
Civilization is here in the clear cyberspace of Shenzhen_Shenzhen News Network

author:Shenzhen News Network

Yesterday, the 2021 Shenzhen Internet Civilization Conference sponsored by the Cyberspace Administration of the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee and the Shenzhen Municipal Civilization Office was grandly held. With the theme of "Gathering Upward And Good Forces to Build a Better Home on the Internet", the conference aims to further implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's congratulatory letter to the first China Internet Civilization Conference and the requirements of the "Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of Network Civilization" of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and unite the forces of all sectors of society to jointly promote the construction of Shenzhen's network civilization. Cyberspace is the common spiritual home of hundreds of millions of people. On November 19 this year, the first China Internet Civilization Conference was held in Beijing, and General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed in his congratulatory letter to the conference that network civilization is an important part of social civilization in the new situation and an important field for building a network power. In recent years, China has actively promoted the construction of Internet content, carried forward new trends and healthy trends, deepened the governance of the network ecology, and achieved remarkable results in the construction of network civilization. It is necessary to adhere to the unity of development and governance, the integration of online and offline, and the extensive convergence of upward and positive forces. Party committees and governments at all levels should assume their responsibilities, and network platforms, social organizations, and the vast number of netizens should play an active role in jointly promoting civilized networking, civilized use of the Internet, and civilized Internet access, shaping and purifying cyberspace with the new winds of the times, and jointly building a beautiful spiritual home on the Internet. Shenzhen is China's "most Internet city" and a vibrant city of youth. In the face of the mission and opportunity of "dual zone" drive, "double zone" superposition, and "double reform" demonstration, Shenzhen has made every effort to promote the construction of network civilization in recent years, implemented the central spirit, achieved fruitful results that have attracted the attention of all walks of life, and handed over a beautiful report card. From the construction of network civilization in Shenzhen, the following distinctive characteristics can be found: First, strengthen online ideological and political guidance. In recent years, Shenzhen has made concerted efforts to create headline projects and promote Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era into the mind. The publicity and education on the situation and policies such as the "14th Five-Year Plan", the "dual-district" drive and the "dual-district" superposition are in-depth and simple, and the forms are rich, and the policy theory is promoted to "fly into the homes of ordinary people". Since the beginning of this year, Shenzhen has launched a variety of new media products for major themes such as celebrating the centenary of the founding of the party, party history study and education, and epidemic prevention and control, creating a good public opinion atmosphere in cyberspace. The second is to attach importance to institutional innovation and organizational innovation. In July this year, the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Data Regulations were promulgated, proposing for the first time a legal framework system for data rights and interests, taking the lead in exploring the personality rights and interests of natural persons enjoying personal data in accordance with the law, and establishing the basic principles of processing personal data such as minimum necessity, informed consent, accuracy and completeness, and ensuring security, as well as the basic principles of free and equal open public data to the greatest extent. This year, Shenzhen set up the Internet industry party committee lecturer group - Shenzhen Internet industry party committee lecturer group, which is also the first industry (department) lecturer group in Shenzhen. Such innovative moves make Shenzhen's internet civilization more reliable. The third is to highlight the escort of the rule of law. This year, Shenzhen held the app personal information co-protection conference for the first time, Tencent, Huawei and other more than 20 key APP operators signed a self-discipline commitment to APP personal information protection, and made commitments to the public such as "not collecting information beyond the scope, not forcing user authorization, not using big data to kill, not abusing face recognition data, and not listening to personal privacy". These practical measures have built a solid "firewall" for network civilization. The fourth is to launch a large number of works and activities that are acclaimed and popular, and have a very "network sense". For example, with the sky as the canvas, 5,200 Shenzhen-made drones are changing in an orderly manner, showing moving pictures such as the departure of red boats, the Long March, the founding of New China, the reform and opening up, and the comprehensive construction of a well-off society, and affectionately present the centennial birthday of the party, which has attracted widespread attention on the whole network. In cyberspace, positive energy from all over the country gathered in Shenzhen, the "city of struggle", setting off a wave of praise for Shenzhen, suggestions for Shenzhen, and blessings for Shenzhen... These works and activities accurately grasp the temperament of the city and the characteristics of Internet communication, and have been widely praised and praised. The fifth is to pay attention to promoting the construction of network civilization among young people. This year, Gu Huijing, a 17-year-old "auto repair girl" from Shenzhen, was all over the Internet, and the image of confident sunshine and full of positive energy aroused the attention and praise of the whole network. In addition, the group portraits of Shenzhen teenagers displayed by "The Most Fashionable China Watch My Zhen Teenagers", and the holding of activities such as the "Youth Shenzhen" Internet Culture Festival have also attracted a large number of young netizens to actively participate in the construction of network civilization. Civilization is here, in the clear cyberspace of Shenzhen. Shenzhen, the first "storm boat" to sail to the glorious shore of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, is rising to the height of China's network civilization and moving towards a broader future.

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