
One idiom a day: eat without food

Behind every idiom there are allusions you don't know

There is no food to eat

One idiom a day: eat without food

There is no food to eat

It means that diet does not require fullness, which means that diet should be moderate.

Synonyms: eat not to be full, eat not to be full


"Analects of Learning": "Zi Yue: 'A gentleman who eats without food and does not seek security, who is sensitive to things and cautious in his words, who has the way and is righteous, can be said to be eager to learn.'" ’”


"Analects of Learning": "Confucius said: 'Gentlemen, diet does not seek fullness, living does not require comfort, is diligent and agile in work, but speaks carefully and cautiously, and goes to the wise to correct himself, so that he can be said to be eager to learn.'" ’”


Here we are talking about the basic requirements of a gentleman's daily words and deeds. Confucius believed that as a gentleman, he should not pay too much attention to his diet and place, he should be diligent and agile in his work, cautious and careful, and he should always review himself and ask moral people to correct his words and deeds. Don't pursue material pleasures, don't covet happiness, focus on doing meaningful things, and pursue the truth. This is Confucius's teaching to students, and it is also a true portrayal of Confucius's lifelong spirit of study.

People live not only to seek warmth and ease, but also to have a spirit of pursuit of ideals. Confucius not only hoped that everyone could survive, but also hoped that he could live well. For man is different from the beast in that man has a moral or spiritual life, while the beast has only biological or material survival. To develop human nature, politicians must not only make the people well fed, but also cultivate their personality so that they can cultivate their morality.


We must not eat without food, and we must not overeat.

He is meticulous in his work, but he has no food to eat in his life, and he has no need for safety.

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One idiom a day: eat without food


One idiom a day: eat without food


One idiom a day: eat without food


One idiom a day: eat without food


One idiom a day: eat without food


One idiom a day: eat without food

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Answers from the previous issue: 1, the door is like a city 2, daytime ghosts 3, the prodigal son turns back 4, waste sleep and forget to eat 5, take the lead

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