
Sinking, digital intelligence, Bao Moulong and the era of change that should buy a car

Sinking, digital intelligence, Bao Moulong and the era of change that should buy a car

【Lieyun Network (WeChat: ilieyun) Beijing】 Reported on December 21 (Text/Lv Xinyi)

Leaving aside the entrepreneurs who subverted the industry, Bao Moulong, who has been in business for six years, wants to constantly change the way consumers buy cars.

In 2015, when Yibuy car was established, it was the wave of O2O sweeping the automotive industry. Entrepreneurs are pouring into the "O2O+ car" field, and most of them want to subvert the automotive industry through the concept of the Internet. However, Bao Moulong, who entered the automotive industry at the same time, has the opposite attitude. He told Hunter Cloud, "I never thought I was going to subvert anything, I just focused on what I wanted to focus on. ”

"Changing the way Chinese buy cars", this is Bao Moulong's original intention of starting a business. At first, Bao Moulong observed that there were problems such as information asymmetry and imbalance between supply and demand in the market. Insight into the pain points of the industry, Bao Moulong was established in 2015 to buy a car, within six years of entrepreneurship, Bao Moulong believes that Yi buying a car has been committed to constantly changing the way of buying a car, "Why is it constantly changing?" Because there is no best, only better. ”

Sinking, digital intelligence, Bao Moulong and the era of change that should buy a car

Today's Yibuy car is not only a company that does new car sales business. Instead, it is to complete the industrial closed loop from the digital intelligence of the back-end automotive industry chain to the front-end sinking market sales. Throughout the 6-year development history of Yi buying a car, it reveals the three keywords of sinking, trust, and digital intelligence.

Go, go to the sinking market

Yi buy car opened the first store in the second-tier city of Fuzhou, and the sales link adopted the broker model to promote sales conversion through user resources in the form of benefit sharing. Such a broker model makes the store make a single store transaction of fifty vehicles after half a year.

The biggest advantage of the broker model is to give profits to the broker, which improves the enthusiasm and certainty of the broker's sales. "Once when I came to the store in the morning, I saw the agent taking care of the vehicle spontaneously, and I was very excited at that moment." Bao Moulong believes that the broker's move to spontaneously care for the vehicle proves the viability of the business model.

But soon after, Bao Moulong found that he had encountered a bottleneck period of development. "It's true that you can make money, but it's hard to expand." The difficulty of expanding development stems from the pressure of many 4S stores in second-tier cities. The number of 4S stores in first- and second-tier cities is relatively dense, which is a large development resistance for yibuy cars that are also doing car sales business. So Bao Moulong set his sights on the sinking market that the 4S store did not attack, And Bao Moulong said, "Most of the 4S stores will not be opened in third- and fourth-tier cities, with a small population and insufficient purchasing power, and the cost is too high for 4S stores." "Bao Moulong, who saw the business opportunities in the sinking market, began to develop the sinking of suitable cars.

At the end of 2016, Yibui, which had been sinking for more than half a year, completed the sales performance of 100 units in a single store. Such performance proves that sinking is a sustainable path, "That night we also held a special review meeting and celebration meeting, and the memory is still fresh. Bao Moulong said.

After the sinking, it is advisable to buy a car based on user insights and has embarked on a differentiated development path.

The first is the difference in store location, in the third and fourth-tier cities, less than the resistance of 4S stores, the biggest competitor to buy a car is the mom-and-pop shop. Such mom-and-pop shops are basically located in areas on the outskirts of the city and are more scattered. After understanding the market situation of the sinking market, it is advisable to buy a car and open the store in the mall. Bao Moulong revealed that opening stores in the mall distinguishes the difference between the husband and wife stores and the husband and wife stores, and at the same time establishes a brand image that is suitable for buying a car.

There is another phenomenon in the sinking market, the target user has more time and small circles. Based on this phenomenon, Yi Buy Car has fine-tuned the broker model, mainly based on the introduction of acquaintances. Form communities within the broker's scope and create fission through the acquaintance effect. For asset-heavy, long-term sales attribute products such as automobiles, acquaintances are the best entry points. According to Bao Moulong, at present, the fission of users who should buy cars can reach an average of 2.5 new per person per year.

In the years of deep ploughing in the sinking market, Bao Moulong prefers to call Yi buy a car a car supermarket rather than a platform. "Supermarket reveals the concept of a multi-brand vertical category." In his view, it is advisable to buy a car to sink the multi-brand car effect of the market store, so that this road is smooth and smooth.

A sense of trust, the key to success

The automotive industry is a decision-making link with a long sales cycle and the support of a sense of trust, so the sense of trust has also become the biggest proposition of the automotive industry. The important key point of the broker model adopted by Yi buying a car to achieve feasibility is also the brand trust that the platform continues to build.

