
Winter heart is prone to "accidents", these 5 protective measures, or can be effective in prevention

The data from clinical investigations show that winter is a high incidence of cardiovascular disease, because the temperature drops after the arrival of winter, and once the measures to keep warm are not taken, the blood vessels will be stimulated by the cold, and then spasms and sharp contractions will occur.

At the same time, both blood pressure and adrenaline rise, increasing the pressure on the heart's blood supply and ultimately increasing the risk of heart disease.

It is precisely in this way that in order to prevent problems before they occur, after the arrival of winter, we must do the following 5 measures to protect the heart.

Winter heart is prone to "accidents", these 5 protective measures, or can be effective in prevention

1. Keep warm

To prevent heart problems, the first thing to do in winter is to stay warm.

Especially after entering the middle-aged and elderly stage, the blood vessels are likely to have the problem of hardening and narrowing, if you wear thin or apply a relatively cold drink will stimulate the heart area, and this stimulation will most likely induce myocardial infarction.

Therefore, whether you go out or everyone is indoors, you must add clothes according to changes in temperature.

Winter heart is prone to "accidents", these 5 protective measures, or can be effective in prevention

2. Pay attention to the abundance of rest time

Excessive fatigue can also increase the pressure on the heart, so office workers are reminded that no matter how busy work is, they must also give themselves enough time to rest.

In particular, do not stay up late, otherwise the pressure on the heart and blood vessels is greater, under normal circumstances, before 11 o'clock every day, you must enter a sleep state, and sleep enough for 7 to 8 hours.

Winter heart is prone to "accidents", these 5 protective measures, or can be effective in prevention

3. Adjust the diet structure

The occurrence of heart disease and blood vessel blockage is closely related, especially in recent years, people's diet structure has undergone earth-shaking changes, many people prefer the fried barbecue flavor, especially after the arrival of winter, eating hot pot and barbecue indoors is indeed very comfortable, but the fat content in these foods is too high, the more you eat, the greater the possibility of blocking blood vessels.

Therefore, after entering the winter, everyone should eat a light diet, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, etc., because it not only contains vitamins and minerals needed by the human body, but also other trace elements, which can not only enhance resistance, but also dredge blood vessels and maintain the patency of blood flow.

Winter heart is prone to "accidents", these 5 protective measures, or can be effective in prevention

4. Drink plenty of water

The reason why heart disease is high in winter is also closely related to insufficient water intake, because the humidity is low in winter, and if you do not pay attention to drinking water, the blood is too viscous, so it cannot circulate normally.

Especially after a night of sleep, the blood flow is slower, it is recommended that everyone get up in the morning and drink a cup of warm boiled water, it can dilute the blood.

In addition, during the day, you also need to drink about 2000 ml of water, of course, in addition to drinking boiled water directly, you can also use hawthorn or dandelion and other ingredients to make tea, because hawthorn has flavonoids in it, which can dilate blood vessels.

Winter heart is prone to "accidents", these 5 protective measures, or can be effective in prevention

5. Moderate exercise

Because the temperature is low in winter, many people are too lazy to go out to exercise, in fact, people who have heart problems themselves always feel that exercise is easy to add pressure to the heart, but this is not the case.

Moderate exercise can accelerate blood circulation, thereby reducing the burden on the heart, and there are many ways to exercise, such as indoor yoga or tai chi, which are very good choices.

Winter heart is prone to "accidents", these 5 protective measures, or can be effective in prevention

All in all, after the arrival of winter, the sudden drop in temperature will indeed add a burden to the cardiovascular system, so remind everyone to insist on doing the 5 things mentioned above, which can accelerate blood circulation and reduce the pressure of the heart to pump blood. In addition, if you want to prevent cardiovascular disease, you have to change the habit of smoking and drinking.

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