
Because of her beautiful looks, the 21-year-old beauty anchor in Europe was bullied to death and insulted by millions of people for five years

author:Chengdu is anti-cult

On November 11, 21-year-old Kika shared her last post on social platforms, which read: She asked, where are we going? I said, moon. A month later, Kika chose to end her life at home, causing a stir on the internet.

Because of her beautiful looks, the 21-year-old beauty anchor in Europe was bullied to death and insulted by millions of people for five years

Kika has everything to envy, young and beautiful, she has more than 1 million fans, is one of the most popular game streamers, and seems to have committed suicide for no reason.

Because of her beautiful looks, the 21-year-old beauty anchor in Europe was bullied to death and insulted by millions of people for five years

But in fact, Kika has been bullied and abused by millions of people for several years, and she has been overwhelmed. It's all because she's "too pretty"...

Because of her beautiful looks, the 21-year-old beauty anchor in Europe was bullied to death and insulted by millions of people for five years

Living in Serbia, Kika's real name is Kristina Dukic, and her love of anime and games since she was a child has made her aspire to become a game streamer.

Because of her beautiful looks, the 21-year-old beauty anchor in Europe was bullied to death and insulted by millions of people for five years

Because of her beautiful appearance and good figure, she immediately caught fire on the Internet.

Because of her beautiful looks, the 21-year-old beauty anchor in Europe was bullied to death and insulted by millions of people for five years

Kika's gaming skills are also very good, and since she started working as a game streamer in 2015, she has become one of the best CS:GO players in Serbia, reaching a semi-professional level. I usually broadcast League of Legends and Minecraft live, and I work very hard to manage the identity of bloggers.

Because of her beautiful looks, the 21-year-old beauty anchor in Europe was bullied to death and insulted by millions of people for five years

On YouTube, she uploads some interesting videos related to daily life, which is also very popular, with 740,000 followers.

Because of her beautiful looks, the 21-year-old beauty anchor in Europe was bullied to death and insulted by millions of people for five years

She used the money she earned as an anchor to buy a small loft, because she liked big dolls, and said that she would try to save money to buy a bigger house and rest assured that she would love dolls.

But she seemed to love life and was lively and successful, but on the night of December 8, she was found to have committed suicide at home. Kika's mother was heartbroken, and she and her daughter were dependent on each other, and she announced the death of her 21-year-old daughter on Kika's ins account.

Because of her beautiful looks, the 21-year-old beauty anchor in Europe was bullied to death and insulted by millions of people for five years

"It's hard for all of us to accept her death, all we can do is not forget her, we love you Kika, and the thoughts of you can't be expressed in words." If you have suicidal thoughts or suffer from depression, go for help, you are not alone. ”

Because of her beautiful looks, the 21-year-old beauty anchor in Europe was bullied to death and insulted by millions of people for five years

In fact, Kika, who looks full of energy and is still streaming games for everyone this year, has been suspected of taking a long break from severe depression since the end of 2020. Who would have thought that not long after the return, the person was gone.

Because of her beautiful looks, the 21-year-old beauty anchor in Europe was bullied to death and insulted by millions of people for five years

While everyone is speculating about the story behind Kika's suicide, her friend reveals a shocking inside story: Kika's depression is getting worse because she has been bullied for five years. Friends called on the media to thoroughly investigate the Internet violence and let everyone know what kind of pain Kika has experienced.

It turned out that when Kika first became popular five years ago, some of her peers were jealous because of her high popularity, one of whom was Baka Prase, the most famous game streamer in Serbia today.

Because of her beautiful looks, the 21-year-old beauty anchor in Europe was bullied to death and insulted by millions of people for five years

Baka not only plays games, but also makes a record as a comedian, and has more die-hard fans than Kika. In order to become more famous, he made videos to spread rumors about Kika, taking advantage of the stereotype that people think that girls can't play games and beautiful girls are stupid, and wantonly attack Kika.

Because of her beautiful looks, the 21-year-old beauty anchor in Europe was bullied to death and insulted by millions of people for five years

The two once confronted each other on television

He did several episodes of "reaction videos" of Kika's game show, in which he scoffed at Kika's game technology and said that she was so beautiful that she was a pretend game blogger (who didn't understand his logic very well), and became popular not by technology but by showing off her breasts and buttocks in front of male audiences.

Because of her beautiful looks, the 21-year-old beauty anchor in Europe was bullied to death and insulted by millions of people for five years

He also gave Kika P a yellow chart on Instagram

He also wrote a very uncomfortable song, calling her a J-woman and accusing her of plastic surgery and seducing men by pretending to be a face.

Because of her beautiful looks, the 21-year-old beauty anchor in Europe was bullied to death and insulted by millions of people for five years

In the song, he also wears a wig with another male blogger to "imitate" Kika. In the video, he scratched his head and even rumored that Kika became famous by selling his body and sleeping with male fans and rich people.

Because of her beautiful looks, the 21-year-old beauty anchor in Europe was bullied to death and insulted by millions of people for five years

In the song, he repeatedly shouts to Kika, "Don't you feel ashamed? "It's as if you're defending the dignity and standards of the gaming world." Kika never paid much attention to his denigration, but Baka Prase soon incited fans to harass Kika.

Because of her beautiful looks, the 21-year-old beauty anchor in Europe was bullied to death and insulted by millions of people for five years

Remember that Baka Prase's insult to Kika's song garnered 8 million hits and soared to nearly 2 million followers. His army of millions of fans, most of them primary and secondary school students, was immediately instigated by him to rush to Kika's social media account and insult her ugly.

Because of her beautiful looks, the 21-year-old beauty anchor in Europe was bullied to death and insulted by millions of people for five years

Many people directly swiped the screen in Kika's live broadcast to let her "die" and "commit suicide", and For five years, Kika would see these contents every day when she opened the computer.

