
The mysterious tomb keeper, who has been hiding for generations does not dare to say the identity of the tomb owner, who is it? Let him be so cautious

The mysterious tomb keeper, who has been hiding for generations does not dare to say the identity of the tomb owner, who is it? Let him be so cautious

When we hear "Tomb Keeper", what comes to mind? Ghastly? terror? But when a family has been guarding a cemetery for generations and is determined not to disclose the owner's information, how will we evaluate them? I am afraid that it will be more mysterious, loyal, admiring, etc., so who is this tomb keeper guarding? Make him so persistent?

This tomb is located in the deep mountains of Hebei Province, China, on the mountainside, where stands a wordless stone stele, about 1 meter high, there is an old man named Zhou Derui who has to come to the tomb every day to inspect whether the tomb is intact.

According to the old man, their family has been guarding this ancient tomb for generations, how many years and how many generations have been unclear, only that it is the family ancestral training, the father passes on to the son, and the next generation follows. Outsiders asked them who was buried in this tomb? So important that it needs to be guarded by a family for generations? Old Man Zhou Derui resolutely did not say.

The mysterious tomb keeper, who has been hiding for generations does not dare to say the identity of the tomb owner, who is it? Let him be so cautious

Until the 1990s, in order to verify the authenticity of the Zhuolu War in the ancient civilization, some experts came to Zhuolu County, Hebei Province, and in the process of field investigation, they investigated the Tasi Village of Zhuolu County, Lushan Town, a mysterious village hidden deep in the mountains, and the villagers lived as if isolated from the world.

One of the families has been guarding an ancient tomb for generations, and experts suspect that the owner of the tomb is the party involved in the Battle of Zhuolu, but the current tomb keeper Zhou Derui refuses to disclose the owner of the tomb. The experts repeatedly persuaded and firmly promised that no excavation of the ancient tomb would be carried out, and Zhou Derui said that this was the tomb of Xuan You.

The mysterious tomb keeper, who has been hiding for generations does not dare to say the identity of the tomb owner, who is it? Let him be so cautious

Xuan You has been a negative image for a long time, but now after many studies, Xuan You is also one of the ancestors of our Chinese nation. His descendants include Han, Miao, Qiang and other ethnic groups. So why did he become a negative figure, which began with xuan you's grudge with the Yellow Emperor and the Yan Emperor.

XuanYu is the leader of the ancient Jiuli tribe, and in the legend, Xuanyu is the leader of the cow totem and bird totem clans with a face like a bull's head and two wings on its back. This legend is full of mysterious elements, but xuan you himself is infinitely powerful and brave in battle, and the dongyi metallurgical industry and animal husbandry under his rule at that time are relatively developed, and the people live and work in peace and contentment, and Xuan You is deeply loved by the people.

However, the peaceful life was always difficult to last, and the shadow of war hung over jiuli. At that time, there were three tribes that coexisted in the Central Plains with the Jiuli tribe, and the other two were the Yellow Emperor and Yandi tribes that we are familiar with.

The mysterious tomb keeper, who has been hiding for generations does not dare to say the identity of the tomb owner, who is it? Let him be so cautious

The Yellow Emperor, ju Xuanyuan Hill, the xuanyuan clan, is one of the ancestors of our Chinese nation. The Yellow Emperor was a wise and wise man, and under his command, the originally weak and scattered nomadic tribes in the northwest formed a unified alliance, and under his rule, the silkworm industry, music, arithmetic, etc. were all developed, and writing was invented.

The tribe began to prosper, the population also developed, in order to benefit the development of the tribe and compete for better resources, he went out of the northern Shaanxi where he originated, and began to lead the tribes to begin to develop eastward.

Emperor Yan, Shennong, surnamed Jiang, is another ancestor of our Chinese nation. The story of "Shennong tasting hundreds of herbs" is about Emperor Yan, who for the health of the people, did not hesitate to test the medicine, which eventually led to the death of poison, and now the "Shennong Materia Medica" that we circulate is said to be compiled by posterity according to The Yan Emperor's experience in testing medicine.

