
What "cats and dogs" have come to build cars, and now the threshold is so low?

A bunch of Internet technology companies have poured into the field of new energy vehicles, is the threshold for building cars so low? What are they all trying to do?

What "cats and dogs" have come to build cars, and now the threshold is so low?

First of all, which "cats and dogs" to build cars, foreign giants such as Google, Amazon and Apple, domestic LeTV (Jia boss ran away), Baidu, Ali, Huawei, Millet and other Internet companies, of which Millet is the most enthusiastic and motivated, invested heavily to engage, the leader Lei Jun personally took command, presumably for the goal of "the first new energy vehicle for young people".

Let's get into the main question and answer the question of why.

First, the threshold for building a car has indeed dropped

New energy vehicles, especially pure electric vehicles, mainly rely on three electric technologies, that is, "batteries, motors and electronic controls", domestic companies have a certain technical background; and the core engine, gearbox, chassis tuning of traditional fuel vehicles, autonomy and joint venture car companies have a huge gap, after all, people have developed for decades or even a hundred years, with technology accumulation and patents, domestic car companies want to catch up with a little too difficult, in the short term can not see results.

What "cats and dogs" have come to build cars, and now the threshold is so low?

New energy vehicles give independent brands the opportunity to "overtake in curves", and it is enough not to overtake and sit on an equal footing with foreign car companies. For Internet technology companies, the threshold is already very low, and the new car-making forces have risen in the past two or three years, such as Weilai, Xiaopeng, Ideal, Nezha, etc., which have not been cared for in the previous era of fuel vehicles.

What "cats and dogs" have come to build cars, and now the threshold is so low?

Second, capital is optimistic

The national policy is favorable, the capital is also optimistic about this field, and with the blessing of the two phases, the new energy automobile industry has expanded rapidly.

Look at the U.S. stock market, the stock price of new energy vehicles soared, and Tesla's market value once exceeded trillion US dollars, becoming the sixth enterprise in the US stock market to break the trillion yuan, and also the first automobile company.

What "cats and dogs" have come to build cars, and now the threshold is so low?

Most of the new domestic car-making forces have capital big men standing platforms, although these enterprises have developed for a short time, but the market value even exceeds many traditional industry giants, and it has to be said that the power of capital is cattle.

What "cats and dogs" have come to build cars, and now the threshold is so low?

Mr. Lei said at that time, "Standing on the wind outlet, pigs will fly", and he honestly did not deceive me!

The third is to enhance the competitiveness of Internet products

As new energy vehicles become more and more intelligent, the Internet of Vehicles has become a focus of public attention, a channel and medium for obtaining Internet users, and an important traffic entrance.

What "cats and dogs" have come to build cars, and now the threshold is so low?

The strength of these technology Internet companies is that they can well echo and combine with new energy vehicles (mainly the car machine part) in terms of Internet services, sensors, and smart homes.

What "cats and dogs" have come to build cars, and now the threshold is so low?

Xiaomi is personally building cars, exerting its own excellent Internet thinking and experience; Huawei is cooperating with other car manufacturers, only providing software and network services, these two companies are very representative of the car manufacturing field, the former needs to have huge capital, the latter is relatively less risky.

Of course, there are some that belong to PPT car manufacturing, and a real estate company will not name it.

Write at the end:

Many companies come to build cars, making the new energy vehicle market more lively. With the maturity and stability of technology, consumers' choice of new energy vehicles will be more rational, and after a fierce fight between manufacturers, they will also decide a male and female, which ones will be left in the future, let us wait and see.

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