
The 104-year-old man in Sichuan died, and his children turned out a paper bag at home to learn the amazing identity of their father

The hero Haojie is the same as the prince of Xiang.

Speaking of the greatest disaster and shame in our country in the past 5,000 years, there is nothing more than the modern War of Resistance Against Japan, the invaders in China burned and plundered, did no evil, died under their butcher's knife Chinese countless, and from another point of view, the Japanese aggression also made the sleepy Chinese nation at that time completely awakened, the whole people were soldiers, 14 years of war of resistance, finally beat the Japanese out of China.

The 104-year-old man in Sichuan died, and his children turned out a paper bag at home to learn the amazing identity of their father

Painful modern China

We all know that the Chinese nation is one of the most intelligent nations in the world, since the beginning of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, the Chinese nation has always stood in the forest of the world, leading the world for nearly a thousand years, when Western imperialism used foreign guns and cannons to invade, they would not have thought that as early as a thousand years ago in the Song Dynasty, China already had a precedent of fighting with firearms.

China's four major inventions: papermaking, printing, compass and gunpowder is the foundation of the world's development, papermaking technology makes books can be recorded intact, civilization is inherited, and printing is to maximize the benefits of papermaking, so that more people can learn those advanced cultures, not to mention the compass, Zheng He seven times to the West to create the world's earliest sailing travel record, but also the first time the Chinese nation's strength spread to the world, and the last gunpowder, It transitions human history from cold weapons to hot weapons.

The 104-year-old man in Sichuan died, and his children turned out a paper bag at home to learn the amazing identity of their father

However, the Chinese nation, which has always been in the forest of the human world, did not communicate with the West during the Qianlong period because of the policy of closing the country to the outside world, which led to the outbreak of the Opium War, and after that, it was even more uncontrollable, and the national humiliation of nearly two centuries was not completely ended until after the founding of New China.

The origins and contradictions between China and Japan

On the Asian continent, in addition to China, another powerful country is naturally Japan, which is less than 1/10 of our size, but from an objective point of view, fair and just, Japan is indeed a self-reliant nation, they have also experienced the stage of closing the country, and they have also become colonies of imperialist countries, but the Meiji Emperor of Japan at that time was determined to learn from advanced Western technology.

Speaking of the origins of China and Japan, it can be traced back to the Qin Shi Huang period more than 2,000 years ago, when Qin Shi Huang unified the Six Kingdoms, he sent Xu Fu to overseas to find the elixir of immortality.

The 104-year-old man in Sichuan died, and his children turned out a paper bag at home to learn the amazing identity of their father

Xu Fu brought 500 young and middle-aged men and women, and then they multiplied on the island of Japan, so that there is now Japan, historically, Japan has sent emissaries to China many times to study, and has been a vassal state of the Chinese Dynasty for generations, the most famous of which is the Tang Dynasty envoys.

After that, Japan and China often had uninterrupted exchanges, until after the Opium War, the Qing government was corrupt and incompetent, allowing others to bully, making Japan think that this former big brother was now better to bully, so it provoked the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War and participated in the Eight-Power Alliance's invasion of China.

In the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War, he received 200 million taels of silver indemnities, as well as Taiwan, the Penghu Islands and a large amount of material reparations, annihilated the Qing government's ace ---- Beiyang Marine Division, and realized part of their plan to invade China.

As early as when they went to take over Taiwan, the local people organized armed resistance on their own, killed more than 10,000 Japanese troops, and then spent a lot of effort to occupy Taiwan, after the July 7 Incident, Japan began a full-scale war of aggression against China, they created countless heinous atrocities, and the Chinese soldiers won back on the battlefield tenfold and a hundredfold, and finally, in 1945, Japan unconditionally surrendered, the Chinese nation ushered in the dawn of victory, and in the War of Resistance Against Japan, one province that contributed indispensably was Sichuan.

The 104-year-old man in Sichuan died, and his children turned out a paper bag at home to learn the amazing identity of their father

Sichuan peasant, anti-Japanese hero

Because Sichuan is remote, when the north is inseparable, it is still relatively peaceful, since ancient times, Sichuan has the reputation of the world's granary, they take Sichuan as the base, continuously deliver grain and grass, materials to the north, and the people of Sichuan are spontaneously forming the Sichuan Army, making great contributions to the cause of the motherland's War of Resistance again and again.

Since ancient times, Sichuan has been the representative of loyalty, and the same is true in the War of Resistance Against Japan, after the outbreak of the war, all the soldiers in Sichuan Province, everyone is eager to crush the Japanese to pieces, they form armed forces, a steady stream of going to the battlefield, they regard death as a homecoming, vowing to beat the invaders out of China, resulting in Sichuan almost extinction.

There is no parent who does not feel sorry for their children, but every Sichuan father and elder, but their sons one after another on the battlefield, and those Sichuan boys who went to the battlefield will never regret it, and vowed to kill 100, 1,000, 10,000 devils to win glory for their families, just like this, finally drove the Japanese out of China, after the end of the War of Resistance, countless soldiers retired from the army and chose to return to the land of their hometown to cultivate and work.

The 104-year-old man in Sichuan died, and his children turned out a paper bag at home to learn the amazing identity of their father

They think of themselves as peasants and workers, just like in the TV series "Old Peasant", General Gan was expelled from the school for no reason because of his wife, and went to the principal to find the theory, but the principal was arrogant and even wanted to drive General Gan out, until the local education bureau chief came to know that this simple peasant turned out to be a general.

Such things are very common after the founding of the People's Republic of China, they never pride themselves on their excessive contributions, but never mention it, even the neighbors do not know, there is such an old man in Sichuan Province, his name is Xiao Wanshi, during the War of Resistance, alone killed 19 devils, made great contributions, and countless meritorious deeds?

The 104-year-old man in Sichuan died, and his children turned out a paper bag at home to learn the amazing identity of their father

However, after the end, he chose to return to his hometown, return to his own land, hard work, even his children do not know, he lived for 104 years, until the day of his death, the children sorted out their father's relics, only to find the military medals, they learned that the father was actually a hero of the war of resistance, and these things, they never heard their father mention.

He was outstanding in his meritorious service, but he never mentioned it, let alone used it to seek his own welfare, and the nobility of his moral character was something that we could not learn in our lifetime, in fact, this was the case, the Chinese nation suffered from internal and external troubles during that period, and was on the verge of extinction, however, with the efforts of the people of the whole country, it finally defeated the enemy and developed to this day, prosperous China, mountains and rivers, and Yangyang Huaxia!

After Japanese Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka came to power, Sino-Japanese relations were eased, and in his speech, he used trouble to describe Japan's aggression against China; after the speech, the leaders of the state unanimously demanded that he change it, and thought that adding trouble was too much to downplay, and the anger overflowed, Tanaka Kakuei immediately apologized, saying: Adding trouble in Japan is the most sorry word, if the mistake I am willing to change.

Come to think of it, if it had been the Qing Dynasty a hundred years ago, would the Japanese have been like this? Obviously not, the reason why they can do this is because we are strong enough now, it is heroes like Xiao Wanshi, one after another, trying to make these heroes immortal.

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