
The freshest pesto in spring, used to scramble eggs, is brightly colored and fragrant, so delicious

author:Simple cuisine of aridine

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The freshest pesto in spring, used to scramble eggs, is brightly colored and fragrant, so delicious

What I want to share with you today is a delicious scrambled egg with pesto, the aroma is very unique, like this taste, it is absolutely addictive.

Today I suddenly received a package, and after opening it, I was surprised, full of boxes of pesto. Seeing this, I couldn't help but smile, it turned out to be a hometown specialty sent by the old mother of the family. It is true that no matter how old the child grows and how far he goes, the relatives in the family are always worried about it. The new pesto in the spring immediately sent a box for me to taste.

Some friends will feel that pesto is very familiar. Indeed, in the spring wild, there is a wild vegetable that looks exactly like pesto. However, this wild vegetable is slightly bitter to eat, so it is called "bitter garlic".

The freshest pesto in spring, used to scramble eggs, is brightly colored and fragrant, so delicious

Going up the mountain to ridicule garlic can be said to be a must-have project for many children in their childhood. When I was a child, every spring, everyone would always go up the mountain together to mock garlic. Now that I think about it, it's really full of memories!

And pesto is a modified, artificially bred variety of wild bitter garlic, with a unique aroma and almost no bitter taste. So it is especially suitable for stir-frying with eggs, meat, and green broad beans produced in spring, and the taste is particularly great!

Today I want to share with you the simplest method - pesto scrambled eggs, interested must try!

The freshest pesto in spring, used to scramble eggs, is brightly colored and fragrant, so delicious

【Scrambled eggs with pesto】

Ingredients required: pesto, eggs, cooking oil, salt, chicken essence

The production process is as follows:

1. Prepare a handful of pesto and add 4 eggs. (More eggs are tastier, so you can add a few more)

The freshest pesto in spring, used to scramble eggs, is brightly colored and fragrant, so delicious

2. Remove the roots and yellow leaves of the pesto, wash and chop; shell the eggs and beat them into a bowl.

The freshest pesto in spring, used to scramble eggs, is brightly colored and fragrant, so delicious

3. Mix the eggs and pesto and beat into egg mixture.

The freshest pesto in spring, used to scramble eggs, is brightly colored and fragrant, so delicious

4. Pour the appropriate amount of cooking oil into the pot, after the oil is heated, pour the beaten egg liquid into the pot, and after the surrounding bubbles, turn the egg skin over to let the excess egg liquid continue to heat.

The freshest pesto in spring, used to scramble eggs, is brightly colored and fragrant, so delicious

5. After all the egg liquid is fried into pieces, you can add the appropriate amount of salt and chicken essence to taste.

The freshest pesto in spring, used to scramble eggs, is brightly colored and fragrant, so delicious

6. Finally, put the scrambled eggs on the plate.

The freshest pesto in spring, used to scramble eggs, is brightly colored and fragrant, so delicious

A delicious scrambled egg with pesto, ready to go! It was so delicious that it couldn't stop!

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