
Relieve constipation magic tricks big public, hurry up to try, pro test effective!

Relieve constipation magic tricks big public, hurry up to try, pro test effective!

If you take stock of the top ten painful things in daily life, constipation is definitely on the list.

People who have experienced constipation must understand the pain of numb feet and sore legs and exhaustion.

Today, we will analyze the causes and consequences of constipation, and offer you some practical and effective tips, if you are interested, look down together~

01 Constipation can be present independently or secondary to a variety of diseases

Constipation is divided into functional constipation and organic constipation.

Functional constipation, often present as an independent symptom, is usually associated with the following 6 conditions:

The diet is too fine and the intake of fiber is less.

Work is stressful, bowel movements are irregular, and stool intentions are often ignored. Factors such as mood and diet cause intestinal dysfunction. In this case, constipation is often accompanied by abdominal pain, or diarrhea alternates with constipation. Muscle strength is weak and not strong enough to support bowel movements. Taking some drugs that can cause constipation, or improper medication, health care products, etc., such as long-term use of diet tea containing anthraquinone compounds. The elderly have decreased physical function, weakened gastrointestinal function, and little exercise, and are prone to constipation. Organic constipation exists as a concomitant symptom of some diseases.

It may be some mass lesions such as intestinal tumors, causing narrowing of the defecation pathway; it may also cause constipation due to endocrine diseases such as diabetes, which cause gastrointestinal peristalsis to slow down.

Therefore, when we have symptoms of constipation, especially the "alarm signs" such as blood in the stool, we must go to the hospital for examination and treatment in time, do not take chances, even if it is not caused by other diseases, the long-term existence of constipation symptoms is also harmful and beneficial.

Relieve constipation magic tricks big public, hurry up to try, pro test effective!

Constipation can be said to be an invisible killer, seemingly harmless, but in fact it has a wide impact.

Constipation may lead to hemorrhoids, fissures, prolapse, but also may lead to stains, acne, as well as bad breath, fatigue, nausea, anorexia, bloating and other symptoms, and even some people may also have anxiety, depression;

Feces staying in the intestine for too long may affect the human endocrine, increase the absorption of toxins, make the risk of intestinal tumors 5-7 times greater than that of healthy people, and even cause other systemic cancers such as breast cancer.

For pregnant women, constipation can also interfere with the uterine environment, resulting in miscarriages.

For people with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, forceful defecation due to constipation may also cause acute attacks of these diseases and increase the risk of sudden death.

In addition, there are data that constipation and the onset of Alzheimer's disease also have a certain relationship, and some early Parkinson's patients often come to the hospital for secret symptoms.

Relieve constipation magic tricks big public, hurry up to try, pro test effective!

02 There are good ways to prevent constipation

So, what are some ways to help us prevent and treat constipation?

Lifestyle adjustment is the most basic and easy to operate, prevention and treatment of constipation.

Drink plenty of water

It can effectively prevent and alleviate the situation that is not easy to discharge due to dry stools.

Eat more fiber-rich vegetables and fruits, and eat less spicy foods

For example, celery, leeks, rape, spinach, sweet potatoes, as well as bananas, pears, etc. (Xiaobian has tried stewed pears, and the test is very effective!). )。

Try to avoid spicy and irritating foods such as peppers, peppers, mustard, and cumin, and do not use supplements indiscriminately.

Relieve constipation magic tricks big public, hurry up to try, pro test effective!

Helps with laxative diet

For example, add 50g of white art when cooking porridge, or make walnut (walnut) porridge, sweet potato porridge, pumpkin porridge and so on.

Sesame oil rock sugar laxative tea: sesame oil, rock sugar and water are boiled in equal parts, boiled until the rock sugar melts, and then taken after cooling, the number of times is unlimited. Generally, the stool can be stopped after it becomes slightly thinner, and if it is constipated, it can also be taken repeatedly.

Apple honey tea: peel and pit the apple, mash it, and then add an appropriate amount of water and honey to take it, but it is necessary to pay attention to the use of diabetics with caution.

Intestinal probiotics can also be supplemented by drinking yogurt, etc., thereby regulating intestinal function and promoting intestinal peristalsis.

Keep a certain amount of movement

Through walking, running, climbing, playing tai chi, doing gymnastics, yoga, etc., we can actively exercise and maintain regular and healthy living habits, thereby enhancing gastrointestinal function and improving the body's immunity.

Relieve constipation magic tricks big public, hurry up to try, pro test effective!

Develop good bowel habits

Don't ignore the urge to defecate, it is best to defecate at a fixed time period every day. Also pay attention to controlling the time of defecation, in 2-5 minutes, no more than 10 minutes to finish the stool.

In addition, if the difficulty of defecation is more urgent, you can also choose to use methods such as Kaiserol to alleviate it.

Choose the appropriate treatment method under the guidance of the doctor

On the basis of living adjustment, we can also apply some drugs under the guidance of doctors for treatment, such as the use of polyethylene glycol 4000 powder, lactulose and other laxatives, or mosalpride and other drugs that increase intestinal motility.

If the effect of drug treatment is not good, it can also be treated with traditional Chinese medicine thread therapy, acupuncture therapy, etc., or biofeedback therapy and sacral nerve stimulation therapy.

If the above methods are not effective, and the patient has a long constipation time, more than 2 years, and the examination finds many organic lesions, such as long colon, rectal mucosa prolapse, wide valves, blocking the cavity, or the pelvic floor muscles are uncoordinated, resulting in constipation of the anus during defecation, etc., targeted surgical treatment can also be carried out.

So many methods, there is always a suitable one for you, I hope that after reading this article, you actively choose the right method for yourself, and truly implement the prevention and treatment of constipation into action!

References: Medical Microvision official website - Li Hengshuang Chief Physician "Constipation"

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