
The modern version of Lü Bu, who won the first class merit 8 times, how strong is Lü Junsheng, the eighth route army soldier, in the end?

According to the materialist view of history of Marx and Engels, history is promoted by countless people, which is called the people's view of history, but there is no doubt that in the history of mankind, there are always a few brilliant star figures, who shine dazzling stars in human history and inspire future generations.

In the recent history of our country, there are also many civilian heroes, who have played a huge role in their own battlefields and are known as people's heroes. In 1950, China held a national congress of combat heroes, which was held in Beijing. At this meeting, Chairman Mao and Commander-in-Chief Zhu personally received three hundred and fifty heroes who had made outstanding achievements in the war, all of whom were the best in major battles and who had made great contributions to the victory of the troops.

The modern version of Lü Bu, who won the first class merit 8 times, how strong is Lü Junsheng, the eighth route army soldier, in the end?

National Congress of Combat Heroes

Among them, there are some combat heroes that we are familiar with, such as Yang Gensi, Liu Zilin and so on. In order to receive these combat heroes, Chairman Mao made very adequate preparations, and the meeting was very solemn and lasted for a very long time. In order to show the importance attached to these combat heroes, Chairman Mao and other leaders personally shook hands with them.

When Chairman Mao came to a combat hero he had been received, Chairman Mao was stunned; Chairman Mao had read his resume and was also impressed by his resume, only to see Chairman Mao gently pat him on the shoulder and express his affirmation.

This combat hero has made countless meritorious achievements, with eight first-class merit honors, and once killed twenty-seven enemies through white-knife battles in the Battle of Xiajin, which made the enemy feel frightened.

So, who is this hero? What kind of story does it have in him?

"Little Lü Bu" Lu Junsheng

This combat hero is Lu Junsheng. Lü Junsheng was born in 1907, his hometown is in Xingtai County. At that time, our country was in a very turbulent era, with internal and external troubles and turmoil, and Lü Junsheng's hometown was exactly like this, and the perennial warlord scuffle brought very serious damage to the local people, and the people were living in deep water.

Lu Junsheng's family is an ordinary peasant family, and his father has been working for the landlord for all his generations. The hardships of family conditions also caused Lü Junsheng to suffer a lot, the young Lü Junsheng did not have a book to read because of family conditions, and when other children were immersed in hard reading, Lü Junsheng had begun to work for the local landlords.

Although he was not born well, Lü Junsheng did not give up the pursuit of a happy life, not only that, Lü Junsheng also has a very great ideal, he hopes that he can join the army, charge and kill the enemy, save the people from water and fire, and save the country from danger.

The modern version of Lü Bu, who won the first class merit 8 times, how strong is Lü Junsheng, the eighth route army soldier, in the end?

Lu Junsheng

In 1937, the "July 7 Incident" broke out, and the iron hooves of the Japanese imperialist aggressors immediately stepped into the great rivers and mountains of our country. With the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, many militia organizations spontaneously organized themselves and began to devote themselves to the anti-Japanese resistance. At that time, Lü Junsheng also joined the anti-Japanese squad in the Taihang Mountains, and then joined the Eighth Route Army and officially began his military career.

At that time, Lü Junsheng had just turned thirty years old, and because the anti-war situation was more urgent, many people who had not received training had joined the anti-war team. As a newly recruited recruit, Lu Junsheng received some military training in the army like everyone else, but not for a long time, and then went to the battlefield.

At the same time, the Japanese also began to attack intensively, because Japan, under the influence of the United States, had begun its own industrialization process early, so it could be regarded as a completely industrialized power with relatively advanced military equipment. Our country was very backward at that time, so when the war first began, the Japanese army won many victories in succession, and occupied most of our territory in less than half a year.

Not only that, in addition to the leading military equipment, the Japanese army has also received professional military training, and it is much stronger than our soldiers. In the early battles, the Japanese army showed a very strong military quality, even in close combat, it can occupy a lot of advantages.

In order to confront the Japanese army, our army must strengthen the training of individual soldiers.

Lu Junsheng was one of the participants in the training. Lü Junsheng's height reached 1.92 meters, and he was born with divine power, and his comrades-in-arms affectionately called him "Little Lü Bu". And Lu Junsheng himself is also very diligent and hardworking, often after the end of the training, he also gave himself additional training.

The modern version of Lü Bu, who won the first class merit 8 times, how strong is Lü Junsheng, the eighth route army soldier, in the end?

