
Staying in an unclean hotel, will I get sick? Doctor's reminder: these 3 things are best not to touch!

Staying in an unclean hotel, will I get sick? Doctor's reminder: these 3 things are best not to touch!

Traveling to a hotel, after all, isn't it a matter of sleeping? However, there are many people who sleep because of this sleep, and they doubt their lives...

Staying in an unclean hotel, will I get sick? Doctor's reminder: these 3 things are best not to touch!

Image source: Stand Cool Helo

In September last year, Ms. Zhao and two colleagues went to Jinan to play, staying in a fast hotel near the local area, when they entered the door, they found that the quilt was more tide, but the staff said that the room was limited, and Ms. Zhao would also live down, but she did not expect that on the night after the check-in, Ms. Zhao felt itchy, and went to the hospital to check that she had allergic urticaria.

Ms. Huang stayed in a hotel in Hangzhou, when she was ready to rest at night, she just sat down, a pain in her hips and thighs struck, and she turned her head to look at it to find that she was poked by a steel wire on the bed, which was about 1 centimeter long and curved. Ms. Huang once saw the news that someone had been injured by an AIDS needle, and she was extremely afraid, so she rushed to the CDC the next day and took the medicine to block HIV, spending more than a thousand yuan.

Staying in an unclean hotel, will I get sick? Doctor's reminder: these 3 things are best not to touch!

Source: Hubei Jing video road

Life is too hard! People who travel a lot are even more trembling! If you stay in an unclean hotel, will you really be "accidentally" infected by various infectious diseases?

Staying in an unclean hotel, will I get sick? Doctor's reminder: these 3 things are best not to touch!

In fact, many diseases are not terrible, but as long as the three words "infectious diseases" are added as suffixes, many people will make up a big drama in their brains... If you add "reproductive tract infectious diseases", then this drama may be even more indescribable...

First of all, what is an infectious disease?

Infectious diseases are a type of disease caused by various pathogens that can spread from person to person, animal to animal, or between people and animals. Bacteria, fungi, parasites, or viruses can be involved, all of which are pathogens that are ubiquitous and in staggering numbers [1]. Almost every corner of the earth has their descendants, which is also very domineering!

But of the thousands of pathogens, only a relatively small number of species can invade the human body and proliferate to cause disease. Some of the pathogens that can cause disease in humans are highly contagious, surviving and reproducing on the skin, in the oral cavity, in the upper respiratory tract, in the intestines, and in the reproductive tract (especially the vagina).

Staying in an unclean hotel, will I get sick? Doctor's reminder: these 3 things are best not to touch!

The pathogens of most reproductive tract infectious diseases, such as treponemal syphilis, HIV, gonococcus, HPV, etc., are relatively demanding on the environment, and if they are not "VIP rooms" such as human body fluids or mucous membranes, they are difficult to survive.

Staying in an unclean hotel, will I get sick? Doctor's reminder: these 3 things are best not to touch!

Source: Tencent Medical Dictionary Medical Illustration

For example, Ms. Huang in the news is worried about being infected by HIV, but the possibility is actually very low:

1. The HIV virus is present in the semen, blood, and vaginal secretions of infected people, cannot survive in air, water and food, and once it leaves the human body, it quickly loses its ability to spread.

2. Exposure to HIV and the presence of a sufficient amount of the virus into the body is likely to be infected. There is very little blood on the needle, and we have the natural barrier of the skin, so even if there is a virus residue, it is difficult to achieve the pathogenic conditions.

Staying in an unclean hotel, will I get sick? Doctor's reminder: these 3 things are best not to touch!
Staying in an unclean hotel, will I get sick? Doctor's reminder: these 3 things are best not to touch!

Some people will ask, hotel bathtubs, and toilets, this kind of public appliances that directly contact the skin can infect sexually transmitted diseases?

One reason, unless the infected person leaves a large amount of body fluids in the bath or on the toilet, and the surrounding co-bather or the next person who goes to the toilet has an open wound, it is possible to reach the condition of being infected, otherwise it will not be infected.

What's more, for the bathtub sitz bath, even if there is a wound exposed to the pathogenic substance, it will also dilute the pathogenic substance because the bathtub adds a large amount of water, and even if it enters the human body, the lethality is almost zero.

Therefore, the viruses and bacteria of reproductive tract infectious diseases are really fragile, and it is generally difficult to survive in hotels.

However, parasites such as pubic lice and trichomoniasis may indeed stay longer on wet towels, so it is recommended to use hotel towels and bath towels with caution.

