
Data Revealed! What is the living condition of centenarians in Henan? Longevity secrets announced

"There are also thousand-year-old trees in the mountains, and it is rare for a hundred-year-old person in the world", health and longevity have always been the dream of people. In order to promote the development of the province's aging cause and improve the province's population development strategy and policy system, on December 21, the Henan Provincial Bureau of Statistics released the results of the questionnaire survey on the living conditions of centenarians in Henan.

When asked "what is the secret of your own longevity", "the law of life", "optimistic, maintain a good mood" and "more exercise, exercise often" have become high-frequency words, which shows that an open-minded attitude and good living habits have an important impact on health and longevity.

With the economic and social development of our province, the continuous improvement of living standards, medical security levels, social security levels and health awareness, the scale of the elderly population will continue to increase, and the proportion of centenarians will continue to increase. In order to cope with the problem of social aging, so that the elderly have support, the elderly have medical treatment, the old have fun, and let the elderly live in peace in their old age, it is necessary to further improve the welfare security system and system for the elderly, further improve the medical security system and system for the elderly, further improve the service security system and system for the elderly, and further improve the care and support system and system for the elderly.

Data Revealed! What is the living condition of centenarians in Henan? Longevity secrets announced
Data Revealed! What is the living condition of centenarians in Henan? Longevity secrets announced
Data Revealed! What is the living condition of centenarians in Henan? Longevity secrets announced
Data Revealed! What is the living condition of centenarians in Henan? Longevity secrets announced

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