
When an American general visited in 1998, Jin Yinan in the corner did not say a word, but he held back a big move

author:Amnesia parenting

Jin Yinan is more like a scholar than a general.

When an American general visited in 1998, Jin Yinan in the corner did not say a word, but he held back a big move

Since 1972, the 20-year-old Jin Yinan devoted himself to the military career, in the case of the country as a whole, the army is also focused on construction, Jin Yinan saw through this very early on, which also determined his development direction.

He can think of many things that others can't think of.

Looking at the various awards he has won, such as "Outstanding Professional and Technical Personnel", "Representative of the All-Army Heroic Model Congress", "National Model Teacher", etc., it can be seen that he has always been immersed in the study of strategic direction.

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When an American general visited in 1998, Jin Yinan in the corner did not say a word, but he held back a big move.

Jin Yinan's father, Jin Rubak, participated in the Long March of the Red Army, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, and was also a founding general, serving as vice president of the People's Court and president of the People's Liberation Army Military Court.

Jin Yinan, who received his father's education since he was a child, has always had the idea of joining the army and serving the country in his mind.

However, when he joined the army, he was completely different from when his father joined the army, since the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was over, China was only facing "risks", and it was difficult to break out large-scale wars, especially in local operations.

When an American general visited in 1998, Jin Yinan in the corner did not say a word, but he held back a big move

When Jin Yinan was young, he saw the trend of internationalization, in such a big environment, the focus of military development is "construction", training muscles does not have to really fight, at least no one dares to bully.

In the article written by Jin Yinan, he mentioned Marshal Liu Bocheng's training of cadres, "Military education is definitely not a simple basic education, but a war education. ”

At home, he traveled to all major units in the military, from the National Defense University to the headquarters of the Central Military Commission, from the central organs to the provincial party committee and provincial government, and even to key universities and large state-owned enterprises, which also made his knowledge more profound.

In 2006, he was awarded the rank of second class and later promoted to the rank of major general, and the second half of his life seemed destined to shine brightly, but turning over his resume, many people were surprised to find that he still had ten years of library experience.

When an American general visited in 1998, Jin Yinan in the corner did not say a word, but he held back a big move

It was 1987, and Jin Yinan was transferred to the library of the National Defense University, which is a library with a history of the whole military academy, with a collection of even nearly 1.3 million volumes, as well as various newspapers and periodicals that have long been impossible to buy outside.

Here, Jin Yinan seemed to have walked into the ocean of knowledge, eagerly learning knowledge, and this decade of hard work laid a full foundation for his future theoretical research.

In order to write "Wild Song", he studied more than three hundred monographs, spent more than a thousand days and nights, and sorted out more than two million words of notes before finally completing.

However, at that time, he was already very knowledgeable, and many times he even had to sit on the "cold bench", because he was definitely unable to participate in high-level academic conferences because he worked in the library, so he had to borrow the minutes of the meetings to watch.

In order to have a deeper understanding of the military abroad, he began to learn English from the age of 35 and gradually improved his theoretical foundation.

In particular, he knows very well the US military bases, academies and training centers, and because of the frequent collection of sensitive information about the US military, he is also monitored by US troops and even warned him.

With his diligence, he was enough to become a good "librarian", but history pushed him to a higher stage.

When an American general visited in 1998, Jin Yinan in the corner did not say a word, but he held back a big move

He wrote many reports detailing the characteristics and trends of the US military's combat training, and these theories were well-founded and well-founded, which attracted the special attention of the leaders of the National Defense University.

In 1998, the president of the US National Defense University, Cherkett, was preparing to visit China, there was very little information about senior US officials, and even if there were any, they were all manually sorted out, and in 1998, the Internet was not yet developed now, so if you want to "game" and do not know the other party's "drop", those experts who are about to attend the meeting are also a bit embarrassed.

The president of the National Defense University also specially invited Jin Yinan, who was the director of the library and information office at that time.