In fact, all reproductive tract infectious diseases are transmitted by sexual contact, blood and placenta transmission; indirect contact is also less likely to infect reproductive tract infectious diseases, but this probability is too low!

Therefore, many people tell doctors that "they get infected with reproductive tract infectious diseases in hotels and guesthouses", and the doctors will only laugh and not speak...

Although unclean hotels will not easily contract reproductive tract infectious diseases, it does not mean that you will not get other diseases. These "pits" in the hotel, when it is time to avoid, still have to avoid!

Staying in an unclean hotel, will I get sick? Doctor's reminder: these 3 things are best not to touch!

It's possible!

The scientific name of athlete's foot is tinea pedis, which is one of the most common superficial fungal infections of the skin, this fungus is really "carrying", basically everywhere can eat well, drink well, sleep well, live well, mrs. wife is easy to grow and reproduce, such as attached to a variety of daily necessities - shoes and socks.

If the hotel offers non-disposable rubber slippers and happens to be carried by someone who has enjoyed it before, you are likely to be infected. But now many hotels are disposable non-woven slippers, so wearing this, almost will not be stained with athlete's foot, unless you yourself have it, the heart is too big to be discovered.

Therefore, the reliable and safe way is to bring your own slippers, and you can also buy disposable one-time directly if you occupy the place

Staying in an unclean hotel, will I get sick? Doctor's reminder: these 3 things are best not to touch!
Staying in an unclean hotel, will I get sick? Doctor's reminder: these 3 things are best not to touch!

Hepatitis B is not a gastrointestinal infection. This virus has no survival conditions in the normal and undamaged digestive tract, so even if the dishes or food are accidentally contaminated with hepatitis B virus, if you also have a healthy digestive tract, you can basically ignore it.

Eating out, or even sharing meals with hepatitis B patients and hepatitis B virus carriers, is not part of the three main transmission channels of hepatitis B. [2]

For cups, if you are worried about the disinfection is not in place, there are other residual germs, after the hotel cleans the cups and rinses them several times, they will basically disappear. If you are really worried, you can also buy your own bottled water.

Staying in an unclean hotel, will I get sick? Doctor's reminder: these 3 things are best not to touch!

It's possible.

The mattress of the hotel does not dry for a long time, and the sofa or carpet does not see the sun for a long time, which is easy to breed mites, and even fleas and bed bugs. If you are a sensitive person, then you are likely to have a "wonderful" chemical reaction with these unexpected insects, such as the production of papular urticaria.

Staying in an unclean hotel, will I get sick? Doctor's reminder: these 3 things are best not to touch!

Papular urticaria has an incubation period, a few hours if it is fast, and three or five days if it is slow. Many people often find out after returning from a trip, or only get worse after they come back. But in fact, the problem is not big, after staying away from the pathogen, the average person may be fine after three or five days. If it gets worse, go to the dermatologist.

Some hotel bed sheets may also have residual mold. If the hotel room is warm, humid and unventilated, it is easy to breed these small molds. Therefore, when staying in a hotel, remember to check the bed sheet cover for mold spots.

It is said that many people will also buy dirty sleeping bags online in order to protect themselves.

Staying in an unclean hotel, will I get sick? Doctor's reminder: these 3 things are best not to touch!

For those who want to travel for a long time and stay in the hotel into a "just need" friend, finally please come to claim the "just need experience" of these hotels

1. You can always have some equipment: such as water glasses, towels, slippers and other personal items.

2. Try not to sleep naked or on your stomach: it can reduce the contact between sensitive parts of the body and the bed sheet cover, and reduce the risk of infection and disease.

3. Smell the room air: If you smell the musty smell as soon as you open the door, what are you waiting for, this room is likely to be unscrambled for a long time, decisively change the room!

4. Walk around: turn over the sheets, pillows have no stains, hair, and then look at the toiletries, cups have no water stains.

5. Look at bedding, toiletries, bathtub corners: the average "excellent" hotel's newly replaced sheets and duvet covers have obvious creases.

Once you find something unusual, you must immediately apply for a replacement or check-out.


Ma Qing. Observation on the effect of health education in tuberculosis, AIDS and hepatitis B infectious diseases[J].World Latest Medical Information Digest, 2019,19(40):209,213

Hepatic Doctor Journal. Expert opinion on the whole process of health management of chronic hepatitis B patients (1)[J].Dr. Hepatology,2015,(3):24-28.

*The content of this article is a popularization of health knowledge and cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment recommendation, nor is it a substitute for face-to-face consultation by a practicing physician, for reference only.

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