
The troops were starved and trapped on the hill, and the enemy let the hungry dogs go to test, the veteran: feed the dogs and we can live


In other words, friends who are more interested in ancient warfare must be very familiar with this sentence: "The soldiers and horses have not moved, and the grain and grass have gone first", which is the most basic thing for marching and fighting.

There is also a saying that goes like this: "One drum is angry, then it is weakened, and three are exhausted"; if you want to win the battle, then you must directly solve the enemy with one drum to eliminate the troubles. Otherwise, once the enemy "eases up," then the enemy will certainly suffer more violent retaliation.

Of course, there is also a saying that goes like this: "There is no absolute in everything". The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, and when the other side is not aware of the reality, it is impossible to act arbitrarily, so it is necessary to explore the enemy's reality and then formulate a corresponding combat plan.

The troops were starved and trapped on the hill, and the enemy let the hungry dogs go to test, the veteran: feed the dogs and we can live

The following small editor to tell you a true story, in the Manchu Qing Dynasty, there was a unit, in a certain battle, they trapped the enemy on the top of the mountain. At this time, they had an absolute advantage, but instead of taking advantage of the chase, they let a dog go up the mountain to "explore the way", and when the dog returned, they immediately withdrew.

Why? As we all know, the late Manchu Qing Dynasty was always in a state of turmoil, the authorities were even more corrupt and incompetent, the people were not happy, and the uprisings continued. The most famous was the "Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement", which saw the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom growing and seriously threatening the position of the authorities, so they sent the Qing army to suppress it by force. In the Taiping Army, there was a leader named Chen Yucheng, and the boss Hong Xiuquan was very important to him.

Friends who are familiar with history know that Hong Xiu, the boss of the Tianping Heavenly Kingdom, is all born of "mud legs", an authentic farmer. Although he is a peasant, he has snatched half of the country from the Manchu Qing dynasty with his own ability and courage.

The troops were starved and trapped on the hill, and the enemy let the hungry dogs go to test, the veteran: feed the dogs and we can live

Hong Xiuquan proceeded from the overall situation and formulated a detailed set of development and battle plans, but Chen Yucheng did not listen at all, and did everything at his own mercy, completely disobeying his boss's words.

Chen Yucheng's brain was hot, and he directly led his troops to Zhejiang without greeting, so that Hong Xiuquan's "plan" was completely disrupted. It is conceivable that Chen Yucheng was frustrated and wanted to implement the plan according to Hong Xiuquan's plan, but it was too late. No way, Chen Yucheng took the Anqing route to support instead.

However, what Chen Yucheng did not expect was that the troops stationed in the Anqing area were the main force of the Qing army, and their combat effectiveness was much stronger than that of ordinary troops. Chen Yucheng was planted this time, and was cut off by the Qing army, and finally had to lead the remnants to retreat to a hill.

The troops were starved and trapped on the hill, and the enemy let the hungry dogs go to test, the veteran: feed the dogs and we can live

Therefore, the Qing army surrounded the mountain and did not take the initiative to attack (mainly because the mountain was too big), if it took the liberty of searching the mountain, it would take time and effort, and it might also encounter Chen Yucheng's ambush. So they adopted the method of encircling the mountain.

After that, the Qing army played a good play, letting a long-starved vicious dog go up the mountain to explore the truth, the main purpose of which was to find out whether the Balance Army had run out of food. Speaking of which, the clear-eyed people definitely knew how the Qing army's abacus was played.

If the dog did not return (was eaten) or returned hungry, it would prove that Chen Yucheng and his remnants had been starving for a long time, and then the Qing army could continue to besiege the mountain and starve the rebels alive here.

The troops were starved and trapped on the hill, and the enemy let the hungry dogs go to test, the veteran: feed the dogs and we can live

When this long-starved vicious dog went up the mountain, he was caught by the soldiers who had not eaten for many days, and how could the final meat not be eaten? So the soldiers were very happy to prepare to kill the dogs and stew soup and eat meat to fill their hunger.

Just as the soldiers were preparing to kill the dog with a knife, Chen Yucheng kicked the soldier who was ready to kill the dog and shouted: Don't you want to live? If the Qing army is so kind to invite everyone to eat meat, this dog is a "hypnotic" that cannot be killed! Everyone quickly took out something to eat, fed the dog, and put it back, so that everyone could live.

The soldiers saw the dog meat in their mouths running away, and some people were not happy, shouting: We can't even fill our own stomachs, why should we wait for this animal? As an experienced and battle-hardened veteran, Chen Yucheng roared emphatically: Hurry up and feed the dogs, so that we can all live, as for why, you will know.

The troops were starved and trapped on the hill, and the enemy let the hungry dogs go to test, the veteran: feed the dogs and we can live

Chen Yucheng had prestige, and the soldiers had to obey orders. So the soldiers were very reluctant to feed the dogs the last bit of their life-saving food, and fed the dogs to the fullest, and the evil dogs were not fierce when they were full, and they wagged their tails and went down the mountain.

When the dog returned to the Qing army camp, the leader of the Qing army saw that the dog had eaten so much, and it was completely judged as two dogs before, so he mistakenly believed that the Tianping Army on the mountain was still full of food and grass, and then the Qing army withdrew.

Chen Yucheng's department turned the danger into a disaster and flexibly resolved this crisis. After that, perhaps Chen Yucheng was destined to die, but was eventually taken and executed by the Qing army elsewhere.

The troops were starved and trapped on the hill, and the enemy let the hungry dogs go to test, the veteran: feed the dogs and we can live

References for this article: "General History of China", "The Biography of Chen Yucheng", "Taiping Heavenly Kingdom", "Desire is a Double-Edged Sword Taiping Heavenly Kingdom's Human Perspective", "Baidu Encyclopedia Related Terms - Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement, Hong Xiuquan, Chen Yucheng"

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