
Liu Bei made 5 mistakes in his life: killing 1 wrong person, misplacing 1 person, marrying 1 wrong person, using 1 wrong person, and looking at 1 wrong person

Liu Bei made 5 mistakes in his life: killing 1 wrong person, misplacing 1 person, marrying 1 wrong person, using 1 wrong person, and looking at 1 wrong person

Even the most perfect people will make mistakes after all, and there are many big people in history who will also make mistakes. Liu Bei during the Three Kingdoms period, I believe that all the small friends must be very familiar with Liu Bei. Liu Beikong has a good name for a royal descendant, in fact, he is a person who buys straw shoes. However, in the later period, the Shu state was also established, and Liu Bei was also a powerful character. However, Liu Bei himself made five mistakes, which made it impossible for him to complete the great cause of reunification. What are the five mistakes, interested partners can follow the small editor to learn more about it.

Liu Bei made 5 mistakes in his life: killing 1 wrong person, misplacing 1 person, marrying 1 wrong person, using 1 wrong person, and looking at 1 wrong person

First of all, let xiaobian tell you about the first mistake made by Liu Bei. Killed one of the generals, that is, the famous Lü Bu. Liu Bei had followed Cao Cao to capture the city of Yecheng, and Lü Bu was captured by Cao Cao. Lü Bu begged Cao Cao for forgiveness at that time, hoping that Cao Cao would keep his life. At the same time, Lü Bu was also communicating with Liu Bei in private, hoping that Liu Bei could say a few kind words in front of Cao Cao, say good things, and let himself go. Because Cao Cao attached great importance to talented people, coupled with Liu Bei's persuasion, Lü Bu felt that Cao Cao could definitely let himself go. However, I did not expect Liu Bei to say to Cao Cao: "Have you not seen the tragic fate of Ding Yuan and Dong Zhuo?" In this way, Cao Cao killed Lü Bu. Speaking of why Liu Bei did this, Liu Bei and Lü Bu also had a festival. Liu Bei originally occupied Xuzhou, but unfortunately was taken away by Lü Bu's bad plan. There was no way but to follow Cao Cao. It is said that Lü Bu did not die, and Cao Cao would definitely suffer at the hands of Lü Bu, which would benefit Liu Bei.

Liu Bei made 5 mistakes in his life: killing 1 wrong person, misplacing 1 person, marrying 1 wrong person, using 1 wrong person, and looking at 1 wrong person

The second mistake was to let Cao Cao, the enemy, go, and Guan Yu did not kill him. In the course of Liu Bei's conquests along the way, Cao Cao was a great enemy and caused Liu Bei a lot of trouble. When Cao Cao was defeated at the hands of Guan Yu, Liu Bei also persuaded Guan Yu to spare Cao Cao's life. Who knows, in the many subsequent wars, cao cao was beaten by the falling flowers. Liu Bei often regretted it. Without Cao Cao, Liu Bei would not have worked so hard.

The third mistake was to marry the wrong wife, to marry Sun Quan's sister, and Liu Bei would marry this person because of the needs of the alliance. In historical novels, Liu Bei and Sun Quan are a loving couple, but in fact, the real history is not like this. Sun Quan's sister is a strong personality, very domineering, no gentleness to speak of. Liu Bei was also afraid of sleeping with this woman. After that, what was even more outrageous was that this woman actually took Liu Bei's only son to Eastern Wu at that time, if it were not for the agility of Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei around her, who had discovered her plot, or Liu Bei would have regretted it. To a certain extent, this woman came to Liu Bei's side as an undercover agent, and fortunately she knew it in time to avoid greater disasters.

Liu Bei made 5 mistakes in his life: killing 1 wrong person, misplacing 1 person, marrying 1 wrong person, using 1 wrong person, and looking at 1 wrong person

The fourth mistake is to use the wrong person, that is, to send about guarding Jingzhou alone. Guan Yu was indeed a very powerful general, very good at fighting. But how could a warrior defend the city? At that time, according to Zhuge Liang's plan, it was to first control Yizhou and Jingzhou, and then attack Cao Wei. Liu Bei misused Guan Yu to defend the city, as a defender must be resourceful and flexible, not necessarily the ability to fight a particularly strong war, but the management ability must be strong. Guan Yu was not suitable for zhen shou Jingzhou. After that, it led to the careless loss of Jingzhou.

Then there was the fifth mistake, looking at one person wrongly, that is, Lu Xun. Liu Bei underestimated Lu Xun's ability to a certain extent. After being proclaimed empress, he disregarded the obstruction of his ministers and attacked Eastern Wu. At that time, Lu Xun was relatively young compared to Liu Bei, and Liu Bei felt that he was a veteran general, how could he not defeat this person. However, Lu Xun was good at hiding his strength, and Liu Bei was careless and suffered a crushing defeat in this battle. As a result, it affected the great cause of the unification of the Shu kingdom.

These are the five very serious mistakes that Liu Bei made in his life. If you have any ideas, you can also leave a message below.

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