At the meeting, there was very little research on Cherkett as a person, and other comrades mainly elaborated on Sino-US relations, international issues, and US military operations, but these were not what the principal wanted.

When everyone was discussing countermeasures, Jin Yinan, who was unknown in the corner, never said a word.

Seeing that almost everyone had discussed what had come out, they began to speak.

When an American general visited in 1998, Jin Yinan in the corner did not say a word, but he held back a big move

He first said that Chelkett had recently published 3 academic articles, and then said the main points in the article without hesitation, and then magically pulled out Cherkett's photos and materials, which surprised everyone.

He went on to say: "This is some of the most recent articles that Chelkett downloaded from the Internet, and the titles and opinions are still on them. ”

The headmaster also signaled him to continue, so Mr. Kim Yinan recounted in detail about Cherkett's experience and main thoughts.

Everyone knows that the American general is not small.

When an American general visited in 1998, Jin Yinan in the corner did not say a word, but he held back a big move

This person once served as the chief of staff spokesman of the U.S. Army, and this position is not as simple as writing manuscripts in the rear, he is equivalent to "chief of staff" and has real power in his hands.

During the Gulf War, he was the chief of operations for Powell of the U.S. Military Joint Chiefs of Staff, and that war made the United States famous in the world once again, and this Chelkett was credited with it.

In that war, to put it bluntly, there were only four people who could decide the war: US President Bush, Chairman powell of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Powell, front-line commander-in-chief Schwarzkopf, plus this Cherkett.

When an American general visited in 1998, Jin Yinan in the corner did not say a word, but he held back a big move

The school leaders present were completely stunned by the person next to them who only had a junior high school education, and in the era when the Internet was not developed, Jin Yinan was able to accurately report all the information, and he could also provide experts with ideas to communicate with Cherkett, which was indeed rare.

With this valuable information, the National Defense University was fully prepared for the visit, and when Chelkett first arrived at the National Defense University, the slide projector accurately hit his portrait on the big screen.

The US military has always been more vigilant about information, he has not exchanged his own information with the Chinese side in advance, and the sudden appearance of the avatar has also surprised Cherkett, and it seems that the Chinese side has made all preparations.

When an American general visited in 1998, Jin Yinan in the corner did not say a word, but he held back a big move

The previous few years were Jin Yinan's own efforts, and what really transformed him was perhaps the opportunity brought by Chelkett, this reception made Jin Yinan, who had worked in the library for many years, famous, and he also transformed from a librarian to a school teacher.

At this point, no one at all levels of the National Defense University dared to underestimate him, and all faculties and departments regarded him as a "fragrant feast" and rushed to ask for him, and it was not difficult for him to be promoted out of the ordinary from then on.

This is an even bigger challenge for him.

You know, when he entered the library at the age of 35, he was 46 years old when he came out.

From then on, Jin Yinan was like a watcher climbing up the mast, always finding a huge threat in the calm sea.

When an American general visited in 1998, Jin Yinan in the corner did not say a word, but he held back a big move

The real strength of Jin Yinan is not that he knows much about foreign military culture, but that he can draw nourishment from the culture of developed international countries and then serve his own country.

China has a long history and culture, and Jin Yinan knows this very well.

He became famous for the second time because he wrote a book called "Suffering and Glory".

The book restores the suffering of the Chinese nation, in addition to highlighting the spirit of the Red Revolution without fear of difficulties, but also reveals a lot of unknown details, these details are not unpublished, many of which are buried in the library, Jin Yinan let them shine again.

When an American general visited in 1998, Jin Yinan in the corner did not say a word, but he held back a big move

However, the past wars are no longer applicable to the current situation, and Jin Yinan has his own views on how to make predictions and plans that conform to China's national conditions under the premise of conforming to the trend of the times.

In Jin Yinan's view, Cherkett, who seems to be "hidden under the water", is the most likely to make waves, and the real study cannot only study how the president lays out and acts, but also studies every real power person who contributes to the plan, so as not to miss information.

