
Shanghai Municipal Hospital Orthopedic Specialty Alliance was established, led by six hospitals, and 17 municipal hospitals joined

Shanghai Municipal Hospital Orthopedic Specialty Alliance was established, led by six hospitals, and 17 municipal hospitals joined

In order to continuously improve the diagnosis and treatment of specialized diseases and research capabilities, strengthen the standardized use and promotion of new technologies, and promote the coordinated development of clinical research, on December 15, the Shanghai Municipal Hospital Orthopedic Specialty Alliance was established in Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital. As one of the first 17 "Clinical Capacity Promotion and Enhancement Specialty Alliances" established by shanghai Shenkang Hospital Development Center, the Orthopedic Specialty Alliance is composed of 17 municipal hospitals, and the six municipal hospitals are the lead units of the alliance.

At the inaugural meeting, the leaders of the orthopedics department from various alliance units fully discussed the working mechanism between the alliances, the daily work content of the alliance, and how to expand the connotation construction of the alliance. Experts generally mentioned that under the premise of gradually improving the standards of diagnosis and treatment of specialized diseases, we should explore how to summarize and improve the diagnosis and treatment norms formed by the specialty alliance, rewrite the guidelines or improve the professionalism and evidence-based medicine level of the existing guidelines. At the same time, it is necessary to establish a scientific, reasonable and highly operable new technology evaluation index and clinical application management model to promote the benign and sustainable development of orthopedic specialties.

Talking about the current situation of discipline professional development, Professor Zhang Changqing, the leader of the Department of Orthopedics of the Sixth Municipal Hospital, took diseases such as intervertebral disc herniation as an example and said that although there has been a lot of clinical data accumulation, there are shortcomings in the level of connotation and standardization reflected in it. The significance of the establishment of the Orthopedic Specialty Alliance is to let clinical experts gradually solve the problems in the development of these specialties and the irregularities in clinical treatment through the specialty alliance.

"On the other hand, in the process of promoting the application of new technologies, how to accurately grasp the indications for surgery and how to judge whether doctors have the ability to operate is also a problem that our alliance should think about solving." Professor Zhang Changqing said.

The establishment of the specialty alliance aims to build a collaborative innovation system, strengthen research, exchange and cooperation, promote the collaborative development of clinical research in municipal hospitals, actively explore and innovate independently in the fields of medicine, teaching and research, and continue to promote the research and implementation of new technologies, new programs and new strategies for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of key diseases in this specialty field.

The relevant person in charge of the Development Center of Shenkang Hospital expressed the hope that through joint research, mutual exchanges and multi-party cooperation, the "Specialty Alliance" platform of municipal hospitals will be built, and the sustainable development of specialties will be promoted through the connotation construction of specialties and special diseases, maintain the leading position of Shanghai Municipal Hospital's advantageous specialties, and form an influential Shanghai plan or expert consensus.

Author: Tang Wenjia

Editor: Tang Wenjia

Editor-in-Charge: Jiang Peng

Image source: Respondent

*Wenhui exclusive manuscript, please indicate the source when reprinting.

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