
The United States claims that its nuclear forces have been greatly weakened in the face of China and Russia, and Jin Yinan: I should strengthen the independent research and development of core technologies

author:Shangguan News

Recently, the U.S. defense one website published an article by Barry Pavel, director of the Scowcroft Center for Strategic and Security at the Atlantic Council, and Assistant Director Christian Trotty, which discussed the impact of the new military revolution on U.S. strategic nuclear forces. Nuclear weapons are no longer sufficient to maintain U.S. strategic deterrence. Especially in the face of high technology in China and Russia, the deterrent power of the US Trinity nuclear force has been greatly weakened. So, is this really the case? In the wave of new military changes in the world, who is more threatened? Please pay attention to the "National Defense Time and Space" - South Military Forum.

Zhou Yuting:

A few days ago, the website of the authoritative US military media "Defense No. 1" published an article discussing the impact of the new military revolution on the US strategic nuclear forces. The old model of strategic nuclear deterrence is increasingly threatened by a range of new military technologies, including hypersonic missiles, advanced missile defense systems, and non-kinetic cyberattacks. As far as individual technologies are concerned, these technologies are powerful, but if they are combined, they will completely change the way great powers deter and wage wars. In particular, the article emphasizes that the second new military revolution in strategic forces will undermine the long-standing paradigm of nuclear deterrence and alter the balance of power between the United States, Russia, and China. Advanced Russian and Chinese air defense systems are already challenging the stealth capabilities of U.S. strategic bombers. It is time for the United States to act not only to maintain the powerful nuclear modernization program of the nuclear trinity, but also to develop a new strategic power structure so that it can continue to maintain its deterrent position in the future so that no adversary will dare to act rashly. Professor Yinan, how do you analyze the so-called "conclusion that the United States has been challenged by China and Russia to strengthen its deterrence" put forward in this article?

Jin Yinan: I think that the point of view of the article needs to be analyzed from two aspects. On the one hand, the article's point of view is a view that most US security research centers and national defense research centers have repeatedly advocated, that is, the national security, military strength and national defense of the United States are threatened. Today, the United States has the most powerful nuclear force in the world, but the article says that the nuclear power of the United States Trinity has been greatly weakened. So, who is the main influence? The article said that it is because of the development of China and Russia, which has weakened the U.S. Trinity nuclear force. We may wish to compare the national defense costs from the perspective of china and Russia's one-year defense expenditures, which are not even one-third of the annual defense expenditure of the United States, not to mention that the material, technical, and scientific and technological conditions of the United States are much more powerful than those of China and Russia. In this case, the United States says that its trinity of nuclear power has been greatly weakened. Obviously, this is some Americans who want to fight for money and resources from Congress, from politicians, and for more orders for the US military and the military industry. On the other hand, the United States also has to admit that its existing nuclear weapons are indeed insufficient to maintain the strategic nuclear deterrence of the United States. Why? This is because new technologies are proliferating. What does the new technology include? In fact, the article on the website has already listed, such as hypersonic missiles, advanced missile defense systems and non-kinetic cyber attacks. In fact, at present, the threat to nuclear deterrence in the world is far more than these aspects, such as information operations, informationized armies, digital links, big data, artificial intelligence, unmanned systems, unmanned aerial vehicles, unmanned boats, unmanned tanks, these unmanned systems have been widely used. For example, in recent conflicts in the Middle East, including U.S. campaigns against Iraq and Iran, as well as the widespread use of targeted killing operations in Afghanistan. In the process of implementing these actions, face recognition systems and big data technologies have been applied. The widespread application of these new technologies has posed a great threat to traditional nuclear deterrence.

In fact, today's China and Russia are facing such problems. In big data, artificial intelligence, unmanned systems, bioengineering, face recognition, in these new technology fields, the United States is still ahead of other countries. Therefore, being threatened is not the first thing that the United States should consider, but the first consideration that other countries should consider, because the Americans are applying these new technologies to the military, which has posed a huge threat to the security of other countries and led to the failure of the original nuclear deterrent of other countries. Therefore, this should be the first issue for China and Russia to consider, not the first for the United States.

Yes, many facts show that the United States, which "says that other countries threaten it all day long," is the world's largest source of cyberattacks. According to China's National Internet Emergency Response Center, in 2020 alone, about 52,000 computer malware programs located abroad controlled servers, controlling about 5.31 million computer hosts in China. In addition, the 360 report also shows that the CIA's cyber attack organization "APT-C-39" has carried out 11 years of cyber infiltration attacks on key areas such as China's aerospace, scientific research institutions, oil industry, large Internet companies and government agencies, seriously damaging China's national security, economic security and critical infrastructure security, as well as the security of personal information of the general public. So as netizens said, the United States is always good at reversing black and white, the evil people sue first, and now what should really be highly vigilant is the new round of attacks that the United States may launch against us.

Kim Yinan: Yes, when the United States talks about the threat that others may pose, it is actually carrying out threatening actions. And the United States has never sought to compete fairly with its rivals, and it hopes that it must be one to two generations ahead of the technology of the other side. Therefore, it is very sensitive and vigilant about the technological progress of China, Russia and other countries in information technology, big data and artificial intelligence today. The United States always feels that these things are all its own, only it can have, only the United States in terms of technology to pose a threat to other countries, and other countries can not have the relevant technology. For example, the U.S. sanctions against China's Huawei company are not against Huawei itself, but against the progress of China's Huawei company in information technology. We can see today that since the advent of the Internet, all the hardware, networks, terminal servers, chips, and operating systems of the Internet have been controlled by the United States. If its computer operating system and computer hardware are widely used in the private sector of other countries, applied to the government work departments of other countries, and the scientific research departments of other countries, including the banking and financial systems of other countries, the United States can instantly paralyze the society of other countries by manipulating the backdoors of these hardware and software. In addition, the United States can also destroy the communication networks, economic networks, transportation networks, financial networks and even people's livelihood systems of other countries, and the degree of harm is unimaginable. Of course, if the U.S. system is also widely used by the competitor's military, the U.S. system can paralyse the competitor's military system by the way. It can be seen that the United States has been clamoring for half a day, in fact, it is posing the greatest potential threat to the security of other countries. In today's society, the atomic bombs of nuclear deterrence are placed in the warehouse and in the basement, which cannot be used, but these information technologies and high-tech technologies can be used every day, and this "sword of Damocles" hangs above our heads and may fall at any time.

Indeed, in the future, only by strengthening independent research and development and controlling core technologies can we resist the new type of war that the United States may launch against us at any time.

Jin Yinan: It is like this, in the current situation, don't say that others are ahead of the United States, even if they keep up with it and get close to it, the United States will feel very panicked. Because the United States believes that all these things are used to control others. But when we develop our nuclear counterattack capability, its deterrent to us is ineffective. In the future, we must be in the unmanned system, whether it is a drone, an unmanned boat, a variety of unmanned equipment, including robot systems, bioengineering, big data, face recognition, etc., these scientific and technological systems, including our underlying network and computer hardware, mobile phone hardware and operating system, in these aspects to strengthen investment, continue to be strong, we can effectively maintain our security. We must strengthen our defenses, keep our various elements from being destroyed, and ensure our peaceful development; this is one of the most basic requirements for us.

Column Editor-in-Chief: Zhang Wu Text Editor: Cheng Pei Caption Source: Zhu Xuan Photo Editor: Su Wei

Source: Author: Yangguang Military

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