
She was a traitor in the War of Resistance, and in order to win the favor of the devils, she did not even spare her own daughter

She was a traitor in the War of Resistance, and in order to win the favor of the devils, she did not even spare her own daughter

We all know that during the War of Resistance Against Japan, a large number of heroic figures appeared in our country, including Dong Cunrui, Yang Jingyu, and others as we know them; however, during the War of Resistance Against Japan, our country produced countless traitors.

At that time, these traitors who were traitors seeking glory did not have the slightest backbone as a Chinese, and did not lose their dignity in front of the Japanese without any discipline. Speaking of this, many people may think of the face of the traitor in the anti-Japanese drama; however, due to the influence of the anti-Japanese drama, in the minds of many people, a male appearance will naturally appear when the traitor is mentioned.

She was a traitor in the War of Resistance, and in order to win the favor of the devils, she did not even spare her own daughter

In fact, during the War of Resistance Against Japan, there were also many female traitors, but there were no well-known figures among them! And the next thing I want to tell you is that the woman who raped her name was Liu Si'e; after she defected to Japan, she did a lot of things to kill the Chinese people, during which in order to win the favor of the Japanese, she did not even let go of her own daughter, and pulled her daughter, who was only 15 years old, into the water.

She was a traitor in the War of Resistance, and in order to win the favor of the devils, she did not even spare her own daughter

Liu Si'e was originally a very ordinary woman, after Japan launched the war of aggression against China, because the front line was too long, so the Japanese army often expanded the "source of soldiers" in the occupied areas, and Liu Si'e's husband was unfortunately captured by the Japanese as a zhuangding, and soon after her husband died on the construction site of the railway because of the abuse of japanese soldiers.

Logically, her dearest person died at the hands of the Japanese, and she should hate the Japanese in particular, but after that, Li Si'e's approach made all the Chinese feel ashamed. Liu Si'e was originally a delicious and lazy woman, after the death of her husband, her life with her daughter became a big problem, at first she relied on the food begged on the street to maintain her and her daughter's life; but such a day was too difficult for her, Liu Si'e did not insist on a few days and could not continue. So she found another shortcut, and after that she started the idea of the Japanese, and at that time, she thought that only the Japanese people were the most reliable.

She was a traitor in the War of Resistance, and in order to win the favor of the devils, she did not even spare her own daughter

So she met a Japanese security minister (a Chinese traitor) through the introduction of others, sacrificed her body, and since then her living standards have been greatly improved. The improvement in her quality of life has greatly satisfied her, and in this way she has also helped the Japanese to do a lot of things that harm the people.

The traitor baochang is naturally not a good person, with the support of the Japanese behind his back, this Japanese dog is even more oppressive to the people, and often leads people to blackmail the people. However, whenever the traitors bullied the Chinese people, Liu Si goose would also fox on the side of the fox and fake tiger power; so at that time, Liu Si goose was also hated by many people.

She was a traitor in the War of Resistance, and in order to win the favor of the devils, she did not even spare her own daughter

After all, the extortion of the people to collect money and grain income is too small, and it is easy to make the Japanese dissatisfied; so Liu Si'e thought of a faster way to get money. So Liu Si'e and the chief of security began to rob the women of the people, and then sent the snatched women to the comfort station; after a long time, everyone sent their daughters to other places to hide.

In order to win the favor of the Japanese devils, in the end, she did not even let go of her own daughter, and personally gave her daughter to the Japanese, it can be said that Liu Sige pushed her own daughter closer to the fire pit for her own selfish interests. However, after the victory of the War of Resistance, Liu Si'e also got the punishment he deserved, and was finally sentenced to death, and such a punishment also made the people clap their hands and applaud.

Everyone has different ambitions and has the right to choose their own life, and no one can blame too much. In fact, in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, many scientists preferred to give up their superior treatment in the United States and choose to come back and build a new China that was poor and white at that time. These scientists who returned for the construction of the motherland are in stark contrast to Liu Si'e, who was willing to work as a traitor to serve the Japanese.

She was a traitor in the War of Resistance, and in order to win the favor of the devils, she did not even spare her own daughter

Today, China relies on a solid foundation laid by many scientists; if it were not for their selfless dedication, the republic, which has only been established for 70 years, would not have achieved such amazing results. For the sake of the development of China's nuclear industry, Deng Jiaxian and Qian Xuesen used some primitive tools such as abacus to calculate various precise data to be used in nuclear weapons test explosions.

We all know that the era in which Qian Xuesen and Deng Jiaxian's scientists of the older generation lived before they went abroad can be described as the most chaotic era in China's modern history, and wars often occur. So why do they have such a good mathematical foundation?

She was a traitor in the War of Resistance, and in order to win the favor of the devils, she did not even spare her own daughter

Physicist Yang Zhenning is undoubtedly one of the greatest scientists in the world today, not only in china, but also in western countries has an extraordinary reputation. However, whenever he was asked about education, he mentioned a man who "had a mathematician and an educator who wrote many simple, clear and witty and interesting mathematical articles." It was because I read one of his articles on intelligence tests that I understood very useful mathematical concepts such as permutations and parity permutations. He can be said to be my enlightenment teacher: Liu Xuanyu. ”

Liu Xuanyu, born in 1896, served as a tutor at Southwest United University and Guiyang High School during the Republic of China. He is best at mathematics, especially in mathematics education, and has a unique set of education methods. At that time, the famous painter Feng Zikai also fell in love with learning mathematics because of the mathematical books written by Liu Xuanyu, and often sighed that if he could see Liu Xuanyu's mathematical books when he was a student, he would not waste mathematics when he was a child.

Mr. Liu Has written many articles on mathematics in his lifetime, and people today have condensed the essential parts of them into the "Three Books of Mathematics for Children", which is very suitable for primary and secondary school students in the fifth and sixth grades to expand their knowledge.

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