
Before Liu Bei died, he once instructed Zhuge Liang a word, and Zhuge Liang broke out in cold sweat after hearing it, and was in danger of suffering disasters

Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang are classic characters in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and the deep friendship and deeds between their monarchs and subjects are still talked about by future generations after thousands of years.

Before Liu Bei died, he once instructed Zhuge Liang a word, and Zhuge Liang broke out in cold sweat after hearing it, and was in danger of suffering disasters

If Zhou Yu shouted before he died, "If you are born yu, how can you be born bright?" It is the final struggle for the injustice of fate, then Zhuge Liang's life can be summarized by four words: "Born at the wrong time". Zhuge Liang is a unique figure in Chinese history, and it is not his ingenuity that is being said here, but his way of being an official. In the feudal period, there was an old saying called "accompanying the king like accompanying the tiger", and it is not unfamiliar to everyone. Zhuge Liang's position was between the emperor of the King's Landing and the crown prince in the Eastern Palace, he was the emperor's confidant, the prince's father, or the trusted vassal who held the power and controlled the government.

Before Liu Bei died, he once instructed Zhuge Liang a word, and Zhuge Liang broke out in cold sweat after hearing it, and was in danger of suffering disasters

Historically, there were many people in the dprk whose status was almost the same as Zhuge Liang's, but for those people, there were only two outcomes in the future, first, the abolition of the emperor himself; second, when the emperor was in control of power, he was liquidated. Throughout the ages, except for Zhuge Liang, no one can jump out of that strange circle, because Zhuge Liang has created a third ending: the monarchs and subjects get along with each other, help each other, support each other, and do not suspect each other. As a chancellor, Zhuge Liang only supported a monarch Liu Chan who had no ability and no power, and if there was no accident, there would be many people who would rely on Zhuge Liang, and invisibly, his power would swell.

Before Liu Bei died, he once instructed Zhuge Liang a word, and Zhuge Liang broke out in cold sweat after hearing it, and was in danger of suffering disasters

In the years when Liu Chan grew up, it was inevitable that there would be villains who would come in and give rumors, which would alienate the relationship between Liu Chan and Zhuge Liang. Once Zhuge Liang raises a little disobedience, his selfish desires will be infinitely magnified, and he will finally embark on a path that is either your death or my death. However, these conspiracies and tricks in the face of Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang's bondage, is tantamount to self-destruction, Liu Bei in the desperate three times asked Zhuge Liang to come out of the mountains to help, let go of his identity as a han family member, and gave Zhuge Liang enough face.

Before Liu Bei died, he once instructed Zhuge Liang a word, and Zhuge Liang broke out in cold sweat after hearing it, and was in danger of suffering disasters

Zhuge Liang received great favors and also did his best to assist Liu Bei on the side and help him lay the foundation for the three worlds. Sima Yan, the founding emperor of the Western Jin Dynasty, once said: "Shanzai, let me have this person to assist myself, how can I have today's labor!" It can be seen that Sima Yan is sighing that if he had Zhuge Liang's assistance, it would not be so difficult to conquer the world. His words not only reflect zhuge Liang's fame and influence from the side, but also reflect his Wang Zuo's talent and the way of the official.

Before Liu Bei died, he once instructed Zhuge Liang a word, and Zhuge Liang broke out in cold sweat after hearing it, and was in danger of suffering disasters

However, Liu Bei was, after all, the head of a country, and on his deathbed, he still thought of his people and sons. On his deathbed, Liu Bei entrusted Liu Chan to Zhuge Liang, and while instructing him to take good care of Liu Chan, he also said this sentence: If my son is used, you will assist him, and if he is very incompetent, you can replace him. As soon as this remark came out, Zhuge Liang was greatly moved, and at the same time, he was also nervous to the extreme, at this moment, if he showed a little intention, it would create a rift between the monarch and the subject, so Zhuge Liang promised that he would "bow down to the end of his life and die" for the Shu kingdom, and would also assist Liu Chan well and help him create the foundation of the world.

Before Liu Bei died, he once instructed Zhuge Liang a word, and Zhuge Liang broke out in cold sweat after hearing it, and was in danger of suffering disasters

History proves to us that Zhuge Liang did indeed give everything for the Shu kingdom until his death. In addition, Liu Chan also had great respect for Zhuge Liang, and at Zhuge Liang's funeral, Liu Chan, who had always been known for his benevolence, actually beat a minister who spoke bad things about Zhuge Liang to death, and arranged affairs between the DPRK and China according to the will written by Zhuge Liang before his death, so that the Shu kingdom could not fall for a short time.

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