
In the 1970s, Vietnam killed 8 of my soldiers and snatched the remains of the corpses of the border, and Commissar Deng was determined: Fight!

Author: Little Orange

In the 1960s and 1970s, the Vietnam War became the most anxious and hot war in the world, and China provided a total of more than 20 billion yuan of free aid for the North Vietnamese resistance to the United States and national reunification for more than a decade, almost dragging down the already weak national economy, but in exchange for revenge. After the death of Ho Chi Minh in 1969, Le Son stole power, but at this time, because the Vietnam War was in full swing, Lê Duong also relied on Chinese support, so he was still very respectful to China.

In the 1970s, Vietnam killed 8 of my soldiers and snatched the remains of the corpses of the border, and Commissar Deng was determined: Fight!

However, since the normalization of Sino-US relations in 1972, Vietnam has begun to drastically change its attitude toward China, and its true face has been revealed; on the one hand, it has opened its mouths to Chinese lions and greedily demanded huge amounts of aid, and on the other hand, it has constantly colluded with the Soviet Union to release hostile remarks and actions against China.

After all U.S. troops withdrew from Vietnam in 1973, Vietnam felt that there was no problem in unifying South Vietnam and then invading Indochina's neighbors, so it decided to completely say no to china that was in the way!

Beginning on March 28, 1974, Vietnam began to send soldiers and public security to the south side of the Friendship Pass Border Checkpoint on the Sino-Vietnamese border to harass Pu Nian Ling, Pu Zhai Ling, Pu Ying Ding and other areas, obstructing our border guards from patrolling and claiming that these areas were disputed areas between China and Vietnam.

Later, Lê Duần deliberately provoked further in order to test China's reaction, the Vietnamese side openly denied the legality of the existing Sino-Vietnamese border, and the Vietnamese army actually entered Chinese territory with Soviet military advisers to conduct surveys, cut down our trees, and established a two-kilometer-long fire line.

The Chinese side issued a warning to Vietnam that "no one will offend me and I will not commit a crime," but Lê Sung went so far as to turn a deaf ear and demanded that the Soviet Union and a series of other groups of Eastern European countries that were not friendly to China make irresponsible remarks, so that the Sino-Vietnamese border issue, which was not disputed, would turn into an international issue.

In 1975, Vietnam realized the reunification of the north and the south, which was undoubtedly inseparable from China's long-term free aid and huge sacrifices, but Vietnam not only did not have the slightest gratitude, but on the contrary, it became more and more arrogant, repeatedly boasting of being "the world's third military power", and attempted to further realize its dream of resisting China in the north and invading Neighboring countries such as Cambodia and Laos in the south, and establishing the "Great Indochina Federation".

Vietnam has brutally abused the vast number of overseas Chinese in the country, especially in the newly reunified southern region, exploited and seized their property, persecuted them on charges of espionage and enemy, and forced a large number of overseas Chinese to be displaced and reduced to refugees, in order to provoke China. At the same time, Vietnam began to use direct force against China, and in April, the Vietnamese army invaded the southern territory of Our City of Pingxiang, planted mines and bamboo sticks, built fortifications, and fired at our soldiers and civilians!

At that time, China was in a special period, Li Sun felt that China had declined, coupled with the support of the Soviet Union behind it, arrogance became more and more victorious day by day, and even directly sent troops and public security militias to Chinese territory, repeatedly smashing and looting, this situation continued until the end of 1978, Vietnam finally caused a bloody tragedy that china could no longer bear - "Tinghao Mountain Bloody Massacre".

On November 1, 1978, the Lê Thanh authorities and the Soviet Union formally signed the "Soviet-Vietnamese Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation", the Soviet Union fully supported Vietnam's hegemony and aggression and expansion in Indochina, and Vietnam opened a series of military base rights to the Soviet Union, thus Vietnam had the courage and ambition to completely turn its face with China.

In the 1970s, Vietnam killed 8 of my soldiers and snatched the remains of the corpses of the border, and Commissar Deng was determined: Fight!

Not long after, Vietnamese dispatched military security to invade Jingxi County, Guangxi Province, and deliberately dug up the Sino-Vietnamese Boundary Monument No. 63 and carried it to the north side of Tinghao Mountain in an attempt to occupy several square kilometers of our land. The Vietnamese side's aggressive behavior was discovered by Huang Gaozhao, the platoon leader of our militia, so he led the militia Luo Heqiang, Zhou Zhijiao, and others to stop it, but they were suddenly attacked by the Vietnamese public security forces that were ambushed in the dense forest.

Yang Yuguang, deputy commander of the Second Regiment of the Guangxi Border Defense Force, then arrived with a platoon of fighters to negotiate with the Vietnamese side. At this time, the Vietnamese side, which had been premeditated, suddenly retreated, and the Vietnamese troops in the distance immediately opened fire on our soldiers and civilians, causing 6 casualties and 18 wounded on our side.

Our military and civilians were ready to fight back, but Yang Yuguang, deputy commander of the regiment, learned that Su Yue was concluding a treaty in the morning, and expected that the Vietnamese side must be planning some conspiracy, and in order to let the world see the crimes of the Vietnamese side, Yang Yuguang ordered the soldiers to continue to exercise restraint.

At that time, two militiamen came forward to rescue the wounded, but they were also wounded and kidnapped by the Vietnamese army in front of the Chinese soldiers and civilians, and the remains of six people killed by the Vietnamese army, including Huang Gaozhao, Luo Heqiang, Zhou Zhijiao, Chen Zhongyi, and Huang Tianming, were also snatched by the Vietnamese army.

In the 1970s, Vietnam killed 8 of my soldiers and snatched the remains of the corpses of the border, and Commissar Deng was determined: Fight!

As we expected, on November 3, Vietnam actually shouted to catch the thief and summoned hundreds of reporters from 51 countries in eastern European satellite countries led by the Soviet Union and some European countries to go to the north of Tingfeng Township in Chongqing County, Vietnam, near the site of the incident, to conduct "interviews" at the scene of the so-called Sino-Vietnamese armed conflict.

Vietnam will be killed and snatched of the remains of our 8 soldiers and civilians (the kidnapped two militiamen were also brutally killed) placed, and some weapons into the hands of the victims, slandering that the Chinese army invaded Vietnam and was "counterattacked" by the Vietnamese army.

In the 1970s, Vietnam killed 8 of my soldiers and snatched the remains of the corpses of the border, and Commissar Deng was determined: Fight!

With the clamor of the Soviet-led camp, international public opinion went so far as to condemn the "Chinese side's invasion of Vietnam" one-sidedly, which was the "Tinghaoshan Incident" that shocked the world at that time. Vietnam has not only invaded and trampled on China's territory for a long time and killed our military and people, but has also reversed black and white and defiled China as an aggressor. Not long after, Commissar Deng clearly instructed the relevant parties to make preparations for combat. Two months later, a self-defense war against Vietnam that shocked the world with a thunderous momentum was launched in the roar of ten thousand cannons!

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