
Look at the girl's circle of friends to know if you can catch her!

Recently, I received a lot of private messages from boys asking: Sister Qiu, I just added a girl WeChat, how to judge whether this girl is good or not? What kind of pursuit will be easier to catch up with her?

This problem will always pop up from time to time, then today you point a thumbs up, Sister Qiu will analyze and analyze with you, this girl you added is not good to chase, how to chase in the end!

That early and girls deepen the way of affection is most likely through WeChat, you can naturally have a rough judgment through her circle of friends, can you come together, if the girl's circle of friends will always send a lot of content that is inconsistent with your three views, then you can also determine that you can not come together!

However, if you look closely, there will be two major types of girls in the circle of friends, one is that you can send multiple circles of friends a day to show your life. It can be that you have eaten something delicious today, and you will share what unhappy things you encounter! In fact, such a girl is relatively simple, and her life is also a bit boring. Such a girl she just needs someone who is willing to chat with her, and accompany her to love everything in life!

But in real life, there are still many boys who don't know how to chat with girls, that is, the kind of people who want to talk to girls, both worried about not getting a reply from the other party, and afraid that the topic is too embarrassing! It is very tangled, very helpless, then you can come to the public number Qiu Jie to say emotions, I prepared a chat case for you, hand in hand to teach you how to mobilize the emotions of girls in the chat, at the same time there is a must-have topic library for chatting with girls, there is always a topic suitable for you and the heart of her to expand the topic!

Look at the girl's circle of friends to know if you can catch her!

However, there are also many boys who feedback that I am not unable to chat, but I don't know where to start to chat with girls, because some girls have three days of visible circle of friends! Simply through her avatar to see, can not see anything, forced awkward chat will only make the girl disgusted! It is true that some girls do not like to send a circle of friends.

A girl who does not like to send a circle of friends shows that she does not need to use the method of sending a circle of friends to increase her sense of existence. Because they are already very confident, sunny. Most of these girls are excellent, most of them focus on their own things, and rarely pay attention to online social networking. He is also more serious about his emotions and pays more attention to spiritual communication. I also pay attention to life and prefer real-life communication.

The most important point is that they keep their emotions stable and do not need to use the circle of friends to vent their bad emotions.

Such a girl is really self-disciplined, if you want to catch up with her, then you must be very good yourself to attract her attention! If you are also very good yourself, or there is no way to attract her attention to you, then Qiu Qiu here suggests that you can use "soft to control the gang" to get her heart! You think, the people she usually contacts are the same as her, if you show her your gentle side here, she will be easily attracted to you!

Some people can feel if you have developed at the first sight, but only because you like her so much, you will deceive yourself!

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