
During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how did the Eighth Route Army lay down a Japanese artillery tower? Thumbs up after reading these

In the autumn of 1941, the Invading Japanese Army implemented the "Three Lights" policy in the North China Plain and carried out a barbaric "sweep", and the environment became more and more cruel. The Japanese set up artillery towers in each occupied area, not entirely out of defensive effect, but as a means of attack, due to the small number of troops, only this method can be used to divide the anti-Japanese armed forces and base areas. In North China, the Japanese army vigorously carried out the "plan of public security and rectification" and implemented the so-called "cage policy" of "using railways as pillars, highways as chains, and bunkers as locks." Under the very grim situation, in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression behind enemy lines, most of the artillery used by the guerrillas to fight the devil's strongholds were earthen cannons with a history of several hundred years.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how did the Eighth Route Army lay down a Japanese artillery tower? Thumbs up after reading these

When there was no way out, the Japanese army went out of the turret to grab water, and the Eighth Route Army planted mines on its inevitable path, or made an ambush in a dangerous place. How many devils and how many puppet troops can you have in one turret? At best, it was only 100 people; how many Eighth Route Army were there in this area? At least 10 times, 20 times yours. Moreover, you also have to divide the troops to guard the artillery tower. The Eighth Route Army had ordinary people to ventilate the news, and when there were more ghosts snatching grain, the Eighth Route Army would hit the artillery tower; if there were fewer ghosts robbing grain, the Eighth Route Army would fight an ambush. In short, let the devils be embarrassed and overwhelmed. What to do? In the end, it was only a hasty evacuation.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how did the Eighth Route Army lay down a Japanese artillery tower? Thumbs up after reading these

At the beginning of 1943, the Japanese army dispatched more than 20,000 troops to launch an unprecedented scale of "sweeping" to the anti-Japanese base areas in northern Jiangsu. The Battle of Chenjiagang was a major battle fought by the New Fourth Army when it took advantage of the victory to expand the newly liberated areas after regaining the occupied base areas. Zhang Aiping, deputy division commander of the Fourth Division of the New Fourth Army, served as the commander-in-chief of the front line. After a night of fierce fighting, at dawn the next day, he took this stubborn fortress that the Japanese were holding

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how did the Eighth Route Army lay down a Japanese artillery tower? Thumbs up after reading these
During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how did the Eighth Route Army lay down a Japanese artillery tower? Thumbs up after reading these

Smoke with paprika and smoke

The turrets are basically sealed, and the enemy generally only leaves a few holes to the outside, such turrets have indeed successfully resisted a lot of damage, but they have also left themselves with a dead end. In order to get the enemy out, our army uses its ingenuity and uses smoke to force the enemy out. When the enemy is smoked and has no combat effectiveness, it is the moment of victory for our army. In addition, our army will also use its own special grenades, but this grenade is not shrapnel, but paprika. The enemy had to come out and breathe under this new weapon, and at this time our army could show its might and win victory without even firing a shot. However, after all, this situation can only cause small-scale damage to the enemy, and cannot make the enemy hurt his bones

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how did the Eighth Route Army lay down a Japanese artillery tower? Thumbs up after reading these

Since the Japanese army likes to engage in jianbi qingye and wants to trap us, then I will also engage in jianbi qingye and trap you. In our land, we see who can trap whom. The Eighth Route Army mobilized all the villages outside the artillery tower to move away, so that the tens of miles around the artillery tower became no man's land. The devil's activity area was only as large as the turret, and the eighth route army's activity area was a vast world beyond the turret.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, how did the Eighth Route Army lay down a Japanese artillery tower? Thumbs up after reading these

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