
Who can not age? Like Liu Yuxi, the right mentality, the sunset can also be red

People have a time to age. How to correctly treat their own gradual aging and live a good old age is not only a problem faced by modern people, but also the ancients also attached great importance to it. Today we will appreciate a poem by the Tang Dynasty poet Liu Yuxi to see how he corrects the mentality of old age.

Who can not age? Like Liu Yuxi, the right mentality, the sunset can also be red

"Reward Lotte Yong Old See" Liu Yuxi

Whoever cares about the old, has pity on the old.

The thin body is reduced frequently, and the hair is thin and the crown is self-biased.

Waste books cherish the eyes, and more moxibustion is with the years.

He is also familiar with things, and reading people is like reading chuan.

After careful consideration, it is fortunate to be here.

Mordaunt Sang Yu evening, for Xia still full of heaven.

Judging from the title of the poem, this poem was written by Liu Yuxi's good friend Bai Juyi. In his later years, Bai Juyi and Liu Yuxi were officials in Luoyang, and they had no real power, and they just had time to sing together and celebrate their old age.

Bai Juyi's body deteriorated, his waist and knees were sore, his head was dizzy, and he felt that his physical strength and spirit were not as good as before. Therefore, he wrote a poem called "Yong Lao Gift Dream", which is to write a poem about his feelings about old age and give it to Liu Yuxi.

Who can not age? Like Liu Yuxi, the right mentality, the sunset can also be red

Bai Juyi wrote out his body and living conditions in the poems, and consulted Liu Yuxi' opinions, one is to explore and broaden the theme of poetry creation, the other is to encourage each other to live a good old age, and the third is to borrow poetry and wine to sing and pass the time in his old age.

Liu Yuxi answered the questions mentioned in Bai Juyi's poems one by one, sympathized with Bai Juyi's pain and pessimism, and encouraged Bai Juyi to take good care of his body and be open-minded and optimistic about the natural law of aging.

Liu Yuxi's poem can be understood from both positive and negative aspects. The first six sentences follow the original meaning of Bai Juyi's poems and positively expound the disadvantages and weaknesses of old age. When you are old, nothing can do, so why don't people worry and be afraid?

Who can not age? Like Liu Yuxi, the right mentality, the sunset can also be red

At the same time, aging is a natural law, not hurt by others, and in the end everyone has to take this road. It is precisely because no one can avoid it, and no one can help it, so it is necessary to prolong life, so it is only necessary to cherish it a lot.

"Thin body with frequent reduction, thin crown self-biased." People are getting older and thinner, and the clothes they used to wear look much looser. The hair not only turned white, but it also fell badly, and now the hair on the head was so loose that even the hat could not be worn steadily.

In order to protect the eyes, even the book should be read less. In order to prolong life, it is also necessary to do moxibustion and physiotherapy health care, take medicine and exercise on time. These are things that I didn't think about when I was young.

Who can not age? Like Liu Yuxi, the right mentality, the sunset can also be red

The poem suddenly takes a big turn here, and the last six sentences expound from Bai Juyi's poetic opposite to the advantages of the elderly. In a sense, aging is not a bad thing, but rather lucky.

"People who are still familiar with things, who read people like reading rivers", people are old and have experienced the wind and frost, and they have seen a lot. There are many world events experienced, and life experience is as long and rich as the river, so it has accumulated a lot of mature experience.

The key issue now is that we elderly people must be able to let go of the burden of thinking and see the benefits of old age. There is no pressure of work and life, indifferent to fame and fortune, contentment, quiet and leisurely, these are all things that young people do not have.

The last two sentences of the poem conclude, "Mordaunt Sang Yu is late, and the sky is still full of Xia." Here to use the image metaphor, not to mention the sun descending the mountain, the sunlight can only shine on the treetops of the mulberry elm tree, in fact, its sunset afterglow can still reflect the entire sky.

Who can not age? Like Liu Yuxi, the right mentality, the sunset can also be red

This poetic sentence is beautiful, "the sky is still full of xia", and the old man is regarded as a sunset sunset, which is a specific image. It means to encourage the elderly to have a correct mentality, face aging, not be negative and pessimistic, but open-minded. Truly do the old to have fun, the old to do something.

Wang Bo once said that "the old should become stronger, and it is better to move the heart of the white head", and Cao Cao also has "the old Ji Futuo, the ambition is in a thousand miles." Martyrs in their twilight years, their hearts are strong". It can be seen that the ancients were not so discouraged about old age, but had a sense of urgency and achievement.

Appreciating Liu Yuxi's poem, we not only see the author's reward and singing of Bai Juyi's poetry, but also see the author's comfort and encouragement to Bai Juyi, and more appreciate the author's own open-minded and optimistic attitude towards life.

Who can not age? Like Liu Yuxi, the right mentality, the sunset can also be red

The last sentence of the poem, "Mo Dao Sang Yu Evening, for xia shang full of heaven", has always been praised by people and has become a famous sentence for thousands of years. It also inspires more and more elderly people to keep the evening festival, exert their residual heat, and create and enjoy a better happy life in their old age.

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