
Obviously ugly, but it makes people feel handsome, 5 male gods in the Hong Kong circle tell you that "ugly men also have spring"

author:Crocodile entertainment begonia


Think about it, when you meet someone, the first thing you pay attention to is that person.

Or rather, what forms your initial impression of the person.

Obviously ugly, but it makes people feel handsome, 5 male gods in the Hong Kong circle tell you that "ugly men also have spring"

Probably for most people, the answer is simple, it's the person's appearance.

I'm not saying here that there's anything wrong with this way of judging, or that there's any tendency to belittle it.

Obviously ugly, but it makes people feel handsome, 5 male gods in the Hong Kong circle tell you that "ugly men also have spring"

Because for us, when we are facing a stranger, the person's appearance is the most direct contact we have with it, and then this appearance forms the first impression of that person in our brains.

Obviously ugly, but it makes people feel handsome, 5 male gods in the Hong Kong circle tell you that "ugly men also have spring"

It may be our own likes and dislikes of this person, or it may be a good or bad judgment.

Obviously ugly, but it makes people feel handsome, 5 male gods in the Hong Kong circle tell you that "ugly men also have spring"

It's always been in our DNA, but if you want to really understand a person, it's not enough to be limited to what they look like.

Obviously ugly, but it makes people feel handsome, 5 male gods in the Hong Kong circle tell you that "ugly men also have spring"

In the modern increasingly diversified and entertaining lifestyle, this intuitive way of judging will be more prominent in the perception of celebrities.

Obviously ugly, but it makes people feel handsome, 5 male gods in the Hong Kong circle tell you that "ugly men also have spring"

The specific embodiment in real life is to pay more attention to the appearance of stars, and take the level of appearance as the standard for chasing stars, therefore, appearance seems to have become an indispensable traffic password.

Obviously ugly, but it makes people feel handsome, 5 male gods in the Hong Kong circle tell you that "ugly men also have spring"

Here, the editor will introduce several special Hong Kong celebrities, although they do not have a very high appearance, but they still enjoy a high reputation.

Obviously ugly, but it makes people feel handsome, 5 male gods in the Hong Kong circle tell you that "ugly men also have spring"

1. Toshihiko Zhao

Obviously ugly, but it makes people feel handsome, 5 male gods in the Hong Kong circle tell you that "ugly men also have spring"

From the above picture, we can see very simply that Tan Junyan's appearance is really a bit harsh and exaggerated if it is described as "ugly".

Obviously ugly, but it makes people feel handsome, 5 male gods in the Hong Kong circle tell you that "ugly men also have spring"

However, one thing we can be sure of is that Tan Junyan's appearance is also difficult to connect with "beauty".

Judging from the data, Tan Junyan has many works and has made a lot of achievements.

However, if you look at it from the entertainment industry, Tan Junyan cannot be regarded as the top batch.

Obviously ugly, but it makes people feel handsome, 5 male gods in the Hong Kong circle tell you that "ugly men also have spring"

Among his works, everyone knows more about "Mermaid" and "Bao Qingtian".

For his current achievements, although he does not rely on his appearance, the innate conditions of the family have played a great role.

His father's name is Dillon, and he is also an actor-level figure.

Obviously ugly, but it makes people feel handsome, 5 male gods in the Hong Kong circle tell you that "ugly men also have spring"

His mother Tao Minming is also an actress.

The influence of his family on his acting career is self-evident.

Obviously ugly, but it makes people feel handsome, 5 male gods in the Hong Kong circle tell you that "ugly men also have spring"

Second, Chen Hao

Obviously ugly, but it makes people feel handsome, 5 male gods in the Hong Kong circle tell you that "ugly men also have spring"

The next movie star's name is Chen Hao, and many netizens may think that his appearance is at the same level as Tan Junyan in the first place.

However, we can also find that Chen Hao seems to have a unique temperament.

Obviously ugly, but it makes people feel handsome, 5 male gods in the Hong Kong circle tell you that "ugly men also have spring"

In fact, this has a lot to do with his experience.

is different from Tan Junyan's interpretation family, with a tailwind start.

Chen Hao's original profession was not an actor, and everyone may be surprised that he was originally a model.

Obviously ugly, but it makes people feel handsome, 5 male gods in the Hong Kong circle tell you that "ugly men also have spring"

But it is estimated that it is not very good in the industry, otherwise he would not have stepped into the showbiz with the help of his friends.

When he first entered the showbiz, Chen Hao was also very bleak, because he could only rely on himself if he wanted to become popular.

Obviously ugly, but it makes people feel handsome, 5 male gods in the Hong Kong circle tell you that "ugly men also have spring"

But without a strong relationship and background, he can only start as a marginal character.

Therefore, if you look back carefully at Chen Hao's development process, it is extremely tortuous and inspirational.

Obviously ugly, but it makes people feel handsome, 5 male gods in the Hong Kong circle tell you that "ugly men also have spring"

Some people compare him to a cup of coffee, which has experienced the initial bitterness and the warmth of the world before it has today's strong and mellow aroma.

Maybe the kind of temperament we see in him is actually a kind of composure and maturity after experiencing the ups and downs of life.

