
The most difficult tomb in history to dig, just to find the tomb is prohibitive, containing 3,000 swords

The State of Wu and the State of Yue were princely states that only appeared on the stage of history at the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, these two countries were in the same "barbarian land", geographically close together, after years of accumulation and development, the strength of the State of Wu continued to rise, and the heart of expansion was gradually revealed. In addition, because the founders of the State of Wu were related to the Tianzi of the Western Zhou Dynasty, and the State of Yue was a descendant of the Xia Dynasty, the contest between the two different cultural systems also caused the two countries to be in a state of mutual attack for a long time.

The most difficult tomb in history to dig, just to find the tomb is prohibitive, containing 3,000 swords

The State of Wu sent troops to attack the State of Yue four times, the first attack in 544 BC caused the King of the State of Wu to die in battle, and then in 510 BC the State of Wu set out again, this time capturing many cities and pools of the State of Yue. However, King Wu was not satisfied with this, and in 496 BC he organized a third attack on the state of Yue, which not only resulted in a major defeat, but also caused him to die of serious injuries on the battlefield. Before he died, he pulled his son Fucha to the bed and told him to work hard to avenge his father.

The most difficult tomb in history to dig, just to find the tomb is prohibitive, containing 3,000 swords

After Fu Cha ascended to the throne, he obeyed his father's instructions and stepped up military training, and finally launched the fourth attack on the Yue kingdom two years later, in 494 BC, and this military operation can be said to be a shame, not only defeating the Yue kingdom, but also forcing the Gou to commit suicide. However, Gou Jian was eventually persuaded by the minister Wen Zhong to give up committing suicide, and he decided to temporarily wait for the opportunity to make a comeback, and then pretended to be convinced and took his wife and children and the minister Fan Li to the State of Wu to herd cattle and sheep to serve Lord Wu. Three years later, Fu Cha completely relaxed his guard against Gouge and released him back home.

The most difficult tomb in history to dig, just to find the tomb is prohibitive, containing 3,000 swords

However, this decision is tantamount to letting the tiger return to the mountain, and immediately after returning to Yueguo, Gou Jian is angry and ready for revenge, and the idiom of "lying down and tasting courage" is derived from his deeds. After ten years of arduous struggle, the country has finally become strong and has turned weak into strong. In the end, in a counter-offensive in 475 BC, he defeated the State of Wu and forced Defu to commit suicide in shame. However, Gou Jian felt that he was still angry about killing Fu Cha, and he had tried to destroy the mausoleum of Lu Lu, but he did not succeed because the tomb was too difficult to destroy.

The most difficult tomb in history to dig, just to find the tomb is prohibitive, containing 3,000 swords

So, where is the tomb of Lu Lu? Why is it so difficult to destroy? In fact, the tomb of Lu Lu can be called the most difficult tomb in history, and many people in the history of history have just found the tomb and are discouraged. According to Sima Qian's "Records of History", King Wu was buried in Tiger Hill after his death. Tiger Hill, which many people are not unfamiliar with, is now a 5A-level scenic tourism area located in the northwest corner of Suzhou City, with the reputation of "the first mountain in Wuzhong". Folklore says that three days after the burial, a white tiger appeared on its tomb, hence the name "Tiger Hill", and it is said that its mausoleum is shaped like a tiger, so it is called "Tiger Hill". Those who have been to Tiger Hill must be impressed by one of the locations, that is, the sword pond, which is said to be buried under this sword pool. The name Jianchi also has a long history, and historical records say that it is because the mausoleum in the pond was buried with three thousand swords, including the world-famous fish intestine sword and the flat sword.

The most difficult tomb in history to dig, just to find the tomb is prohibitive, containing 3,000 swords

Because of the famous sword as a companion, the tomb that has lasted for thousands of years has thus become the mausoleum that many feudal rulers in ancient times most wanted to excavate, and it is said that Qin Shi Huang and Sun Quan at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty had fought its idea. Unfortunately, they did not return to the grave before they could find it. So, is It really that mysterious? Is it that difficult to open? Then I finally had the answer. In 1955, when the water of the sword pond was drained, an inscription inscribed during the Zhengde period of the Ming Dynasty was found on the east side of the pond wall, which probably means that although the tomb door was found, it did not enter the tomb. Compared with this major discovery, more than a decade later, in October 1978, the major discovery after the water of the sword pond was drained again was even more surprising, and archaeologists found the stone slab at the bottom of the northern section of the cave, because the stone slab showed no signs of being moved, and experts speculated that the tomb may still be well preserved.

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