The biggest keyword in establishing a sense of trust is "transparency", and the transparent price quotation system is used to show customers the whole process of the national car source reserve price quotation, logistics costs, insurance costs and so on. Put an end to the situation where the salesman arbitrarily opens the price, and the price body system is one. In this way, a sense of trust is generated, "We will tell users that they can pick up the car at this price within the validity period, and even some car accessories, and we will advise users to go to a cheaper place to buy." ”

After the trust of offline stores was established, Bao Moulong found that young people are now more willing to trust bloggers than acquaintances. So Yi buy car began to try the live broadcast model, and established a sales network of online orders and nationwide delivery. "In my opinion, live streaming is a new type of trust-building sales."

In fact, Yi Buy Car has tried a variety of online sales models. In terms of e-commerce, the joint user group and the high degree of overlap with the car are mainly for the sinking market users of Pinduoduo. In May this year, the "55% discount on car purchase" activity promoted more than 600 car purchase orders. In terms of live broadcasting, Yi buy car and Geely pioneered the domestic C2M car live broadcast, and users went to the Yi buy car store to test drive and inspect the car after placing an order in the live broadcast room, so as to break through online and offline transaction barriers.

In fact, the so-called sense of trust is to increase the human touch in the cold sales link, inject a sense of trust into the online and offline sales link, and finally the image of the overall brand output. Brand image is often the first impression of consumers on the brand, so the brand should not only inform consumers of their own business when exporting to the outside world, but also inform consumers of their own brand characteristics, and use a sense of trust to cultivate consumers' user minds.

This can be seen in the showroom and LOGO of the car. The LOGO of Yi Buying Car is a man wearing square glasses who is preparing to shake hands, such a LOGO distinguishes the pictures of cars and names in the same industry, and the action of reaching out while increasing the memory point seems to tell you that this is a company that can be trusted.

Yi buy car has opened a national tide style exhibition hall offline, and the whole scene is very young. It seems to be related to Bao Moulong's e-sports experience, Yi buying a car always reveals a youthful atmosphere in the brand output, not only forming a memory point in the homogeneous output industry, but also gaining the favor of the younger generation of consumers.

Imagination space for the automotive industry

If 2015, when Yi buying a car was established, was the hot year when the Concept of the Internet poured into the automotive industry, then it is the best era for algorithm technology to empower car sales.

Bao Moulong said that the difference between the same model at different times and in different places may be as high as 5%. By optimizing service products, establishing a supply chain moat, and creating a digital vehicle source information circulation system, Yi buy car is committed to accurately predicting the price trend in the fluctuating vehicle market.

In 2019, Yi buying a car began to try to integrate big data models based on massive supply chain vehicle source information, and use algorithms to accurately estimate car prices. To this day, this algorithm technology is still iterating, adding more dimensions to improve accuracy. Algorithm technology helps Yi buy a car to empower front-end sales to improve accuracy, but also helps it to exert efforts in the back-end supply chain and improve the efficiency of cooperation.

At the same time, Yi buys a car and actively cooperates with manufacturers to launch customized models in conjunction with manufacturers. Through years of precipitation in the automotive industry and the real feedback of hundreds of thousands of users, it is advisable to buy a car to grasp consumer preferences at the sales end, and the customized version of the model is optimized on the basic model, so that the customized model is more in line with consumer expectations. According to Bao Moulong, it is impossible to customize models with manufacturers when he first entered the industry, and with the development and change of the industry, the attitude of manufacturers has become more and more open. Such openness is reflected at all levels, bringing more imagination to the automotive industry.

Too many projects have withdrawn from the historical stage in six years, but this entrepreneur who does not want to disrupt the industry still leads the development of Yi buying a car. This year, Bao Moulong won the Top 10 pioneers of Lieyun In 2021, and the annual GMV of Yi buying a car reached 30 billion. Even so, Mou Long still does not talk about subversion, looking back on the six years of entrepreneurship, Bao Moulong believes that he is repeatedly thinking about the relationship with users, linking brands and users' trust, adjusting and the relationship with the industry, helping Yi buy car to continuously iterate to find the most suitable development path, leading Yi buy car from Xiamen to the whole country.

He revealed to Lieyun Network that "it is enough to focus on the relationship with users, and I will also do work on this matter in the future." "Now Bao Moulong is still speeding forward on the road of sinking and intelligence in the automobile industry. In the future, with new energy vehicles gradually becoming the first choice for purchase, new energy brands will inevitably grow explosively in the sinking market, and it is undoubtedly in an era of the best change for the car that is suitable for deeply cultivating the sinking market channel. It is also worth waiting to see what kind of automotive new retail era will be created by constantly exploring new development strategies.

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