
Suddenly announced: Suspension of publication! It is the memory of generations ...

A children's publication that has accompanied generations

Came to the end

Zheng Yuanjie's "Fairy Tale King" was discontinued

This year's December issue became its masterpiece

Founded in 1985, "Fairy Tale King" has published 495 issues so far, with a total print run of more than 200 million copies, and each story is independently written by Zheng Yuanjie.

Some people say that "The Fairy Tale King" itself is a "fairy tale" that is difficult to reproduce.

Suddenly announced: Suspension of publication! It is the memory of generations ...
Suddenly announced: Suspension of publication! It is the memory of generations ...
Suddenly announced: Suspension of publication! It is the memory of generations ...

Readers lament: the memories of generations

The suspension of "Fairy Tale King" made readers very sorry, and some people lamented: Shuk Beta, Pippiru, Rubik's Cube Mansion, is the memory of childhood ah...

Suddenly announced: Suspension of publication! It is the memory of generations ...
Suddenly announced: Suspension of publication! It is the memory of generations ...
Suddenly announced: Suspension of publication! It is the memory of generations ...

Zheng Yuanjie's stories are integrated into many of his thinking and unique educational concepts, and these characters are also the epitome of Zheng Yuanjie, who does not obey authority, does not flattery and snobbery, and often does not fit in with traditional concepts, becoming the brand of the times with a wonderful painting style.

This is not the first time that Fairy Tale King has been discontinued

In fact, this is not the first time that Fairy Tale King has been suspended.

Suddenly announced: Suspension of publication! It is the memory of generations ...

"Fairy Tale King" was written by one person for 36 years

Suddenly announced: Suspension of publication! It is the memory of generations ...

In 1985, under the introduction of a reader, he contacted the Youth League Committee of Shanxi Province and ran his own children's publication, which later became "Fairy Tale King". At that time, he proposed royalties instead of royalties, which was a precedent at the time.

Suddenly announced: Suspension of publication! It is the memory of generations ...

Three years later, the monthly sales of "Fairy Tale King" exceeded one million.

The text of "Fairy Tale King" accounts for a very high proportion, for a long time the picture-text ratio is more than 9:1, and all the stories are completed by Zheng Yuanjie, and the intensity of work can be imagined.

Bought 10 suites to store reader letters

Suddenly announced: Suspension of publication! It is the memory of generations ...

At the end of this year,

Although "Fairy Tale King" is painted with a rest,

But Zheng Yuanjie's story will continue.

Stop publishing without stopping writing,

I wish Teacher Zheng forever young!

Source: Morning News, Southern Weekend

Editor-in-charge: Wang Yuxi

Review: Luo Shuangping

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