She doesn't understand what she's doing wrong, but in order to make more people love her, in order not to make herself unprofessional because she's "too pretty" (which in itself is a very sexist idea), she frantically hones her game level and teams up with other game bloggers not only without dragging her feet, but also with flying.

Because of her beautiful looks, the 21-year-old beauty anchor in Europe was bullied to death and insulted by millions of people for five years

But no matter how hard she tries, bullies, led by Baka Prase and his fans, will still come to the door and tell Kika that she is useless. Kika has mentioned in her account that she has been bullied continuously over the years and has read vicious comments from some netizens.

Because of her beautiful looks, the 21-year-old beauty anchor in Europe was bullied to death and insulted by millions of people for five years

At that time, she confessed that these people made her feel that she could not get the affirmation of others for what she did, which made her very frustrated for a while. She said she wanted to be happy and do whatever she wanted in life. However, due to the epidemic, she passed away because of the aggravation of depression suffered from bullying before.

Because of her beautiful looks, the 21-year-old beauty anchor in Europe was bullied to death and insulted by millions of people for five years

Baka Prase was undoubtedly to blame for Kika's death, but his reaction to Kika's death was even more disgusting. When he learned of Kika's death, he quickly deleted all the insulting videos about Kika and told the media: We have long been friends.

Because of her beautiful looks, the 21-year-old beauty anchor in Europe was bullied to death and insulted by millions of people for five years

Yes, he hadn't deleted the videos that insulted Kika in all these years, and he even had the face to say that he and Kika were friends. In order not to be responsible for bullying Kika, he said that he was one of the first people to be informed of Kika's death to show his closeness to Kika.

Because of her beautiful looks, the 21-year-old beauty anchor in Europe was bullied to death and insulted by millions of people for five years

He added: "Her friend said they would publicly support me and tell everyone the truth about the whole incident, but I refused because I didn't want to be a victim. If you hate me for that, then I don't care. ”

Because of her beautiful looks, the 21-year-old beauty anchor in Europe was bullied to death and insulted by millions of people for five years

Good guys, indirectly killed a young life, but also in turn sold tragically to say that they are innocent, really desperate. He also uploaded a new video after Kika's death, in which he wept bitterly about how sad he was.

Kika and some of her private messages were also released, saying that Kika had been in contact with herself when she was hospitalized for depression.

Because of her beautiful looks, the 21-year-old beauty anchor in Europe was bullied to death and insulted by millions of people for five years

It seems to be regretting Kika's death, but in fact, he wants to show that the girl herself has depression, and to get rid of the relationship between the girl's death and herself.

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if he personally reconciled with Kika, why did he never take the initiative to apologize for this matter for so many years, and after the so-called reconciliation, let the fans stop attacking Kika?

Because of her beautiful looks, the 21-year-old beauty anchor in Europe was bullied to death and insulted by millions of people for five years

In the video, he scolded netizens for listening to the wind and rain: "I'm sorry that I didn't publicly say that we had reconciled and become friends, but you shouldn't blame others without knowing the whole picture of the matter, you are making the dead unrestful, disrespecting the dead, in order to get a few likes, to satisfy the desire to retaliate against others, it is too ugly to do so." ”

Because of her beautiful looks, the 21-year-old beauty anchor in Europe was bullied to death and insulted by millions of people for five years

I really don't understand how he has the face to pretend to be a bullying victim, has always shown a state of acquiescence to the behavior of fans attacking Kika, does not delete the video insulting Kika, and only comes out after the person dies to "debunk the rumors" is a friend. Even if Kika didn't care about his villainous behavior, could that change the fact that he had caused harm to Kika?

Because of her beautiful looks, the 21-year-old beauty anchor in Europe was bullied to death and insulted by millions of people for five years

Some Serbian netizens said that Baka had bullied Kika with several bloggers before, and once Kika died, these former perpetrators ran out and said that they were shocked by Kika's death, as if they did not know what Baka and themselves had done over the years.

Because of her beautiful looks, the 21-year-old beauty anchor in Europe was bullied to death and insulted by millions of people for five years

In the five years that Kika was insulted and bullied, the girl who lived alone faced millions of people's malice every day, but no one spoke for her. Now that she's dead, these people still don't feel like they've done anything wrong.

Kika's funeral will take place on December 14, and the only big deal before that is that Baka Prase, who led the bullying of Kika, has been arrested by the police for sexually assaulting minors.

Because of her beautiful looks, the 21-year-old beauty anchor in Europe was bullied to death and insulted by millions of people for five years

Kika's YouTube webpage, forever stuck in the first three days of her death, is slightly tired in the video, but still laughing and playing games with fans. In the comments, Kika's followers pleaded with Kika's family not to delete the videos, and they wanted to come in and see her from time to time.

Because of her beautiful looks, the 21-year-old beauty anchor in Europe was bullied to death and insulted by millions of people for five years

There are also many teenage fans who have been fond of Kika since they were children five or six years ago, and they have typed a line "Thank you for making my childhood more beautiful" for Kika to send off.

Hopefully there will be less malice in the world, a little more such warm language, and hopefully such tragedies will not happen again...

Source: British Newspaper Sister

Because of her beautiful looks, the 21-year-old beauty anchor in Europe was bullied to death and insulted by millions of people for five years
Because of her beautiful looks, the 21-year-old beauty anchor in Europe was bullied to death and insulted by millions of people for five years
Because of her beautiful looks, the 21-year-old beauty anchor in Europe was bullied to death and insulted by millions of people for five years
Because of her beautiful looks, the 21-year-old beauty anchor in Europe was bullied to death and insulted by millions of people for five years

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