
Not better than me! The constellation that tastes when you see others being better than yourself. Seek each other's progress

Today with the editor to take a look, among the twelve constellations, which constellations are this kind of unaccustomed to others being better than themselves?

Not better than me! The constellation that tastes when you see others being better than yourself. Seek each other's progress

Aquarius: Very strong vanity

Aquarius people are too vain and very conceited. I always feel that I am very good, but my talent is always suppressed and not displayed. There's no denying that Aquarius is truly very talented. But they have held back their development. Aquarius always looks down on people who are better than themselves, but sometimes they forget to look back, and others are not used to them.

Not better than me! The constellation that tastes when you see others being better than yourself. Seek each other's progress

Virgo: Keep improving

Virgos are very strict with themselves and others, and they are very unaccustomed to others being better than themselves. In the eyes of Virgo, the excellence of others means that they are not doing well or not working hard enough. This also motivates them to keep forging ahead and demanding themselves more rigorously. Make yourself in the best possible state.

Not better than me! The constellation that tastes when you see others being better than yourself. Seek each other's progress

Leo: Love face

Leo, who is born with a kingly demeanor, although very open-minded and dignified. But they are also very unaccustomed to others being better than themselves. After all, they are Leos. They always want them to be admired by others. Therefore, when a person suddenly appears to be better than them, the face-loving Leo is naturally not very happy, and it is reasonable to look at it.

In real life, there is always such a person who can't see that others are better than themselves. Once you find that others are better than yourself and better than yourself, you will find ways to prevent others from succeeding. To put it bluntly, it is that the vanity is too strong and the expectations of oneself are too high. The so-called near Zhu is red, and near ink is black. When you meet someone who is better than yourself, the first thing you should think about is how to make yourself comparable to it, rather than blindly looking at it and being jealous.

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