
Joy for the neighborhood, sound for love, this child-friendly music charity event is fun and warm

author:Love to read the headlines

Red Star News Network (reporter Zhao Yuwei) reported on May 20 In order to further enhance the emotional communication between community residents, cultivate children's ability to participate in social practice and participate in public affairs, and jointly build a shared child-friendly city. On May 18th, the Guangfuqiao Community of Pulp Wash Street Street and Paste Wash Street Street held a theme activity of "Chengdu Cultural Four Seasons Style, Music Summer 'Music Joy Neighborhood, Sound for Love' Music Charity Collection".

Joy for the neighborhood, sound for love, this child-friendly music charity event is fun and warm

The event is divided into three areas: dance area, charity sale area, and interactive area. The event kicked off with a pleasing singing and dancing performance, and the dance "Snowy Land", "China in the Lights", Sichuan Opera Face Changing and other programs pushed the atmosphere to a climax. Through these programs, the audience felt the unique charm of Tibetan culture and the breadth and profundity of traditional Chinese culture.

On the other side, in the bazaar, children neatly placed their charity items in the stalls for sale, and all kinds of gadgets attracted the attention of passers-by, shouting, laughing and applause constantly echoed in the bazaar.

Joy for the neighborhood, sound for love, this child-friendly music charity event is fun and warm

Subsequently, in the interactive area, parents and children cultivated a good parent-child relationship, enhanced each other's feelings, and let the children feel the care of their parents and the community in a relaxed and happy atmosphere. In addition, the site also carried out the "Little Red Umbrella Child Protection" theme painting tailoring creative creation collection activities. The children used their own paintbrushes to paint a beautiful vision in their hearts, injecting more vitality and creativity into the community. Parents at the scene said that more such activities should be held.

Joy for the neighborhood, sound for love, this child-friendly music charity event is fun and warm

It is reported that the charity sale raised a total of more than 50 pieces of rice, noodles and other daily necessities, nearly 70 books, all of which will be used to help the people in distress in the jurisdiction. This activity has received extensive attention from residents and children, which not only exercises the children's practical ability, cultivates the children's sense of love and dedication, but also makes them feel the joy of giving and harvesting more deeply, and at the same time, it is conducive to bringing the neighborhood closer and creating a harmonious and friendly community atmosphere.

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Editor: Qin Yichuan Editor: Gao Ting, Qin Feng Review: Ma Lan, Huang Jiaqi Producer: Zhao Ruoyi, Wang Shengsheng Director: Li Tianxiang

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