At the same time, Emperor Yan also knew about agricultural knowledge, and taught the agricultural knowledge he knew to the common people, so agriculture was very developed in the tribes under Emperor Yan, and in the same way, the prosperity of a tribe always had to have rich resources and a wider land, so Emperor Yan also began to move east.

The mysterious tomb keeper, who has been hiding for generations does not dare to say the identity of the tomb owner, who is it? Let him be so cautious

In the process of the development of these two tribes, it was inevitable that they had intersected with the Jiuli tribe of Xuanyou. As a heroic leader of the divine martial arts, XuanYu naturally wanted to win better resources for the people and protect the people of the tribe.

First of all, Emperor Yan and Xuan You met, the two sides did not give in to each other, so they led their subordinates to fight, Emperor Yan could not defeat Xuan You, defeated, and united with the Yellow Emperor, the Yellow Emperor thought, now I have two tribes of people and horses, you are just a Nine Li Xuan You is what.

So he first ordered Xuan You to obey the order, give up the best land, and sacrifice the best slaves, and when Xuan You listened, he naturally disagreed, so a great war in ancient China began.

The reason for this great war is described in the "Chronicle of History" as follows: "Xuan you rebelled and did not need the emperor's orders, so the Yellow Emperor was a marshal of the princes, and fought with Xuan You in the wilderness of Zhuolu."

For this great war, the legend is full of mysterious colors, it is said that the Yellow Emperor can command the beasts, so that all kinds of beasts attack the Xuanyou tribe, but the Jiuli tribe is unstoppable under the leadership of Xuanyu, and Xuanyu invited the "Wind and Rain Division" to help, killing the sky is dark, the wind and rain are mixed, the blood is drifting pestle, the war is fierce and abnormal, it is said that the Yanhuang Alliance lost its way in the darkness and was defeated.

In a moment of crisis, the clever Yellow Emperor invented a guide car to help the soldiers identify the direction, and invited tiannu to help carry out the war, in this case, XuanYu finally retreated, fled to the Jizhou area when caught by the Yanhuang tribe, the Yellow Emperor beheaded him and then divided his body into two burials, legend has it that his head turned into a blood maple forest.

After Xuan You's death, the Yellow Emperor, feeling his bravery, named him the "Lord of Soldiers", meaning the god of war, and painted the rendered image on the military flag to help his military might.

And part of the Jiuli tribe submitted to the Yanhuang tribe, and gradually became part of the current Han nationality, and some of them preferred to die after defeat and migrated south from the hinterland of the Central Plains, such as some Miao, Qiang and other ethnic groups living in the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau now claimed that their ancestors were Xuan you, so the Yellow Emperor tribe, the Yandi tribe, and the Jiuli tribe together constituted the ancestors of our Chinese nation.

The mysterious tomb keeper, who has been hiding for generations does not dare to say the identity of the tomb owner, who is it? Let him be so cautious

And the old man Zhou Derui said that the ancient tomb he was waiting for was part of the body buried in Xuan You, and their family would only tell the secret of Shi You's tomb to the next generation of tomb keepers when the previous generation of tomb keepers were about to die, and they guarded this secret for life and death, so it is estimated that this family guarded the cemetery for nearly 5,000 years, and its ancestors may be the most loyal subordinates of Xuan You.

At that time, the people of the Yanhuang tribe were afraid of destroying the corpses and protecting the heroic spirit of the leader from being disturbed, and voluntarily buried their names in the deep mountains to guard the tomb, and with the passage of time, it may be that the information in the deep mountains is not well informed, and the tomb keepers cannot know that the world has a fair evaluation of Xuan you, or it may be that the victorious Yellow Emperor side has scandalized the image of Xuan You in the history books for its own rule, and the tomb keepers are afraid that someone will destroy the tomb.

Therefore, they have been carefully guarding this secret, and to this day, in order to avoid disturbing the spirit of Xuan Youying, their family has resolutely refused to be discovered by relevant experts. Man's loyalty to man has reached such a point that it is impressive.

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