Because he has been participating in training, Lu Junsheng has not been on the battlefield since he joined the army for half a year. In his daily training, Lu Junsheng always fantasized about killing the enemy desperately on the battlefield, which was his motivation all along.

In July 1938, Lü Junsheng went to the battlefield.

At that time, Shandong fell, Lü Junsheng's team had to make a strategic shift, and then encountered the Japanese army on the road, and the Battle of Xiajin broke out.

The battle was on the verge of breaking out, because of the long training, Lü Junsheng's troops were different from before, and they had successively disintegrated many attacks by the Japanese army. However, our army also exposed many problems, because this was a protracted war, and our army's ammunition supply was soon unable to keep up, but the Japanese supply was still very sufficient.

Seeing that he was about to run out of food, Lü Junsheng stood out from the trenches, shouted loudly, "Carry forward the glorious traditions of the Red Army," and after speaking, he raised his large knife and rushed toward the enemy.

Although the Japanese have good individual soldier ability, but their height is not high, the average height is only about one meter and six meters, facing the tall Lü Junsheng, basically there is no ability to fight back, in this white blade war, Lü Junsheng is very brave, single-handedly killed twenty-seven enemies. However, the continuous combat also made Lü Junsheng's physical exertion extremely large, and the enemy took advantage of Lü Junsheng's lack of attention and stabbed Lü Junsheng's body several times in succession.

Lu Junsheng was then sent to the hospital, and after the doctor's rescue, Lu Junsheng finally survived. Knowing Lü Junsheng's heroic deeds, many cadres in the army came to the hospital to visit Lü Junsheng, and they all hoped that Lü Junsheng would have a good rest and recuperate, but Lü Junsheng expressed the hope that he would recover quickly and go to the battlefield to kill the enemy as soon as possible.

After the Battle of Xiajin, Lü Junsheng was awarded the first class merit. However, this is just the beginning.

The modern version of Lü Bu, who won the first class merit 8 times, how strong is Lü Junsheng, the eighth route army soldier, in the end?

Lü Junsheng's military merit badge

In August 1940, when the War of Resistance Against Japan had entered a stage of confrontation, in order to impose a blockade on our army, the Japanese army implemented the "cage policy", and then launched an attack on our army, this attack was extremely large, the number of troops sent was also quite famous, that is, the Battle of the Hundred Regiments.

At that time, Lü Junsheng was already a company commander, and his unit was responsible for the Battle of Yanjiazhuang in the Hundred Regiments War. This was Lü Junsheng's first command of the battle, so he attached great importance to the battle.

Before the battle began, in order to analyze the enemy and the nearby terrain, Lü Junsheng alone conducted a careful survey near the battle site, and also evacuated the nearby masses to minimize the losses of the masses. After that, Lu Junsheng relied on this information to formulate a detailed battle plan.

Relying on the command of Lü Junsheng, the battle was successfully won. In this battle, Lü Junsheng's troops destroyed more than a hundred enemies, and almost none of his troops suffered casualties, thus achieving such a record, and Lü Junsheng also won the title of "Heroic Company Commander".

In addition, in the entire Hundred Regiments War, Lü Junsheng's unit also played an extremely important role. He also led his troops in a battle with the Japanese in Gaoyi County, Shijiazhuang. In the face of the fierce artillery fire of the enemy, Lü Junsheng was not afraid at all, and he made an exemplary role in leading the soldiers to charge on the battlefield. In front of the enemy's bunker, Lü Junsheng pulled out the enemy's firearms from the bunker and opened an important breakthrough.

In these battles, Lü Junsheng made many achievements in battle, and at the same time, the perennial war also caused Lü Junsheng many injuries and illnesses. It is said that on the palm of Lu Junsheng's hand, there are almost no fingerprints, nor any lines, which are all caused by the battle.

Because of his meritorious achievements on the battlefield, Lü Junsheng's military career was also very smooth, but no matter what, Lü Junsheng never forgot his original intention of joining the army, that is, to help all the poor people in the world live a good life. In addition, Lü Junsheng always followed the requirements of the troops, putting his life aside when he went to the battlefield, and everything was aimed at victory.

The modern version of Lü Bu, who won the first class merit 8 times, how strong is Lü Junsheng, the eighth route army soldier, in the end?

Anti-Japanese army

In a battle, Lü Junsheng was unfortunately surrounded by japanese troops in a village, in fact, it was not difficult to escape, but there were many villagers in the village, if Lü Junsheng escaped by himself, the safety of the lives of these people would be difficult to guarantee, so Lü Junsheng stayed.

