
Alone with the baby for more than two months, severe pain in the wrist, it turned out to be suffering from "mother's hand"

Ran Ran gave birth to twins, the baby is only more than 2 months, often just finished coaxing to put down this, the other one cried and had to hug again, one will change diapers, one will flush milk powder, every day busy... To make matters worse, Ran Ran found that the pain in her wrist was very painful recently, and sometimes she didn't even have the strength to twist the bottle.

Alone, coupled with physical pain, let Ran Ran involuntarily feel aggrieved, after going to the hospital for examination, the doctor said that this is a common postpartum "mother's hand", which is caused by overwork.

Alone with the baby for more than two months, severe pain in the wrist, it turned out to be suffering from "mother's hand"

What is a "mommy hand"?

"Mama hand" is a type of tenosynovitis, and its professional name is radial (ráo) osteospolyptostomys narrowtening tenosynovitis. When the hand is fixed in a certain position for repetition and excessive activity, friction between tendons and tendon sheaths will often occur, which will lead to edema, fibrous changes, causing stenosis of the inner cavity, pain and movement disorders will follow, which is tenosynovitis.

It is called "mom's hand" because new moms have a much higher chance of getting tenosynovitis than the average person.

Because the mother who has just undergone the baptism of childbirth, the tendons and ligaments are relatively fragile and easy to be injured. Holding the baby all the time, holding something heavier in your hand, or repeating a certain action many times are all suggestions to do, and a little attention may make the "mother's hand" come to the door.

In fact, "mother's hand" is not a mother's patent, many grandparents help with children, but also due to long-term use of hands or improper force caused by inflammation.

Alone with the baby for more than two months, severe pain in the wrist, it turned out to be suffering from "mother's hand"

"Mom's Hand" self-test method

When the mother begins to have mild symptoms, such as the wrist on the side of the thumb, become red and swollen, you should pay attention, if it develops further, it will become a limited joint movement, can not lift heavy objects, pain may also develop from the wrist to the forearm, fingertips, etc., when it is serious, just do some slight pinching, grasping, grip will have a sharp pain.

You can test yourself in the following ways:

Bend the thumb to the palm, the rest of the fingers wrap around the thumb to clench the fist, the fist is stretched down hard, if it is obviously painful, it can be initially judged as "mother's hand".

How to prevent and alleviate "mother's hands"?

Warm compresses to keep warm

Pay attention to keeping your hands warm and avoid catching cold on your joints. If the soreness in BaoMa's hands is not particularly strong, you can use a towel to warm compress at home to relax the muscles of the hand and massage your wrist appropriately.

Pay attention to rest

If you suffer from "mother's hand", it is recommended that your mother give a holiday to her wrist. Pay attention to rest, reduce the time to hold the child, usually let the baby play more in bed, or use the stroller or carrier alternately. At the same time, the time to play mobile phones and computers and keystrokes should be reduced, and the wrist should be given enough time to recover itself. It is recommended that the mother wear the wrist protector, which is conducive to reducing the force on the wrist, allowing the tendon to be fully rested, and helping the inflammation to subside.

Feeding position

When holding a child, pay attention to the correct posture of the fingers and wrists, try to let the baby's head rest on their elbows, pay attention to the body, shoulders, elbows and wrists together to hold the baby, relatively more stable, and not easy to suffer from tenosynovitis; do not often use a hand when feeding, to change hands frequently, when feeding, you can give the hand some support, disperse the weight of the bottle on the hand.

Alone with the baby for more than two months, severe pain in the wrist, it turned out to be suffering from "mother's hand"

Increase activity

Do not use your hands too long, often do activities fingers, wrists, thumb left and right circles, do a stretching exercise, can soothe the muscles and tendons of the hands, but also can stimulate the activity of hand cells, not only can eliminate discomfort, reduce inflammation, but also exercise wrist flexibility.

Mobilize the family

From pregnancy and childbirth to postpartum feeding, mothers have come all the way, both hard and happy, if they feel tired, they must mobilize Bao Dad and other family members to contribute to reducing their burden.

Seek medical attention in a timely manner

If the pain persists, or the finger or wrist movement is difficult, do not endure, go to the hospital in time for treatment.

Usually the prognosis of the "mother's hand" is good, and through treatment, the function of the mother's finger or wrist will eventually be restored, generally without serious consequences.

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