholarly but difficult monographs

Coupled with the fact that the content of this book involves more than 300 historical celebrities, the amount of information is indeed a little large, so it is no wonder that Dr. Kissinger watched the documentary and asked Major General Jin Yinan to read it.

With such rich details, if you read a historical monograph written by Professor Yang, I am afraid that ordinary people will fall asleep before they see the "key points"

。 However, Major General Jin Yinan has the ability to throw out these interesting and real historical details to attract readers. This is worth learning from all documentary literary creators.


From 1840 to the founding of New China, it was 109 years, and it took Chinese more than a hundred years to get rid of the humiliation of the past, but the time for us to stand up was not very long. The difficulty and bitterness of the process is like the same Yuanmingyuan that was burned down.

The ruins and broken walls left by history can be repaired, but the pain cannot be forgotten.

In this hundred years or so, we have lost "bones" and "bloody". Later, under the correct leadership of our Party, we got everything back through the war of 1950.

From Jin Yinan's torture of the soul: Restoring the original appearance of the Yuanmingyuan, can we forget it?

When MacArthur was clamoring to beat China back to the Stone Age, new China was founded less than a year ago. No guns, no cannons, no planes, no tanks,

What is it that has made the once weak Chinese undergo earth-shaking changes and created the miracles of modern military history?

People who are interested in this and want to quickly understand this history suggest that they all read Major General Jin Yinan's "Suffering and Glory". The book has a very detailed interpretation of these,

After reading this book, you will not only have a new understanding of China's modern history, but also understand the nature of many problems. The card below is Major General Jin Yinan's "Misery and Glory", interested friends, you can click to buy.

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