Facing the enemy's encirclement, Lu Junsheng was alone and rushed out with a gun. He did this in order to attract the attention of the enemy, to draw firepower away, to cover the masses. In the end, with the efforts of Lu Junsheng, the life safety of the people in the whole village was guaranteed, and all firepower was contained.

Later in the war, due to the impact of injuries and illness, Lü Junsheng could only be transferred to the logistics department to carry out some simple work. But even in the second line, Lu Junsheng is still very concerned about the revolutionary situation. He often came behind enemy lines and led the local people to do mass work. Once, Lü Junsheng was reconnoitring behind enemy lines, but accidentally found some Japanese troops, and soon Lü Junsheng was surrounded.

However, Lu Junsheng was not at all frightened by such a situation. In the face of the enemy's encirclement, Lü Junsheng was unusually calm, and he assigned his entourage their respective tasks and directly annihilated this small Japanese squad. In addition, Lü Junsheng also took a lot of guns and ammunition from this team.

Lu Junsheng in peacetime

After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Lü Junsheng remained in the army and held important positions. Because of the achievements made on the battlefield, the young soldiers in the army admired Lü Junsheng very much, but Lü Junsheng did not take these things seriously, he believed that these were the things that a soldier should do, and he always implemented the principles of soldiers.

From an ordinary farmer to a warrior who has experienced hundreds of battles, Lü Junsheng's life can not be described as magical, and what is even more amazing is that Lü Junsheng has obtained eight first-class merits in fifteen years, which can be called a divine soldier.

On October 1, 1950, when it was the first anniversary of the founding of New China, the smoke of war on the battlefield had just dissipated, and many heroes had just retired from the battlefield.

As a combat hero on multiple battlefields, Lu Junsheng naturally accepted the invitation.

The modern version of Lü Bu, who won the first class merit 8 times, how strong is Lü Junsheng, the eighth route army soldier, in the end?

At that time, seeing Chairman Mao was the greatest wish of every soldier, and Lü Junsheng finally got his wish to meet the great Chairman Mao, and Chairman Mao also gave great affirmation to Lü Junsheng's battlefield exploits.

Logically, Lü Junsheng made such a great contribution on the battlefield, and he also won eight first-class merits, he could stay in the army and continue to work, but Lü Junsheng took the initiative to push out the troops, because he thought that he was full of injuries and diseases, and continuing to stay in the army would drag everyone's hind legs, so Lü Junsheng returned to his hometown without returning.

However, the party and the state will not forget anyone who has contributed to the country, for such a great hero as Lu Junsheng, the party and the country have not forgotten, the local government has repeatedly wanted to help Lü Junsheng, but Lü Junsheng has refused every time, according to Lü Junsheng's expression, he believes that he has left the army and has no reason to accept help.

After retiring from the army, Lu Junsheng lived a simple life, although he was already an ordinary farmer, But Lu Junsheng never forgot that he was once a soldier. After retiring from the army, Lu Junsheng was often tormented by injuries, but despite his injuries, Lu Junsheng always hoped to make some contributions to the country.

In his hometown, whenever the neighbors encounter difficulties, Lu Junsheng is always the first to stand up and help them. In his free time on weekdays, Lu Junsheng always actively does practical things for the masses and has won the praise of the local people. In the face of everyone's praise, Lu Junsheng has always been very low-key, he is not willing to boast of his merits, and always silently does things.

On November 22, 1970, a film team came to Lu Junsheng's hometown and played a series of anti-war movies in the local area. Lu Junsheng sat in the movie seat, looking at every shot in the movie, which made him think of his own glory years, and soon, the movie infected Lu Junsheng, and at the end, Lu Junsheng was already in tears.

The modern version of Lü Bu, who won the first class merit 8 times, how strong is Lü Junsheng, the eighth route army soldier, in the end?

Books about Lu Junsheng

On the battlefield, Lü Junsheng is a "little Lü Bu" who makes the enemy feel frightened, and often takes the enemy's head invisibility. After the founding of New China, Lü Junsheng adhered to the great principle of "coming from the people and going to the people", returned to the masses of the people, and made indelible contributions to the people. Throughout The life of Lu Junsheng is a brilliant life and a legendary life.

We must not forget every unsung hero who has contributed to our happy life, and although they are gone, their intervals can always inspire us.

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