
After Khrushchev came to power, Stalin's son Varisi had been awarded the rank of lieutenant general, and what was his final outcome?

After Khrushchev came to power, Stalin's son Varisi had been awarded the rank of lieutenant general, and what was his final outcome?

Introduction Tian Yisuan mentioned in the article "Jade Laughter Zero Tone", "The shrew chirps and the turtle responds, and the rabbit dies and the fox is sad", and the truth of the rabbit death and fox sorrow believes that the public knows that when one party is in the situation of being taken care of, once the party that takes care of it is no longer powerful, then the party that is taken care of is also likely to be negatively affected. This applies to the exchanges between countries, as well as to Stalin and his children. When Stalin died, his children were no longer glorious and even faced imprisonment.

Stalin was a very good leader, and his political and military talents had much to learn. Stalin played a great role in promoting the development of the Soviet Union into an industrialized country, and the development of the Soviet state at that time was largely due to Stalin. Stalin was so good, but his descendants all had an unfortunate fate.

After Khrushchev came to power, Stalin's son Varisi had been awarded the rank of lieutenant general, and what was his final outcome?

Stalin had two children, and he himself was very strict, even harsh, about the education of both children. Although he was a father, Stalin did not seem to have too deep feelings for his children. Stalin's eldest son grew up to become a soldier, but was captured by the Germans in a battle while still a soldier. After capturing Stalin's eldest son, Hitler offered to exchange him for his own general, who had been captured by the Soviet Union. It is understandable to exchange a German general for his own son, but Stalin did not do so.

After Khrushchev came to power, Stalin's son Varisi had been awarded the rank of lieutenant general, and what was his final outcome?

In the face of Hitler's offer of quid pro quo, Stalin did not think too much about it and simply chose to refuse, so his eldest son was killed by the Germans shortly after. Such Stalin was really an excellent general, but people could not help but lament his ruthlessness. At first, Stalin paid little attention to the education of his youngest son, and it was not until his wife committed suicide that Stalin had to raise his young son alone.

After Khrushchev came to power, Stalin's son Varisi had been awarded the rank of lieutenant general, and what was his final outcome?

Stalin's youngest son was named Vasily, and under the strict education of his father, Vasily also became a very good talent in adulthood, and was a lieutenant general in the Soviet Union at that time. If things go well, Vasily will be able to inherit his father's excellent leadership skills and have a brilliant life, but all this has changed dramatically with stalin's death.

Stalin had a nemesis, Khrushchev, and after Stalin's death, the leader of the Soviet Union was none other than Khrushchev. Khrushchev was not a very upright general, he could not treat Stalin and Vasily completely objectively, and he certainly needed revenge on his own nemesis. Vasily also understood this deeply, so he was very frightened after Khrushchev came to power.

After Khrushchev came to power, Stalin's son Varisi had been awarded the rank of lieutenant general, and what was his final outcome?

After Khrushchev came to power, he put Vasily in prison for a random reason, and Vasily stayed in prison for five years. From a former highly respected lieutenant general to a later prisoner, this change of fate made It difficult for Vasili to accept, and because of the poor living conditions, Vasily suffered various injuries in prison. Five years later, Stalin's supporters demanded that Khrushchev release Stalin, and because these supporters all had a certain amount of power, Khrushchev had to be jealous at this time.

After Khrushchev came to power, Stalin's son Varisi had been awarded the rank of lieutenant general, and what was his final outcome?

Although Khrushchev was reluctant, out of jealousy of power, he chose to release Vasily. However, Vasily did not gain the freedom to continue his life. Because of such a huge change in his life, his parents and brothers are no longer in life, and vasily has no ambitions after being released from prison, and vents his bitterness with alcohol.

Vasily, who was addicted to alcohol all day, not only did not have a sober state, but also often scolded the situation and Khrushchev, and became a complete drunkard. Seeing this situation, a group of people who had demanded Vasili's release also felt very cold and expressed to Khrushchev that they hoped to revoke the decision to release Vasily.

After Khrushchev came to power, Stalin's son Varisi had been awarded the rank of lieutenant general, and what was his final outcome?

For Khrushchev, vasily releasing vasily was already a reluctant act, and now it was even more impossible to put him in prison again, so it didn't take long for Vasily to re-enter the prison. Shortly after being deprived of his freedom again, Vasily, who had suffered both physical and psychological torture, finally could no longer bear such a painful death, and his life was quite emotional.


As Liu Yuxi described in "Wuyi Lane", "in the old days, Wang XieTang Qianyan flew into the homes of ordinary people", when he was full of spirit and was sheltered by his father, His life changed dramatically after his father's death, and he fell from the palace to the bottom, and there were few people who supported Stalin. Vasily's life was tragic, he could have had a very wonderful life, but the world was uncertain, in the face of great changes in the situation, he was just an ordinary person with his own feelings, from a lieutenant general to an alcoholic, for Vasily at that time, perhaps it was not much better to live than to die.

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