
The United States has comprehensively restricted Huawei, but China cannot ban the sale of Apple, and many factors cannot be one-size-fits-all

With the emergence of Huawei in the 5G field, the United States has a lingering feeling, because in the field of 5G, Huawei's technology seems to be far more than that of local communication companies. Therefore, the United States has to include Huawei in the entity sanctions list, not only to restrict huawei's development in communication base stations, but also to not allow the US semiconductor industry to cooperate with Huawei. This has led to the almost complete suspension of Huawei's development in the United States, and even the sales of Huawei mobile phones have been affected.

The United States has comprehensively restricted Huawei, but China cannot ban the sale of Apple, and many factors cannot be one-size-fits-all

As Huawei faces a shortage of chips, not only in foreign markets, but also in the domestic mobile phone sales business, from the previously announced sales of Chinese mobile phones, Huawei has fallen out of the top five. This has a lot to do with the lack of supply of 5G chips, but this does not stop Huawei from continuing to move forward, but the development of the US market has been forced to press the pause button. So why can the United States restrict Huawei with great fanfare, and even join forces with Western countries to pursue and intercept Huawei, but China cannot completely ban the sale of American apples? You know, this has a lot to do with the network behind it, or the interests behind it.

The United States has comprehensively restricted Huawei, but China cannot ban the sale of Apple, and many factors cannot be one-size-fits-all

For example, Huawei, research and development and production are domestic, but exported to foreign sales, even if the United States restricts Huawei, it is only to replace the supplier of 5G base stations. However, apple's situation in China is completely different, first of all, Apple has a number of suppliers in China, although it is only a downstream supplier, but for Chinese companies, it can also earn a lot of profits every year. Secondly, Apple also has a number of foundry factories, the largest of which is Foxconn, and Foxconn also has a number of factories in The country, which means that it can solve the employment of a large number of people every year. In addition, Apple's sales in China require a part of the tax, which is equivalent to increasing China's economic income in disguise.

The United States has comprehensively restricted Huawei, but China cannot ban the sale of Apple, and many factors cannot be one-size-fits-all

In addition, Apple's market share in China has reached about 10%, which means that there are many young people who use Apple mobile phones, and even Apple's other series of products. If apples are banned, it's hard to imagine what kind of chain reaction it will cause. Therefore, it can be said that it is not that China does not want to ban the sale of Apples, but the network behind it can be said to be intricate, so under the interference of many factors, China cannot achieve "one size fits all".

The United States has comprehensively restricted Huawei, but China cannot ban the sale of Apple, and many factors cannot be one-size-fits-all

This has led to the United States being able to unscrupulously restrict huawei's development, but China cannot directly ban the sale of Apples, which needs to be achieved step by step. For example, to increase Apple's tariffs, or to stimulate Apple's Chinese suppliers to have the strength of independent research and development, and in addition to supplying Apple, they can also supply domestic mobile phone brands. Only after the strength of China's enterprises is enhanced, they have the ability to bear their own profits and losses, and can they further start to ban the sale of Apple. If the sale is blindly banned, then it is Still China that will pay the bill in the end, so at present, it can only choose to stay still.

(Text/Hua Qiang)

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