
Soft and delicious coconut toast (universal coconut filling)

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Soft and delicious coconut toast (universal coconut filling)

Fluffy super sweet coconut toast bread! Arguably the best in toast! After learning it, you never have to go to the store to buy it! The coconut filling made by the recipe is also versatile, and can also be used as the inner filling of other snacks, and the milk is super strong! Ingredients: Coconut filling: 50g butter, 40g powdered sugar, 30g milk, 1 egg, 120g minced coconut. (Recipe amount for 2 toasts) Toast: 250g of high gluten powder, 30g of sugar, 3g of salt, 3g of sugar-resistant yeast, 180g of milk, 20g of butter. 1️⃣ All ingredients except butter are kneaded into the cook machine until the dough is evenly smooth, you can remove the coarse film and put it into the softened butter to continue kneading for 15 minutes Out of the glove film and leave it in a warm place to ferment until it is twice as large. 2️⃣All the ingredients used in the coconut filling are put together, stirred and mixed well, if it feels dry, you can add a little more milk. 3️⃣ The fermented dough is pressed and vented, rolled out into rectangular dough, coated with coconut filling, rolled up and cut in the middle, rolled on both sides to tighten the mouth, put into the toast box and ferment until 8 minutes full. 4️⃣ Preheat the oven at 170 degrees, bake in the oven for 40 minutes, color and cover with tin foil in 10 minutes.

By Lin Xue Kitchenette 【Douguo Food Official Certified Master】


Coconut filling 2 toast amounts

120 g minced coconut

Melt 50g of butter

Powdered sugar 40 g

1 egg

Milk 30 ml


High gluten flour 250 g

Milk 180 ml

Softened butter 20 g

Sugar 30 g

Resistant to high sugar yeast 3 g

Salt 3 g

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

Soft and delicious coconut toast (universal coconut filling)

1, 1️⃣ All ingredients except butter into the cooking machine kneaded until a uniform and smooth dough, you can roll out the coarse film into the softened butter and continue to knead the dough for 15 minutes out of the glove film in a warm place to ferment to 2 times the size. 2️⃣All the ingredients used in the coconut filling are put together, stirred and mixed well, if it feels dry, you can add a little more milk. @Foodie Potato @ Life Institute @ Captain Potato

Soft and delicious coconut toast (universal coconut filling)

2, 2️⃣All the ingredients used in the coconut filling are put together, stirred and mixed well, if you feel dry, you can add a little more milk.

Soft and delicious coconut toast (universal coconut filling)

3, 3️⃣ fermented dough press the exhaust, roll out rectangular dough, coat with coconut filling, roll up the middle cut, roll up the sides to tighten the mouth, put into the toast box to ferment until 8 minutes full.

Soft and delicious coconut toast (universal coconut filling)

4: 4️Preheat the oven at 170 degrees, bake in the oven for 40 minutes, and cover with tin foil for 10 minutes. (I made two toasts, if it's the same as mine, time to bake for 5 minutes)

Soft and delicious coconut toast (universal coconut filling)

5: After baking the toast, gently shake the toast box and pour it out until warm and sealed.

Soft and delicious coconut toast (universal coconut filling)

6, super like!

Soft and delicious coconut toast (universal coconut filling)

7. Super fragrant!

Soft and delicious coconut toast (universal coconut filling)

8, I don't like to eat coconut minced, I can also eat half of it!

Soft and delicious coconut toast (universal coconut filling)

9. Finished product.


(1) The amount of milk is adjusted according to the final state of the dough, and the ± add or subtract 10g. (2) Please adjust the specific baking temperature time according to your own oven. (3) Do not refrigerate the baked bread after sealing, it will accelerate the aging of the bread, freeze preservation, and reheat it when eating, just like just taking the test!

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