That reception was just a "coincidence" outside of research.

Now the diplomacy of major countries is more like a transaction, China has a deep cultural heritage, everyone hopes that the whole world can establish a "moral supremacy" thinking, but the Western countries have their own values, they have always advocated the supremacy of interests, at the expense of destroying the interests of other countries.

When an American general visited in 1998, Jin Yinan in the corner did not say a word, but he held back a big move

Therefore, when the United States and China "game", there are also Japan, the Philippines, South Korea, Vietnam and other countries "movers", we "play against each other", to see each other's "handsome", to see the "pawn" and "car".

China attaches importance to "morality", of course, it must also ensure its own interests, and it must "treat others in the way of others", and also have detailed methods and means of struggle.

The progress of the country requires innovation, Jin Yinan has long seen, and also put forward the concept of "pseudo-innovation".

He said: "Sun Tzu's Art of War has been unswerving for thousands of years, but what promotes changes in military theory is technology, including navigation, aviation, computer technology, etc. The so-called innovation must be a change at the technical level." ”

When an American general visited in 1998, Jin Yinan in the corner did not say a word, but he held back a big move

In fact, General Cherkett's visit to China is a "game", if you can't collect the other party's information in advance before the exchange, then the other side is in the light, our side is in the dark, you know, in the nineties, China's Internet was just starting out, and the United States has developed for many years.

Only by understanding the opponent's "move mode" can we have unlimited confidence when "playing".

Later, General Jin Yinan rarely went to the library to find materials, because the digital resources were already very sufficient, and his time gradually became tense, but he never forgot innovation, and he was constantly educating his classmates what the "foundation" of innovation was.

Professor Jin Yinan, growing up in an era of "ancestors sacrificing their lives for the future of the nation, forgetting death, and succeeding the former servants and successors", the more he grew, the more he could not understand why the thinking of a new generation of Chinese changed so quickly. We once had a group of benevolent men who were "not afraid of sacrifice and bloodshed, not for the sake of being an official, not afraid of suffering", who in the 1920s and 1930s used the superhuman will of flesh and blood to show the glory years of the older generation for future generations! But now? People lack blood in their bones!

A nation that has lost its bloodiness cannot cultivate heroes!

In the 1990s, Professor Jin Yinan, who was keenly aware of the changes in the thinking of the Chinese people, resolutely decided to spend up to 15 years to read and retrieve the modern historical materials including but not limited to the entire library of the National Defense University, sorted out more than three million notes, and wrote a long documentary article of more than 500,000 words - "Suffering and Glory"!

When an American general visited in 1998, Jin Yinan in the corner did not say a word, but he held back a big move
We are not afraid of the United States, because we have defeated the United States. - Kim Il Nam

Professor Jin Yinan is not afraid of offending people when he speaks, and this is especially true when writing books. In the book "Suffering and Glory", we can read the temperament of "although there are tens of millions of people, I am going to die", we can read the feelings of the benevolent people who constantly fought for the rise of the nation in the twenties, and we can read the bloodiness buried in the bones of the forty million Chinese of that era!

"The rise of a nation must first be the rise of the spirit!" When the spirit stands up, our flesh will not take a creeping posture, and I suggest that you read "Suffering and Glory", read a generation of heroes who grew up and rose in the fires of war, smoke and blood, read our Chinese blood, and increase the courage to walk the world!

The book "Suffering and Glory" completely presents the world East in the 20th century, and there is a nation that is experiencing a surprising transformation from "the sick man of East Asia" to "the dragon of the East" and "from a hundred years of sinking to a hundred years of rejuvenation". During this period, the fierce encirclement and interception of the enemy, internal disputes and compromises, the endless trek of the iron current of 25,000 miles, the astonishing sacrifice, and a large number of rebellions all evolved into vivid pictures in the text.

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