
Susan Miller_ Horoscope of December 18, 2021


Today you may feel quick-witted, clear-headed, and full of ideas about how to improve your life and inspire others. Today's full moon will appear in your communication area and you will have a decisive idea. Your passion and skill in expressing your opinions will convince others that you are on the right path, and you will win support for the cause of your choice. Siblings and neighbors may help you get out of tricky situations or share some wise advice.


Today could be the perfect time to find luxuries, furniture or even a new home. Today's full moon shines from your second treasury, which may encourage you to buy designer clothes, art, or something beautiful. Whether you're saving up money to buy something or squandering on a whim, you may feel like you're worthy of your reward. Your confidence should also be high today, which means that now may also be a favorable time to apply for a new job or start a business.


Today you may be at the pinnacle of your power, because now Gemini has a brilliant full moon that puts you at the center of action. You may be in charge and others may be looking to you for advice. You seem to instinctively know what to say to impress each other, and your wit and charm will earn you friends and romance. It can be a lucky day to talk to your partner and even an awkward conversion may come to a satisfactory conclusion.


Today you may be in the right place at the right time. Today there is an incredible full moon that will illuminate the areas of your birthday chart associated with intuition and psychic abilities. In the next few days, trust your instincts, because emotionally, you may be in line with some feelings that you can't put into words but are very strong. You may also notice your friend's emotions and empathize with what they are going through.


Today, a close friend may create some farce, as the full moon will glow from the social palace of your astrolabe, challenging you and your friends. While there may be some awkward moments, you may be grateful that you have the opportunity to address this head-on. Once the atmosphere is clear, you should enjoy clearer communication, but be careful not to emphasize the same point all the time. State your situation and then let the other person understand.


Your work and career goals will become very clear today, as the full moon will illuminate your ambitions and mark the beginning of an optimistic phase in your work. You may feel very decisive and suddenly realize where you should go. There may be some bridges to cross, but your optimism and enthusiasm will help you cross any obstacles. Your contagious kindness may also attract love, especially if you want to become a public figure on social media.


Today you may see a bigger picture, which may make you feel happier about the future. The full moon reminds you of your hopes, dreams and goals in your travel and adventure zones. You may be so focused on the details of the plan that you forget what you're trying to do, but today's energy can help you tie all the clues together. Now is also a good time to book a vacation.


Sharing your resources with a partner can help you achieve a cherished dream. Discussing plans to start a new business, buy a property, or realize a long-term ambition may inspire someone to join your power. Two heads are better than the other, because today's full moon emphasizes your eighth house, heralding the emotional tension of the coming days. The projects you do with others can inspire you for many years.


Love and partnership may be your theme today. The full moon in your relationship palace bodes well if you're looking to find someone interesting to share your life with, or want to feel closer to the person you care about the most. You may be more interested in how people around you feel, and conversations with loved ones may be more meaningful and memorable than you expected. Your hearing will most likely be accurate and help you attract a new suitor.


Whether you want some extra willpower or want to see signs that you're on the right path, today should be an inspiring day. A vibrant full moon will illuminate the healthy and habitual houses on your astrolabe, which will remind you to make positive changes within your power range. Discussions with a doctor, teacher, or counselor may inspire you to take responsibility for your health and well-being, and you may be surprised at how quickly you've progressed.


Love may come to your mind and relationships will take center stage. Today's full moon is in the chatty gemini, which is the area of creativity and love on your astrological chart. In the next few days, you will meet a lot of people who interest you, and you will find that you have a lot of common hobbies. Creative projects can also be positively influenced, and your rhetoric may be filled with thoughtful possibilities. It's best to get into a social mindset and make the most of this cute energy.


Your home is the center of today. A delightful full moon will illuminate the areas on your astrolabe associated with your family or with the people you share private space with. You might decide to renovate or tidy up your home, or you might invite friends to your place to celebrate. Staying home or visiting friends and family may be exactly the tonic you need, and advice from older relatives may prove right.

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