
Liu Bowen designed a village according to the astrological signs, and strange things have been happening for a hundred years, and experts have not been able to explain it

Zhuge Liang, who was divided into three parts, unified The Jiangshan Liu Bowen; zhuge liang, the former imperial military division, and Liu Bowen, the later dynasty military division. This is a saying that has been circulating in Chinese folklore, Zhuge Liang is the representative of wisdom, and Liu Bowen has always been known for his clever calculations and strategists. Liu Bowen is a politician and literary scholar of famous shops. He was the founding father of the Ming Dynasty, and in his early years he was hired by Zhu Yuanzhangli to participate in the planning of military plans such as pacifying Zhang Shicheng, Chen Youyi, and the Northern Expedition to the Central Plains.

Liu Bowen designed a village according to the astrological signs, and strange things have been happening for a hundred years, and experts have not been able to explain it

Yuyuan Ancient Village, one of the first historical and cultural villages in China, was founded in the Southern Song Dynasty and has a history of more than 800 years.

The discovery of Yuyuan Village is also quite legendary, by chance, someone took a plane past the top of Yuyuan Village, looked down, and was stunned: This is a living Taiji Bagua diagram! After measurement, this Taiji diagram has a straight longitude of 320 meters and an area of 120 acres.

Liu Bowen designed a village according to the astrological signs, and strange things have been happening for a hundred years, and experts have not been able to explain it

According to the twelve houses in the sky, 28 stars are arranged and built, man and nature live in harmony, and heaven and man are one. In more than 670 years, there has not been a single flood.

The village's high-ranking officials are also emerging in an endless stream, and even science cannot explain. In the Southern Song Dynasty, there was a man named Yu Yi, who escorted his father's coffin back to his hometown, and when he passed by a place to rest, he found that the long vines on his father's coffin were tightly wrapped around, and he believed that this was fate, so he buried his father here. Later, the family was also here, and it continued to develop into a small village.

There is also a strange well in the village, which is crystal clear, indicating that the weather is sunny and that reflection will be pouring rain. There is also an ancient building in the village with 9 wooden carp carved, which change color according to the weather.

Liu Bowen designed a village according to the astrological signs, and strange things have been happening for a hundred years, and experts have not been able to explain it

There is a legend about this seven-star god pond: these seven ponds in the village are located in seven positions, including the water pond, the big vegetable garden, the upper vegetable garden, the Zaifeng house, the lower spring, the Yanbei River Yantou pond, and the lower field

According to the current architectural layout, first of all, these seven ponds are more evenly scattered throughout the village, providing convenience for people's water use; secondly, if there is a fire in any part of the village, you can get water nearby; most importantly, the Seven Stars of the Big Dipper are used to pray for blessings and longevity.

Liu Bowen designed a village according to the astrological signs, and strange things have been happening for a hundred years, and experts have not been able to explain it

During the rainy season, whenever the water from the mountains pours into the creek after heavy rain, due to the narrow exit, the speed of the downline is extremely fast, and a large amount of stream water will not be trapped in a short period of time, forming a flood.

And now the village is also a key protection object in our country, looking at many wonders, it is also very famous, and recently science can not explain.

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