
The only woman who dared to divorce the emperor, and later married a Henan native, what was the ending?

The last emperor aisin Kyora. Puyi was the last emperor in Chinese history, and the last imperial concubine, Wen Xiu, was the only woman to divorce the emperor. What kind of woman is Wen Xiu, why did she divorce Puyi, and who did she marry later? What is the end result?

The only woman who dared to divorce the emperor, and later married a Henan native, what was the ending?

Wen Xiu, Mongolian, Ordet clan, she is intelligent and studious, very sensible. In 1912, Puyi issued an abdication edict at the behest of Empress Dowager Longyu, and the Qing Dynasty fell. However, Puyi was still emperor in the Forbidden City. When Puyi was 16 years old, the empress dowager and the ministers held a big wedding for him, so they asked the ministers to bring the photos of the girls who were not yet married in the family, and let Puyi choose the empress and the imperial concubine.

The only woman who dared to divorce the emperor, and later married a Henan native, what was the ending?

In 1922, Wen Xiu was elected as an imperial concubine, and She Wanrong married into the palace one day and became a lady concubine. Since Entering the palace, Wen Embroidery has never been favored by Puyi, Puyi and Wanrong play in the palace all day, while Wenxiu lives a simple life alone, sometimes embroidery, sometimes teaching palace women to recognize words.

The only woman who dared to divorce the emperor, and later married a Henan native, what was the ending?

In 1924, Puyi was expelled from the Forbidden City, and Empress Wanrong and Princess Wenxiu were also driven out, and Wenxiu was still snubbed by Puyi. Later, Puyi wanted to defect to the Japanese and become emperor again, but Wen Xiu strongly opposed it, and the relationship between the two became worse and worse. In 1931, Wen Xiu could not stand it any longer, she published a public statement of divorce from Puyi, she publicly stated that she was still a virgin, and for a while there was a lot of commotion, which was the famous "Daofei Revolution", and Wen Xiu also became the only woman in Chinese history who dared to divorce the emperor. Later, the two reached an agreement: Wenxiu and Puyi completely severed their relationship, Puyi paid 55,000 silver dollars as alimony, and Wenxiu could not remarry for life.

The only woman who dared to divorce the emperor, and later married a Henan native, what was the ending?

After the victory of the War of Resistance, Wen Xiu decided not to abide by the agreement anymore, and she had to think for herself, so she married a very honest Henan native named Liu Zhendong, who had been an officer in the Nationalist Army, when he was in his 40s and had never been married. Although the two lived a very poor life after marriage, but the relationship was very good, but unfortunately the good times were not long, one day in 1953, Wen Xiu died of a sudden myocardial infarction, only 43 years old, and the last imperial concubine was hastily buried.

The only woman who dared to divorce the emperor, and later married a Henan native, what was the ending?

After Wen Xiu's death, Liu Zhendong did not remarry, but lived alone for 13 years, he often praised his deceased wife Wen Xiu to people, saying that she was the best woman in the world, and then Liu Zhendong died of illness, and before he died, he said that his life was worth it and married the emperor's wife.

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