
Load-bearing pickup trucks have become popular all over the world, and SINOTRUK VGV has become a pioneer in China

Since 2019, China's pickup truck industry has undergone earth-shaking changes, and the new trend led by passengerization and diversification has announced that China's pickup truck industry has entered a new stage of development from the era of pure tool trucks to both commercial and commercial vehicles. The influx of new products, new ideas and new brands has brought new ideas to the upgrading and reform of domestic pickup trucks, and the carrier pickup truck is the most specific and significant new direction. As the most direct product expression of "pickup truck passenger vehicle", the load-bearing pickup truck will drive rapid changes in the industry and bring about a change in market thinking.

Load-bearing pickup trucks have become popular all over the world, and SINOTRUK VGV has become a pioneer in China

Highly passenger, life-oriented, non-bearing short is exactly the length of the bearing type

After the domestic pickup truck has been upgraded and transformed by passengers, it has changed from a pure transport vehicle model in the early days to an IKEA model that undertakes multi-purpose attributes, and the hardcore comfort of the non-load-bearing body has always been the basis of all changes. The hardcore genes of non-carrier bodies make pickup trucks capable of heavy car tasks such as off-road climbing, heavy-duty transportation, and towing loads, and adapt to various environments such as deserts, mud, and plateaus. But this also limits the room for improvement of its home attributes, and problems such as poor space performance, lack of comfort, and excessive body have become the resistance of pickup trucks entering the city.

Load-bearing pickup trucks have become popular all over the world, and SINOTRUK VGV has become a pioneer in China

An important issue in the development of pickup truck passengers is how to overcome the above resistance, so that pickup trucks enter the eyes of the majority of urban consumers, and alternative passenger cars become the first choice. Compared with hard-core functions such as off-road four-wheel drive and heavy-duty dragging, urban users pay more attention to the comfort and convenience of using the car, and the transformation of SUV models from hard-core sturdy to exquisite and comfortable to pickup passengerization provides an excellent reference. The load-bearing pickup truck from the chassis, power to the interior are inherited from the passenger car products, such products interpret the pickup truck passenger, how the passenger product "pickup", for the pickup product to enhance the life attributes provide a new idea.

Load-bearing pickup trucks have become popular all over the world, and SINOTRUK VGV has become a pioneer in China

Although the carrier pickup truck does not have four-wheel drive and no super off-road capability, it has better life attributes and passenger attributes than the non-carrier pickup truck. First of all, the body size of the load-bearing pickup truck is smaller, the driving and parking is more worry-free, suitable for the urban environment with complex road conditions; secondly, the body size is small but the space performance is excellent, and the seat angle, rear space performance, etc. are better than the non-load-bearing pickup truck products of the same level; finally, the bearing pickup truck has better fuel economy, tranquility and other attributes; in addition, the load-bearing pickup truck inherits the loading capacity of the pickup truck, which is a good combination of pickup truck and passenger car.

Load-bearing pickup trucks have become popular all over the world, and SINOTRUK VGV has become a pioneer in China

Loader and non-loader models are like the front and back of the coin, and the shortness of the other is precisely the strength of this. The carrier-type pickup truck abandons the hardcore attribute in exchange for a more comfortable driving experience, and its comfort attributes far exceed the average level of the pickup truck industry, which is an excellent car choice for urban consumers who mainly commute, daily life, and industrial and commercial activities, which can help users truly realize the seamless switching of multi-scenario car needs, so that they can experience the convenience brought by multi-purpose vehicles.

Load-bearing pickup trucks have become a new trend, and SINOTRUK VX7 has filled the gap in the domestic market

In the relatively mature overseas market, pickup truck models are divided into two major branches, load-bearing and non-carrier, such as Peugeot, Fiat, Volkswagen, Renault and other multinational car brands have successively created load-bearing pickup trucks. Nowadays, with the return of the concept of small and medium-sized pickup trucks and the gradual exploration of the potential of load-bearing products, the global market has once again blown up the popular trend of carrier pickups. Ford Maverick, Hyundai Santa Cruz, Honda Ridgeline three models are the representative of the current load-bearing pickup truck, these three products show the passenger car attributes at the same time, but also inherit the pickup truck off-road attributes and loading attributes, perfect interpretation of the "pickup truck passenger car" and "passenger car pickup".

Load-bearing pickup trucks have become popular all over the world, and SINOTRUK VGV has become a pioneer in China

In addition, the load-bearing pickup truck can better adapt to the development trend of future vehicles, in line with the current modular, platform-based, electrified and intelligent automotive industry research and development foundation. Whether it is a hybrid platform or a pure electric platform for future development, the load-bearing pickup truck has better adaptability, the difficulty of research and development design is lower, and the cost of updating and upgrading is smaller. Therefore, when brands at home and abroad, including Kia, Ram, Chevrolet, BYD, Chery and other brands enter or return to the pickup truck industry, they all choose to develop load-bearing pickup trucks as an important strategic link.

Load-bearing pickup trucks have become popular all over the world, and SINOTRUK VGV has become a pioneer in China

The current passenger revolution in China's pickup truck industry is still based on non-loader models, and domestic carrier pickup trucks are still in a state of market absence due to their late start. As a pioneer in the Chinese market, SINOTRUK VX7 fills the gap that is currently missing in the domestic pickup truck market. The new car adopts the bearing body design, which has the advantages of stability and comfort, easy control, light and flexible, and changeable space, and has been developed for outdoor camping, daily fishing, parent-child travel, shopping mall shopping, mountaineering and other scenarios, and more emphasis is placed on the home attributes of pickup trucks.

Load-bearing pickup trucks have become popular all over the world, and SINOTRUK VGV has become a pioneer in China

With the further expansion of the scope of pickup truck lifting and the release of the technical conditions standard for pickup trucks, the future of China's pickup truck industry will form a more diversified and open product pattern. In addition to the existing economic tool models and multi-functional hardcore passenger models, the load-bearing life passenger cars represented by sinotruk VX7 will also become an important product branch, forming a good supplement to the existing market, and providing a new car life choice for passengers and living consumers who like pickup trucks, advocate freedom, and embrace innovation.

Write at the end

The carrier pickup truck is the product of the gradual development of the pickup truck industry, and is the forerunner and enlightener of the times. If the performance model represented by the Ford Raptor is the ultimate strength and courage of the pickup truck, the EV model represented by tesla Cyberruck is the ultimate new energy and intelligence of the pickup truck. Then the load-bearing model is the ultimate pickup truck passenger and life, representing a future development direction of pickup truck models is a pure life product. The injection of fresh blood will play a positive role in promoting the healthy and orderly development of China's pickup truck industry and promoting the continuous upgrading of China's pickup truck market.

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