
Suffering from diabetes and wanting to stabilize your blood sugar, these 4 things to do and don't ignore

"Diabetes" everyone should have heard of, many people's understanding of diabetes is very one-sided, thinking that it is nothing more than a simple rise in blood sugar.

It is also true that the main feature of diabetes is that the patient's blood sugar metabolism is disordered, which is related to impaired islet function, insulin resistance and other reasons, but the harm caused by diabetes is far more than that.

Suffering from diabetes and wanting to stabilize your blood sugar, these 4 things to do and don't ignore

The reason why after the diagnosis of diabetes, patients need to cooperate with doctors to start comprehensive treatment at the first time.

Because diabetes can cause many complications, and its related complications reach more than 100 kinds, it will cause irreversible damage to the patient's brain and heart, nerve and vascular system, kidneys, eyes, feet and other organs, and even have a fatal risk.

Suffering from diabetes and wanting to stabilize your blood sugar, these 4 things to do and don't ignore

Because of this, as long as diabetes is diagnosed, patients should cooperate with doctors for treatment to gradually stabilize blood sugar. If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, the following four methods are indispensable:

1. Medication treatment: Diabetes can be mainly divided into two major types in clinical practice, namely type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Patients with type 1 diabetes have severely impaired islet function, so they must be treated with long-term, or even lifelong, insulin injections.

Patients with type 2 diabetes are different, in the initial stage of treatment, doctors will mostly make medication plans based on the patient's weight, age, severity of the disease and other aspects.

Patients need to have good compliance after starting the drug, which is the basis for stabilizing blood glucose;

Suffering from diabetes and wanting to stabilize your blood sugar, these 4 things to do and don't ignore

2, weight control: diabetic people do not have an absolute sense of weight limit, but in China's clinical, more than 90% of diabetic patients are type 2 diabetes, the vast majority of which patients are overweight.

Relevant studies have confirmed that obesity caused by excessive eating and reduced physical activity is the most important risk factor for type 2 diabetes. Therefore, if a diabetic has combined obesity, weight loss is the first thing to do;

Suffering from diabetes and wanting to stabilize your blood sugar, these 4 things to do and don't ignore

3, diet adjustment: there are many factors that affect blood sugar fluctuations, of which diet is the biggest reason. In clinical view, after being diagnosed with diabetes, patients should start with dietary adjustments;

This is not to let patients say goodbye to a certain kind of food, but to reasonably match the total calorie intake of three meals, on the basis of nutritional balance, reduce the intake of carbs, high calories, high fat foods, and match protein, vitamins and minerals, dietary fiber, etc. in each meal;

Suffering from diabetes and wanting to stabilize your blood sugar, these 4 things to do and don't ignore

4, exercise can not be less: diabetics exercise purposes are mainly two:

The first is to consume excess body fat through exercise to alleviate the symptoms of insulin resistance.

Second, exercise can improve the sensitivity of cells to insulin and play a role in controlling blood sugar.

Therefore, no matter what type of diabetes, it is necessary to choose a suitable physical activity under the advice of a doctor, especially aerobic exercise.

Science suggests that diabetics should exercise at least 3 times a week when the body allows, and each exercise time should be at least 30 minutes or more.

Suffering from diabetes and wanting to stabilize your blood sugar, these 4 things to do and don't ignore

Finally, we should remind everyone that diabetes is different from other diseases, its treatment needs to be carried out comprehensively, which includes three major aspects such as drugs, life and diet, and only synchronous treatment can stabilize blood sugar and reduce the chance of various complications in the future.

In addition, diabetics also need to regularly test blood glucose to observe the specific control of blood sugar.

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