
Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, launched 5G nucleic acid sampling to open up the last kilometer of nucleic acid detection services

Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, launched 5G nucleic acid sampling to open up the last kilometer of nucleic acid detection services

The staff is completing the nucleic acid sampling registration through 5G technology Xu Chenyan provided a picture

(Fight against new crown pneumonia) Zhejiang Ningbo online 5G nucleic acid sampling to open up the last kilometer of nucleic acid testing services

Ningbo, December 16 (Fang Kun, Xu Chenyan, Dai Jingjuan) The new round of local epidemics in Zhejiang has lasted for more than ten days, and the province's epidemic prevention and control has entered the most critical period. According to the news released by the Information Office of the Zhejiang Provincial Government at the 90th press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, Ningbo, Shaoxing and Hangzhou in Zhejiang Province have carried out a total of 12.966 million nucleic acid collection and testing, and 12.1589 million copies have been produced.

Under the epidemic situation, how to race against the clock to run out of the nucleic acid sampling acceleration? Ningbo Medical Center Li Huili Hospital recently brought 5G information technology to the nucleic acid sampling site, and successfully tried to use nucleic acid sampling at two demand points in two days.

"Through 5G mobile technology, nucleic acid sampling can be registered and recorded as long as you swipe your ID card or enter the work number during the mobile sampling process." Chen Liang, director of the information department of Li Huili Hospital of Ningbo Medical Center, said, "Saving the middle of brushing barcodes, manual transcription and other links, reducing human error, and greatly improving efficiency." ”

Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, launched 5G nucleic acid sampling to open up the last kilometer of nucleic acid detection services

Open a single self-service machine Xu Chenyan provided a picture

"Considering the different needs of on-site nucleic acid testing, we have launched both single and mixed mining modes on the 5G system at the same time." Chen Liang further explained that the system can provide technical support for hospitals to provide temporary nucleic acid sampling services such as group organizations in the future.

The 5G system also opened up the last mile of nucleic acid testing services, and the inspection report also realized online query, and it is reported that the hospital's public number, health Ningbo, Zhejiang Office and other platforms can be viewed online.

"To apply 5G technology to mobile nucleic acid detection scenarios, it has higher requirements for hospital network security." Chen Liang said that in the early stage, they passed many docking and testing, and deployed strict firewalls and other anti-intrusion measures to ensure the security of the hospital's network information system, so as to achieve on-site testing and internal processes consistent with the internal process of testing in the hospital.

At Li Huili Hospital, Ningbo Medical Center, information technology has become a "booster" for them to respond quickly and effectively to this wave of the epidemic. Since December 6, in order to meet the surge in nucleic acid sampling demand, especially in the eastern campus near Zhenhai District of Ningbo City, the information department immediately placed more than 10 self-service machines in the South Gate Square, which greatly alleviated the waiting time of the willing inspection personnel. At the same time, self-service billing can be carried out with a variety of shortcuts such as medical insurance card, ID card, resident electronic health card or Alipay brushing face. At most, nearly 20,000 people have been tested in a single day, and the entire nucleic acid testing work is busy but not chaotic.

Thanks to the information technology of the detection cloud platform, the nucleic acid test information entry of about 8,000 hospital staff, inpatients and accompanying personnel in the hospital was also completed within a few hours. (End)

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