Obviously ugly, but it makes people feel handsome, 5 male gods in the Hong Kong circle tell you that "ugly men also have spring"

Three, eight taels of gold

If the appearance of the first two is still Zhou Zheng, but the appearance of this actor can only be described by the word "peculiar".

It's not just the shape of his face, but also his somewhat strange hairstyle and an unflattering temperament.

Obviously ugly, but it makes people feel handsome, 5 male gods in the Hong Kong circle tell you that "ugly men also have spring"

He is what people call the first "harlequin" in the Hong Kong circle - eight taels of gold.

Maybe for many ordinary people, with such a face, if you go to the acting circle, the future is really bleak.

Obviously ugly, but it makes people feel handsome, 5 male gods in the Hong Kong circle tell you that "ugly men also have spring"

But this is not suitable for eight taels of gold, because officially his special appearance has made him what he is now.

Of course, this is also inseparable from an extremely important Bole in his life - Stephen Chow.

Baliang Jin has starred in many Stephen Chow movies, such as the well-known "The King of Comedy".

Obviously ugly, but it makes people feel handsome, 5 male gods in the Hong Kong circle tell you that "ugly men also have spring"

Therefore, many people ridiculed him as Stephen Chow's "queen harlequin", and Baliang Jin also had a sense of accomplishment for this, because he felt that he brought joy to the audience in front of the screen in his own way.

Obviously ugly, but it makes people feel handsome, 5 male gods in the Hong Kong circle tell you that "ugly men also have spring"

Eight taels of gold can be said to be a typical example, he tells us that appearance does not negate a person's fate, if there is a suitable external environment, appearance can also become a strong support.

Obviously ugly, but it makes people feel handsome, 5 male gods in the Hong Kong circle tell you that "ugly men also have spring"

Fourth, Leung Ka-fai

Obviously ugly, but it makes people feel handsome, 5 male gods in the Hong Kong circle tell you that "ugly men also have spring"

If you talk about the actor in front of you, you may not be very familiar with it, but you must have known this actor - Leung Jiahui.

In fact, few people will pay attention to the appearance of Leung Ka-fai.

Obviously ugly, but it makes people feel handsome, 5 male gods in the Hong Kong circle tell you that "ugly men also have spring"

One is that his appearance belongs to the upper middle level, and more importantly, the countless dazzling auras on his body are completely enough to easily cover up those insignificant flaws.

Obviously ugly, but it makes people feel handsome, 5 male gods in the Hong Kong circle tell you that "ugly men also have spring"

After all, we can find that we can find that this one can be said to have won various awards softly.

Many of the films he has participated in, whether as a leading role or a supporting role, are classics within classics.

Obviously ugly, but it makes people feel handsome, 5 male gods in the Hong Kong circle tell you that "ugly men also have spring"

Here, the editor will not comment too much on this figure who represents an era in the film industry.

Because it seems that any words seem a little weak.

Obviously ugly, but it makes people feel handsome, 5 male gods in the Hong Kong circle tell you that "ugly men also have spring"

Fifth, Liu Qingyun

Obviously ugly, but it makes people feel handsome, 5 male gods in the Hong Kong circle tell you that "ugly men also have spring"

I don't know if everyone will have a sense of familiarity when they see this long face.

This is Liu Qingyun - a movie star who is more famous than his own name.

Because people may rarely go back to pay attention to what his name is, but he appears frequently in the camera.

Obviously ugly, but it makes people feel handsome, 5 male gods in the Hong Kong circle tell you that "ugly men also have spring"

Liu Qingyun's appearance is also more distinctive from a certain point of view.

Because he belongs to the kind of actor who will impress people at a glance.

But his name doesn't seem to be as easy to remember as his looks.

Obviously ugly, but it makes people feel handsome, 5 male gods in the Hong Kong circle tell you that "ugly men also have spring"

Like Chen Hao, Liu Qingyun can't be seen as a headwind start, but it's not far behind.

Therefore, he can only start from a supporting role.

However, the saying that gold always shines was confirmed in him.

Obviously ugly, but it makes people feel handsome, 5 male gods in the Hong Kong circle tell you that "ugly men also have spring"

He finally won the recognition of the audience with his excellent skills, although many people don't know who he is, but at least remember his face.

Of course, the main joke above is still a joke, after all, as an important movie star, Liu Qingyun's popularity is still very high.

Obviously ugly, but it makes people feel handsome, 5 male gods in the Hong Kong circle tell you that "ugly men also have spring"


From the above brief introduction to some movie stars, I think you may find that in fact, how a person looks will have a great impact on the development of this person.

Obviously ugly, but it makes people feel handsome, 5 male gods in the Hong Kong circle tell you that "ugly men also have spring"

However, it is far from the final word, and the opportunities brought by the external environment and the ability to far surpass others are likely to take a person to the sky without realizing it.

Obviously ugly, but it makes people feel handsome, 5 male gods in the Hong Kong circle tell you that "ugly men also have spring"

Therefore, in today's era, we should still chase stars rationally, and while paying attention to the appearance of a star, we should also investigate the story behind this person.

I don't know what you think, welcome to leave a message.


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