
Kate staged "Light Speed Change Face" at the concert, and netizens bluntly said that "the hypocritical face is exposed!" ”

author:British media courier

William Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, hosted a unique Christmas carol concert at Westminster Abbey this year, which will be broadcast on Independent Television (ITV) on Christmas Eve.

In order to maximize the promotion of the concert, including the official Press account of Buckingham Palace representing Queen Elizabeth II, the Clarence Palace account representing Prince Charles, and the Kensington Palace account of The Williams all posted information before the concert aired and called for people to watch it on time.

Kate staged "Light Speed Change Face" at the concert, and netizens bluntly said that "the hypocritical face is exposed!" ”

In the promotional message, a photo taken by the Williams at the concert attracted people's attention, and Kate turned her head sideways to smile at her husband who was sitting next to her, and the look of love in her eyes made the royal fans very excited.

Kate staged "Light Speed Change Face" at the concert, and netizens bluntly said that "the hypocritical face is exposed!" ”

However, a netizen then released another photo, it is not difficult to see that the two photos were taken at the same time, the expressions of Prince William and eugenie behind the photo did not change at all, but Princess Kate on the side completely retracted her smile, and her expression looked extremely cold.

Kate staged "Light Speed Change Face" at the concert, and netizens bluntly said that "the hypocritical face is exposed!" ”

The exposure of the second photo immediately triggered a heated discussion among netizens, including many people who did not support Kate and bluntly said that the princess's "false face was finally completely exposed".

Kate staged "Light Speed Change Face" at the concert, and netizens bluntly said that "the hypocritical face is exposed!" ”

One netizen wrote on social media platforms: "Obviously, this is all rehearsed in advance, there is nothing strange about it. Another added: "So she stopped smiling immediately after the photo was taken, and the speed of the change showed that she was either not acting according to her own ideas or someone reminded her when she should smile." ”

Kate staged "Light Speed Change Face" at the concert, and netizens bluntly said that "the hypocritical face is exposed!" ”

But soon the Williams fans came forward to defend Kate, and one of the netizens said bluntly: "Come on, think about it with your brain, be realistic, even if they rehearsed, how can Kate know exactly when the camera will shine on them." 」 ”

Such a statement is not too convincing, and some netizens directly replied: "It is because she did not accurately grasp the time of camera shooting, so we enjoyed her special performance - 'light speed change face'." ”

So is Kate suspected of "rehearsing early" and deliberately pretending to be intimate with Prince William?

Kate staged "Light Speed Change Face" at the concert, and netizens bluntly said that "the hypocritical face is exposed!" ”

First of all, we can be sure that holding such a large-scale music event will definitely be rehearsed in advance, but there is absolutely no "when to take pictures" content in the rehearsal, and strictly speaking, Kate did not deliberately show closeness with her husband, and the deviation reflected in the two photos is still due to the over-interpretation of fanatical fans and the deliberate capture of people with hearts.

Let's start with the first photo, in which Kate, although she twists her head in the direction of Prince William, is visibly skewed from Prince William's position, and Kate's smile can be seen as her "official smile" as the host and host look around.

Kate staged "Light Speed Change Face" at the concert, and netizens bluntly said that "the hypocritical face is exposed!" ”

In the second photo, Kate is retracting her gaze, and from the change in the position of her jaw, it can be seen that Kate has a downward movement, so this one obviously belongs to the capture, and this expression change may just be a natural change in people converging their gaze on formal occasions and entering a relaxed state from tension.

Kate staged "Light Speed Change Face" at the concert, and netizens bluntly said that "the hypocritical face is exposed!" ”

Therefore, it is not true that Kate's smile is "fake" from the heart, but there is no need to be more real, after all, in Kate's identity, it is more troublesome if you can't master this skill.

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