
China's exports of electric vehicles have soared, increasingly selling to the rest of the world

China's exports of electric vehicles have soared, increasingly selling to the rest of the world

Wen 丨 "Late Finance" Cheng Manqi

Chinese-made electric vehicles are increasingly being sold around the world.

According to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, from January to November this year, China exported nearly 1.43 million passenger cars, of which 20% were new energy vehicles, with exports exceeding 290,000 units, an increase of 30% over the whole of last year and an increase of 15% over 2019 before the epidemic.

Of the 290,000 new energy vehicles exported by China, 170,000 are produced in the Shanghai factory and shipped to Tesla around the world, accounting for nearly 60% of China's total exports of new energy vehicles in January-November this year, far exceeding other brands.

Taking the situation in November as an example, according to the data of the Association of Automobile Associations, Tesla exported more than 20,000 units in the month, the export volume of SAIC New Energy Vehicles ranked second was more than 6,600 units, and the third to fifth Geely, Great Wall and BYD did not exceed 500 units.

The Shanghai factory became Tesla's global export center this year, with exports rising from more than 7,000 units in January to more than 40,000 units in October. Tesla has said that before the Berlin factory in Germany is put into production, Model Y will not land in Europe, but due to the strong demand in the European market, the Berlin plant production date is slower than expected, starting in August this year, the Shanghai factory with relatively stable supply began to export Model Y to Europe.

Tesla's Shanghai factory can cultivate local parts and components companies, and its supply chain localization rate has exceeded 90%, which can be said to be made in China. But Tesla, which puts its core research and development and design in the United States, and uses China as its manufacturing center and market, is still an American brand after all.

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