
Regarding the 3 myths about fatty liver, it is time for you to understand and avoid aggravation of the disease

When it comes to liver disease, the first thing that comes to mind is hepatitis, cirrhosis or cancer.

As everyone knows, in recent years, with the continuous rise of China's diet and economic level, the incidence of a liver pathological change is increasing year by year;

It has become the second largest liver disease in China after viral hepatitis, and the incidence rate is rising at the same time, but also showing a trend of rejuvenation, this disease is "fatty liver".

Regarding the 3 myths about fatty liver, it is time for you to understand and avoid aggravation of the disease

The so-called fatty liver is that the accumulation of fat in liver cells caused by various factors is excessive, and it is essentially a liver pathological change, rather than an independent disease.

Because the clinical detection rate of fatty liver is relatively high, many people do not pay too much attention to it, and even mistakenly believe that fatty liver does not need treatment!

As everyone knows, this is not the case, three rumors about fatty liver, it is time for you to understand:

Regarding the 3 myths about fatty liver, it is time for you to understand and avoid aggravation of the disease

1. Only obesity can get sick? wrong!

It has to be said that obesity is indeed the most important risk factor for fatty liver, and the degree of fat accumulation in the liver is directly proportional to the weight of the patient.

When obese people actively lose weight and control their weight, the degree of fat infiltration in the liver will also be alleviated, or even disappear completely, but obesity is not the only factor in fatty liver.

Regarding the 3 myths about fatty liver, it is time for you to understand and avoid aggravation of the disease

It should be known that the liver is the central organ of lipid substance metabolism, and there are many reasons that may cause abnormal lipid metabolism in the liver, including the impact of metabolic diseases, drug effects, dietary effects and other major aspects.

Even people who are emaciated, due to improper diet or medication, may also cause the emergence of fatty liver, so fatty liver has never been the patent of obese people.

Regarding the 3 myths about fatty liver, it is time for you to understand and avoid aggravation of the disease

2. Mild fatty liver, no need for treatment? wrong!

Fatty liver can be divided into three stages in clinical practice: mild, moderate and severe, and mild fatty liver refers to the fat content in the liver that exceeds about 5-10% of its total weight.

In most cases, mild fatty liver disease does not have any clinical symptoms, and patients basically know the fact that they are ill during an accidental physical examination.

Regarding the 3 myths about fatty liver, it is time for you to understand and avoid aggravation of the disease

Because of this, many people mistakenly believe that mild fatty liver does not need attention and treatment. As everyone knows, if the mild fatty liver is not actively adjusted, it may continue to develop in the later stage, evolving into moderate or even severe fatty liver.

The condition of severe fatty liver is very fierce, and patients can have severe pain in the right upper quadrant or toothache, coagulation disorders, abdominal effusion and other problems. If not treated in time, it may develop into fibrosis and even cirrhosis in the future.

Regarding the 3 myths about fatty liver, it is time for you to understand and avoid aggravation of the disease

3, there is a fatty liver, eat vegetarian is good? wrong!

In life, many people are misled by the word "fat" contained in the disease, thinking that if you want fatty liver to recover quickly, you can't eat any meat or fatty foods.

As we all know, malnutrition caused by fasting, long-term vegetarianism, and excessive dieting will lead to damage to liver cells, the liver cannot synthesize apolipoproteins, and a large number of triglycerides accumulate in the liver, which will also cause or aggravate fatty liver symptoms, so it is not advisable to eat vegetarian completely.

Regarding the 3 myths about fatty liver, it is time for you to understand and avoid aggravation of the disease

In the clinical view, whether it is mild, moderate or severe, the fatty liver is worthy of the attention of patients, and find reasons from life to actively treat and adjust, such as changing dietary patterns, actively losing weight, adjusting medication, etc.

If the fatty liver has symptoms, the patient also needs to take relevant hepatoprotective and lipid-lowering drugs under the advice of the doctor to avoid the development of the disease to a serious point.

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